Friday, July 22, 2016

Extortion 17 Treason

Don Brown wrote a book Call Sign Extortion 17. Don has an impressive background as a JAG Officer. The official story just doesn't add up. Charlie Strange is over 100% convinced these cockroaches took that Chinook down. I am talking about cockroaches that were supposed to have sworn an oath to The United States Of America. That is correct DEVGRU went down with collusion from our side. What were they doing in that dilapidated piece of garbage? The Pathfinders couldn't find the Black Box but in every other case they were able to find it? It got washed away in a flash flood are you kidding me? They got hit with an RPG that was above and beyond an RPGs effective Range how could that be possible? Don Brown stated that the Congressional Investigation was a Dog And Pony show, a total fraud and cover up scam. The most elite warriors in the world were not given the green light for pre assault suppressive fire? Billy Vaugn Aarons dad, one of the seals that went down is actively involved in trying to open up a new Congressional investigation, not that Treasonous joke they had a couple of years ago. Why were the Pathfinders allowed to have suppressive fire but Seal team 6 wasn't allowed to do this for a nasty firefight going in the Tangi Valley? WTF kind of ROEs is this? Then General McRaven gets promoted the day of having the parents over to get intel on how and why their sons were murdered? Donald Trump better open up this case. There were so many flagrant violations of standard military protocol people need to go down for this. Who were these unknown Afghans who weren't on the Flight Manifest and nobody knows who they were? This was a total and complete violation of protocol and this wasn't even mentioned in the After Action Colt Report WTF is that all about? Perimeter Defense Does Not Matter When Our Enemies Lie Within Our Gates .McRaven didn't have an answer for Billy Vaugn when he asked him about these unknown Afghanis, he just sat there stone faced silent with his new promotional star. His senior NCO did however. He told Mr Vaugn that it was a big deal that nobody knew who these Afghanis were. What were they doing in a Vietnam era obsolete piece of shit that is used for pick up and transport only? How come nobody is making a big deal about this? Everybody remembers our great leaders sitting in the Situation Room three months earlier when they were taking credit for taking out Bin Laden. Biden and Hillary what heroes. One way or another justice needs to be served because this is a total cover up operation. How could they consider that special investigation legitimate if they weren't even allowed to have real witnesses? I cant wait for the Seals to unleash the dogs of war on the right people someday down the road hopefully sooner rather then later. Warriors never forget so like I already stated justice will be served one way or another.   

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