Friday, July 8, 2016

Main Stream Media Political Sell Outs This isn't good for anybody, how can public records be blocked? That is the reason FOIAs were invented. The public has a right to know what is really going on in their country. This is just a continuation of the same thing, I hope people start waking up in numbers that far exceed expectations. I don't know about anybody else but when I watch the news I expect them to tell the truth and not shed phony tears about an event that they knew was coming. That is terrorism in its finest form,the masses are mostly asleep and I know for certain that little hole in the glass was impossible for leos to pass through at  Sandy Hook. No way those guys made it through that diminutive so called entrance to this so called school shooting. Oreilly is a fraud. Lets compare Oreilly to Alex Jones. Jones is indignant and he speaks the truth. He cant stand Obama because our commander in chief is not trustworthy. Those false flag phony tears were as pathetic as you can get. Oreilly was asked what he though Obummers legacy would be and he basically stated that it wouldn't be horrible and that our president was actually a good role model. Are you kidding me Oreilly Oswald was a lone straight shooter as well. There is still time for Oreilly to redeem himself. The only thing he needs to do is put Wolfgang Halbig on his show and ask him about his FOIA requests to the state of Ct. Alex Jones told us all about black ops cia and every other spook operation that has been infiltrating our country for years. Is that the price one has to pay to be a big money sell out like Oreilly. Everybody knows that Oreilly  knows that Oswald was not a lone shooter he probably wasn't even a shooter at all. It shouldn't be legal to stage a school shooting making it appear that little kids were killed because that's despicable. Fox News knows this so what do they say to each other when they make their phony rounds during their black tie galas? I know what I would be saying. I would be like they cant pay me enough to report this bull shit I am getting out and going out on my own. Sandy Hook should be the line of demarcation in the sand to abandon ship. If you don't do what's right for our country this is what you are going to be remembered for for the rest of your career. I hope the dirty blood money has been worth it. These politicians like Bloomberg and Malloy make me very sick to my stomach

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