Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sandy Hook And Orlando Criminals Wolfgang had one of his computer forensic experts confirm that the girl that was supposed to have been murdered in the Sandy Hook fraud where no children really died was the same little girl singing at the Superbowl. This man is a professional analyst with 28  years of experience. These people really are sick and twisted. At this point there is no reason for me to believe that anybody really died in Orlando either. One thing is certain these people are predators that are into plunder and pillage. Our Attorney General doesn't look very honorable, I am usually a pretty good judge. We need a real Attorney General. Does anybody have any idea how much money these frauds are stealing? How much money was raised in Orlando from gullible people that donated millions? On top of that there is federal grant money and all of the money that is used to expedite phony legislation for all of the compromised crisis actors in congress. Plenty of Fema grant money and lets not forget the government contract money passed around for upgrades in safety procedures. For Sandy Hook they created fear grief and panic across this country, even across the world. I hope that there are some awake indignant parents out there who really want to see these frauds get taken down. Think about what an egregious abuse of power this is. The highest elected officials this country has,The Attorney General and our Potus. They are supposed to uphold our ethics and abide by the US constitution.The President is the chief law enforcement officer of the supreme law of the land. What did he do when we needed him most? He staged a false flag 30 miles from where I used to live and he made believe that little children were murdered. Am I the only one that is supposed to be upset about this? Then he had his right hand man Holder dish out millions of dollars to non existent real families as well as to the corrupt law enforcement officers that went along with it. Wolf has 2 ct state troopers that provided him with  smoking gun evidence of the fraud, ie- false affidavits signed by ct state troopers. I was never a saint by any stretch, I even broke  the law at times and haven't always told the truth. However I  would never be in collusion with something this sick and sinister.These people should seriously bury their head in the sand and repent. Instead they are doing just the opposite.They are actually increasing their criminal prevarications in every way one can imagine. This is how cia operates. They try to make you feel guilty for something that they really are a part of. Consciousness of guilt as well but it even goes one step above that as far as their arrogance is concerned.. Its all a mind game, it worked on me for a little while. How much more criminal can you get, trying to make us feel guilty for something that they really are in collusion with. That is the epitome of what is wrong with these NWO freaks, they are not even human, ie- no empathy..  .     

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