Wednesday, July 13, 2016

No More Gold In Them Hills Baron Rothschild stated "The time to buy is when their is blood on the streets"Whether its squashing out a small fry competitor with ruthless anti trust tactics or shorting the market on purpose the elites know when and where to make big money. Could this hold true for the program as well? This was a very interesting article which basically makes the argument that the Double Chloride gold treatment may have been purposely withheld from Bill W. I do believe that his Orthomoleculor Niacin Vitamin B-3 13th step was a great idea. This was repudiated by the group conscience for reasons that dont make any sense to me. Dr Keeley boasted a 95% success rate for alcoholism but was labeled a quack and discredited. After Dr Keeleys death Bill was given the elites poison Belladona treatment in Towns hospital. This is around the same time Dr Keeley died so why didn't they give him the gold treatment? I do believe that the Rockefellers weren't all evil, the fact that they were on the board of AA says alot to me. The program is not meant to be a money maker its meant to save lives and has for countless individuals that were alcoholics of the hopeless variety. I am one, an alcoholic that repudiated the spiritual principles and paid a heavy price. Its all about humility and an acknowledgement in a power greater then oneself as well as a daily desire to get out of self and help others with humility and gratitude. I do believe that the elites know this but if Bill knew about the gold cure this may have saved alot more people. In other words the two fold approach to recovery, the spiritual combined with the bio chemical. Maybe the elites wanted to convey the message that there was no more gold in them hills?. Rockefeller hooked up in 1928 with a huge medical cartel comparable to the big wigs of today (Pfizer and Purdue Pharma.) I did research on Ibogaine and I see no reason for this to be illegal in the US except for the fact that it isnt something that big Pharma can patent and make a killing on. They are sharks swimming in the water smelling blood so anything that may help it really doesn't matter it must be squashed out and discredited just like Dr Keeley. I am eternally grateful for the Rockefellers because AA saved my life and today I have 10 months..I just feel that effective treatments must be brought to the table to increase successful recovery rates for what is a hellacious disease. Bill was into LSD, it makes sense that Ibogaine should be mandatory for all addicts when starting treatment. We need to bring gold back as a treatment as well, if it worked once why wouldn't it work again? I am telling you that these doctors that are giving addicts massive amounts of maintenance drugs like cyboxin and subutex are part of the problem. There is a huge racketeering operation going on because the rates of mental illness and addiction has never been this prevalent. It is manufactured can anybody else see this besides me? Addicts and alcoholics are coming in to treatment and are being labelled bi polar, up to 60? Cor morbid conditions do exist but most of these diagnosis are not legit because its drug induced behavior. How prevalent was manic depression 50 years ago? It wasn't that pervasive at all so how and why are all of these addicts getting diagnosed with cor morbid conditions with big pharma meds the size of Mt Everest?. Let me tell you something there is no way any addict should be taking handfuls of meds even when they are detoxing. For alcoholism yes Valium and Xanax can save ones life during the detox stages to prevent a brain hemmorage but other then that big Pharma is taking advantage of sick people. Its in our nature to self medicate that is why if these doctors are giving us bottles of multiple meds of course we will take them. That is criminal, on the top it is aiding and abetting in a criminal racketeering operation. Not only that somebody cant even be accurately diagnosed until they are abstinent from most of the psychotropics that are giving one the negative symptoms to begin with. Its very shady to say the least so these doctors better start doing whats right for their patient.The secret is out, everybody knows big Pharma is a racket that really doesn't care about the patient. Look at these vaccines that should say it all. One day alot of people are going to go down for this, mark my words. In reference to the Keeley Gold cure I dont know how they were basing their so called cure success rates. There is no cure for alcoholism just a daily reprieve contingent on the basis of ones spiritual condition. Maybe it was great for detox and helped with cravings but if it condoned a so called cure that made people feel they could be normal again and go back to drinking then it definitely wasn't  legit. People can be considered recovered but never cured. I found this out the hard way    

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