Saturday, July 23, 2016

War Mongers And Direct Energy Weapons

I was checking out Jesse Vs show Off  The Grid and he had Dr Judy Wood on. She is a Forensic Engineer, somebody that is an expert in her field. I watched another clip of Abby Martin on his show as well. I am very impressed to say the least. I have heard Abbys  name in the past but I never actually saw her in action until this AM. I have never seen a woman this strong and powerful in media and this includes Mainstream as well. I watched her on Joe Rogan for a short clip talking about how Hillary is a total war criminal and neo con fraud and that she would never vote just because she is a woman. On Jesses show she was expressing outrage of Gitmo and how Obummer does absolutely nothing except kill people with Drones. She not only has high intellect she is very courageous. Getting back to Dr Judy Wood. It looks like she has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Towers came down by a (Direct Energy Weapon.) I am very impressed that Jesse V had her on his show. Jesse V is the real deal so how come many other people are not giving Dr Judy Wood the time of day? Apparently the Towers weren't Vaporized like Sean Connery because this would need to include high heat. That is why the Towers were turned to dust- Dustification. So I dont believe that the Towers came down because they were hit by two commercial jets. I dont think gasoline would melt those steel girders and then proceed to dustify the towers, so everybody can call me a wack job conspiracy theorist. Dr Judy Wood states that she has hard, conclusive, empirical evidence and that is the major difference between a conspiracy theory. Forensic evidence vs speculation. It was an electro magnetic scenario and Hurricane Erin may have played a hand in it. There were toasted cars, it was very creepy. So what we have is classified technology that is why she didn't get over the top with her NIST Lawsuits. Its very interesting that we now know that this technology exists but only the war mongers have access to it. I wouldn't mind having access to some of that Free energy. That is what Telsa was working on. Imagine a world where we didn't have pugnacious Cabals launching False Flag wars and killing innocent people for blood money, oil and drug profits?     

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