Friday, July 1, 2016

Powder Keg

Our criminal justice system is an absolute joke. I went on youtube to learn more about this Epstein child porn pedophile clown and the Young Turks had a really good 10 plus minute clip on details of this scandal. Apparently he was only given 13 months because he had another dream team with some big name attorneys. This guy is a billionaire and he was flying in his jet with Slick Willy. It looks like the dream team was threatening to dig up dirt on these prosecutors. Instead of the Feds coming in to put the clamps down they did just the opposite and completely backed off. They kept it a little low key state issue with only a minor conviction with the 13 months. The best dream team of lawyers one can ask for. However according to Stews link it stated that the prominent lawyers in Fla. were none too happy about this thus the reason for some potential blowback in this case. It sounds like it may be a potential powder keg ready to explode. Just think about how much time Joe Blow off the street would get if they were involved in something like this? This should get very interesting to say the least. These Fallen Angels have been doing horrible things way above the law for far too long now.    

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