Sunday, July 24, 2016

Spy Firm Myths I always wanted to be a good guy spy until I learned that most of these spy agencies dont do anything. Check out this Freudian slip in this article-"Lone wolf attacks have a common theme of being carried out by actors"There you have it they are actually admitting that it is all an act because it really is. The Hoax, its all a Truman show mind game. Think about post 9-11 how many spy agencies went into action? They claimed incompetence and dropped balls pre-911 so this gave them a reason to up the ante with more spy firms that dont do a dam thing except spy on innocent people how creepy. What does NATGEOSAT really  do, NASA is all a hoax scam? I dont do that much either but at least I admit it and I am not taking home 250g a year. I live below the poverty line, I take solace in my writings and my K-9. CIA is a total scam. Everybody must check out Top Secret America on Frontline. These spookhoueses are up in the trillions of dollars range..They all say the same thing. We couldn't connect the dots with these Lone Wolf Attacks. Apparently this Matten clown from the Orlando shooting was doing research on Psychiatric meds and one of his associates stated that he may have fell into psychosis. Since all of these False Flag Attacks were planned in advance with the help of our intel agencies then I want to know what real attacks they have prevented? I watch The First 48 and I see these homicide detectives working really hard with what seems like antiquated technology. Why dont our local leos have access to all of this spook material these other agencies dont do anything with? Basically our spy firms are experts in  planning false flag lone gunman attacks and then claiming incompetence and failed dot connections. Our homicide detectives have a much more important job then  any spy in our spook houses.We dont have any real threats, its all manufactured so what do our spy firms really do? If anybody had their act together they would let these spook firms assist local leos for real crimes not bull shit ones.We all know cia operates stateside which they legally shouldn't be but since they are why dont they blow their cover and assist local leos and homicide detectives with cold cases? Otherwise wtf are they really doing? They do business plans and make money on wall street. They are all hooked into making alot of money for themselves meanwhile the local homicide detectives work overtime with antiquated technology with little or no help from these deep and dark spook firms.Our Spy Agencies  dont seem to do anything except plan false flags and talk about how great Nasa is  

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