Thursday, July 21, 2016

Revolution Of 2016

You say you want a Revolution Don't You Know That You Can Count Me In. 1968- John Lennon was anti establishment look what happened to him. I was born with star spangled eyes. 1968 Year Of The Tet- MLK  and RFK and a lot of angry people. How come only the good guys go down too young? What did we really learn from Tet? Not much because they stayed in and a lot more of our guys got killed. When are our bureaucrats ever going to listen to We The People? Its almost 50 years later and I know that we still have a lot of pissed off people. Our Attorney General is trying to start a race war with Black Lives Matters and she was trying to stir things up at the Republican Convention. Hacked Messages Of BLM reveal this. Our President and Our Attorney General have been planning a Summer Of Chaos And potential Martial Law. Wait a minute aren't these people supposed to work for We The People? Aren't they supposed to be peaceful and not be involved in AGIPROP- Agitation Propaganda? They work for the citizens of this country so why would they be trying to stir shit up? Maybe because they are getting their strings pulled by people like George Soros. So Basically we have the two highest elected officials our country has to offer and they are trying to cause trouble wtf is wrong with this picture? Are we not supposed to be upset about this? When is our Attorney General going to resign from this position or be fired? Donald Trump we need you to restore order out of chaos. These NWO freaks have been trying to snatch our weapons for many years. I read some NWO UN document from the early 1960s which said something about weapon confiscation for a more peaceful world. In this hacked Twitter account it had some illiterate individual talking about how they had all of this support from Ms Lynch etc.. This individual was clearly uneducated and it was blatantly obvious how much racism was involved and how much hatred there was toward us white folks. "Our President has a long history of Disrespecting Traditional American Values. He has waged war against Christianity, he has illegally armed and supported Radical Islam Terrorists, He Has waged a constant battle against the 2nd Amendment.-" July 9" Ok what about all of these False Flags besides Sandy Hook? San Bernardino? The list is infinite so what are we supposed to do give Obummer a pass because he takes orders from the SSG? I don't really think Donald Trump is going to be taking orders from the SSG. Isn't that the point and the reason one is elected to the Oval Office? Not to get pushed around by anybody nor take orders but to really listen to We The People and what we are saying? How much respect can we really have for Obummer, he gets pushed around by the SSG, George Soros and Stew Webb stated that Daddy Bush is his handler. I saw these clowns like Eric Holder come in and stage a school shooting 30 miles from where I used to live and they blamed it on a 90 pound photo shop weakling who doesn't even exist. I think that we have hit rock bottom as a country would anybody else agree with me? This Lanza character was supposed to have wiped out a lot of women and children but the story just doesn't add up. It would be physically impossible for that kid to do what is alleged. So these clowns want a Revolution And  A War then they came to the right place. Our Attorney General is supposed to be honorable, they aren't supposed to stage school shootings and talk about how the American people need to be brainwashed about guns and think about them in a vastly different way would anybody else agree with me? Also for the record this war against so called assault weapons is bogus and fraudulent. NY State was trying to pull that shit with me. An Assault Weapon has three characteristics that a weapon must have. A standard AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle that doesn't even have one of these characteristics so why are these gun snatchers always talking about banning assault weapons when real assault weapons are few and far between? What about the burial ceremony for Extortion 17 three months after they allegedly executed Bin Laden? WTF was that some Islam ceremony for our fallen warriors who went down in extremely suspicious circumstances? They had their Taliban asset take out our guys the very best this country has to offer.These as holes took them out to cover up their Bin Laden Scam and then proceeded to cremate their bodies without their families permission and then to add insult to injury gave them some Islam burial? Am I the only one who is supposed to be full of righteous indignation about this?   

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