Monday, July 25, 2016

Establishment Schadenfreude Types

I was checking out the Young Turks analysis of the confrontation with Alex Jones. I give the Young Turk guy some points for stating that Jones was inappropriate but overall the Young Turk guy loses. Jones can be a little bombastic but at least he is real. Another argument this Young Turk guy had was that Jones didn't have any cred because he was a fringe liar conspiracy theorist that  thinks "everything is a conspiracy" His position is that JFK was a conspiracy but that is about it. Right there substantiates that I don't have any more respect for The Young Turks. Its unfortunate because they had a lot of potential. I never wanted to be a conspiracy theorist but the fact is that I am not, I consider myself to be somewhat of an investigative journalist. What started me writing about my angst toward the Clinton regimes incompetence during the Somalia quagmire in 1993 combined with Ws dropped balls in reference to the Iraq war has led me down a deep and dark path. In other words I started watching Jones and he was telling us about Extortion 17, he had the top CDC whistleblower on William Thompson telling us that vaccines are killing people. This got me more then a little upset so I am going to give Jones a pass for being a little too bombastic at times. This Young Turk guy also stated that  Jones was trying to inflate his ratings by causing a scene because nobody watches his show. Really, I know Donald Trump is listening to him and so are a lot of other Patriots. I don't know how much info The Young Turks put out about Vaccines but that alone should be front page news for every major news outlet. So I am indignant that our establishment news sources cover for these major corporate criminals. Jones told us that he knows people that got really sick from the MMR vaccine as well as the flu shot, infact they almost died. So this Young Turk guy is calling Jones a liar about what that is what I want to know? Jones had his reporters on the ground on 9-11 anniversaries telling us that the 9-11 story just doesn't add up what has anybody else done? He told us about Oklahoma City and he even had names on who was involved. We have a bunch of Schadenfreude plutocrats that pull the strings and I really don't like it. The top 1% go on a feeding frenzy of unbridled greed, they really don't do anything except talk about how rich and smart they are but watch out when somebody else competes with them or challenges their narcissism. That's when the Schadenfreude cat claws come out, that's pretty sick. The working middle class has been completely wiped out by these Illuminati freaks. Minimum wage jobs are even very difficult to find, take it from me because I cant find one and I am humble, I used to cart dead bodies to the morgue to make a few dollars and this is when I was in my late 30s. I loathe arrogant establishment types that call out real men like Alex Jones and try to discredit his real passion and legitimate sources. I don't know about anybody else but I am going to launch lawsuits the size of what used to be the Twin Towers against these Vaccine criminals. They can run but they cant hide forever. Intentionally giving innocent people poison vaccines under the phony guise of trying to help is beyond criminal. Like I stated in my Extortion 17 Treason blog justice will be served one way or another. I believe at this point it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt what their real agenda is. I am not talking about some bs lawsuit that has these giant companies just pay out a little fine either. Does anybody know how little these fines are in aggregate in comparison  to how many lives they have irrevocably ruined combined with how much money they have stolen over the years? Its a pittance, companies like Purdue Pharma, Merck And Pfizer have all dished out paltry fines here and there. Now with these vaccine courts they basically don't have any  liability, they are immune from prosecution. Don't underestimate the will of the people. When we all  come together after waking up from our mind controlled  stupor together we are talking about some heavy blowback. What did Yamamoto say after they bombed Pearl Harbor? "I am afraid that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant". I am talking about going after the cowards behind the curtain just like the Wizard Of Oz    

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