Saturday, July 30, 2016

Establishment Cover Up Con Artists  What country do we live in? We live in the most hypocritical draconian establishment ruled land where the laws are enforced by Plutocrats that don't abide by them themselves. How is this basketball coach getting sentenced to 14 years for sexting an underage girl? Are you kidding me sexting an underage girl that's it and he gets sentenced to 14 years? With all of the heinous crimes the establishment has been getting away with ie- Boys town pedophilia, body snatching young victims from Foster care never to be seen again. These children are being coerced against their will to engage in child trafficking and sex trafficking rings. Some of these children are being murdered and their body parts then become  part of lucrative organ selling rings overseas. The cia that nobody talks about in  Mainstream media, so this means that they are culpable since they are covering up for these creatures of Satan. But it is ok to ruin this basketball coach's life for sexting a girl are you kidding me? What does the system have to say for itself? There are a bunch of child rapist predators that are known to have engaged in such sexually depraved activity that I  can barely write about it and this is ignored and enabled by our Mainstream media, district attorneys,  judges,  prosecutors. Basically all Law Enforcement Officials have turned their back on this. Books are written about this and it is discussed in detail in the alternative media but still nothing is done. Instead they decide to send a message and look like hero's by sentencing this guy to 14 years for something that really should have been only a slap on the wrist. Our society is full of mendacious, phony hypocrites that do absolutely nothing except enforce ridiculous laws that we really shouldn't even have in the first place. When are things going to change? When are these despicable Boystown types going to jail that is what I want to know? There are many Jerry Sanduskys still running around out there and they are being enabled by our Mainstream media. If they are not covering this now and since they never have what other conclusion is one to come to? That is correct our Mainstream media is culpable in aiding and abetting in the cover up of these Boystown Franklin Cover Up pedophiles. They still proceed to waste everybody's time by looking like hero's by sentencing a basketball coach to 14 years and essentially ruining his life just because he engaged in sexually explicit text messages etc wtf are you serious? What kind of country do we really live in that is what I want to know? When is our media going to cover Bohemian Grove and the Denver 12? Stew Webb has all the intel on this unfortunately we have a bunch of cover up con artists that are pulling everybody's strings    

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