Friday, July 8, 2016

Rise Of The Privateers This is a great article. The rise of the privateers, the private security and private investigation field should have always played a larger role on the federal level. However it looks like it was squashed out by the FBI which really wasn't even that legal. The Pinkertons had spys on the ground in the Civil War. They really knew what they were doing. Just think about how and why the FBI never really worked for We The People. If what Comey just did in regard to the Hilary Scam isn't enough to convince us lets take a look at JE Hoover. The mob had him in their back pocket. They had all of his gambling and homo dirt on file which is why they rolled right over him. These head sheds of the Bureau have all been career politicians how much more obvious can they make it? Let us also examine what Stew Webb has to say about what he has experienced with the gangsters that were actually working for the FBI.- Ted Gunderson etc. these people were disgusting individuals. With all due respect to the honorable FBI Agents because I am sure that their are many. However considering there is enough intel out there to support that FBI JTTF is basically a racketeering operation that recruits retards to carry out dud terror attacks. This is why the rise of the privateers is the way to go. Sandy Hook is a perfect example. How can We the People conduct an independent investigation? Unfortunately its not easy to do, that is why Wolfgang needs an independent Pi firm to work with him. With all due respect to the many great videos and operations like Independent Media Solidarity just putting You Tube Videos up or strictly being info providers is not enough to investigate something like this. We cant really trust the FBI to investigate something that we know has their hooks in as collaborators to begin with lets be honest? How can they reopen a case that they just helped close, that has been the conundrum of our Feds across the board. Its compartmentalization and its capital cronyism and Federal Agents working for the FBI who have been selling out the integrity of this country for many years. Fidelity Bravery Integrity not so much. They were put in power to actually work for and protect the most powerful crime families this country has ever known. That is why the Privateers must come out of the woodwork just like the Minute Men of the Revolutionary War. We need to be able to restore order out of chaos. The only way investigations can get from point A to B is by doing exactly what Wolfgang is doing. FOIA requests for starters, he is strong and not intimidated to raise hell and to let We the People know about it. He is transparent and that needs to be the new paradigm of investigations. We need to take the word private out of it because that has been the number one problem all along. Investigations need to be open to We the People via the internet as well as by programs like Alex Jones. This is absolutely the only way this Frankenstein's Monster of Federal Stonewall Criminal bureaucracies that call themselves Federal Agents will ever end. The rise of the privateers and we need to be armed to the teeth as well. There is no way that any Fed can have more firepower then us, that is another downfall of unlimited budgets with counterfeit currency. Going up against 1.5 billion rounds of hollow point isn't exactly going up against weakness. In essence  investigations need to be privatized but not private. Transparent to We the People and modeled after the Pinkerton Spy Firm of yesteryear where it was actually ok to make a decent dollar as a Green Badger or civilian.

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