Sunday, July 31, 2016

Flat Earth Burn Notice Has a 41 minute video about Eric Dubay. This spiritual man basically stated that Dubay is a cia Free Mason Hollywood actor. Cointelpro brought in, born and raised as a product of the Beltway Bandits. He even stated that Dubay denied ever living in DC. I figured Dubay to be cia fairly early on. I saw his You Tube videos on aplanetruth and was quite impressed. I just figured that nobody is that smart. And then came his eccentricities, his anti Semitism, cross dressing, his overall weirdness, that is when  I figured for certain that this guy is getting his strings pulled. I still feel that he has great intel. His videos on You Tube are so well done that he must have a decent backer to continue to finance his radio stints etc. What isn't so great is that this man (he didn't identify himself) stated that Dubay took the books he sent him and that's when he went full force into the Flat Earth movement. That wasn't a very nice thing to do and plus not giving him any credit? The thing is that Dubay is very well spoken so when he gives these interviews he comes across as very credible. He really isn't discrediting the Flat Earth movement, infact he is enhancing it. He is shining a light on it that is quite Illuminating. His recent You Tube videos are getting hundreds of thousands of views. The cia is all about control. They had a guy like Dubay come out to Divide and Conquer because they know that they are untouchable. Free Mason Protected Entities that will never be taken down. If they ever make it appear that they are being taken down it will be something that they controlled the entire time. Double agent crisis actors that appear like victims, these people are all over the place. Just look at 9-11 Truth this so called movement is infiltrated by thousands of people all appearing to be righteously indignant. All cia puppets that were brought in many years ago. So no I don't want to go to war with Dubay because I feel that overall he is not trustworthy. The man in the video stated that Dubay is very shady that is why he always wears his shades, very telling. I don't respect his anti Semitism and respect for Hitler. Who could respect that guy? These Divide and Conquer types are not that difficult to call out. When you have people that are sincere and just as intelligent that have genuine motives these people can spot phonies from miles away. I still respect Dubays intel and will continue to check it out. That faux Jupiter cgi intel is quite impressive. Dubay needs to continue to play ball with the cia otherwise he might end up like Michael Weston (Burned) 

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