Friday, July 22, 2016

Young Turks Vs Alex Jones And Roger Stone

I watched Alex Jones and Roger Stone going up against The Young Turks. I watched that Young Turk Guy in the past and even wrote a blog about it. They seemed to be unbiased with their assessment of the Hillary fraud. I dont know exactly what their agenda is but it seems clear to me that they are partisan, slanted way to the left. It doesn't really matter left or right because its really all about right and wrong. So this Young Turk guy goes off on Roger Stone and says that he is a liar, really? He was basically making the case that Slick Willy wasn't a rapist and that Donald Trump is. I have lost all respect for the Young Turks. From the limited amount of due diligence I have come to the conclusion that the rape allegation against Trump was from a woman that doesn't even exist. So there is a potential fraudulent lawsuit filed against Trump from an Adam Lanza type character charade. The only thing I have to say is that if Roger Stone doesn't have verified sources vetted through and through then why isn't he being sued? Roger Stone stated that Slick Willys victims are willing to speak out on the record in the months to come as well. How is Roger Stone a liar that is what I want to know? If I were Roger Stone I would take that accusation personally. What do these people have to say about Stew Webb that is what I want to know? Stew Webb states that all of his intel is legit and many of the despicable things he talks about Stone has in specific detail in his book Clintons War On Women. I want to learn more about this because this Young Turk guy called out Roger Stone and my gut tells me that he is way off base. I have studied Alex Jones and I believe that he is a true Libertarian and would support a Democrat just as much as a Republican. Our situation goes above and beyond that today. How can this Young Turk guy be on the left in this day and age? Its sheer principle. I believe that anybody that supports the Clinton Regime has serious issues that are above and beyond the scope of being helped.I also feel that any media hoars that are still covering for the Clinton Regimes heinous crimes need to be  exposed for who and what they are. Enablers, Aiding And Abetting the list goes on. Maybe one day we will be able to have a two party system that is not totally corrupt but this is only after Trump gets in to clean house. "Your Fired", he will take charge like the true executive that he is and alot of people will go to jail.

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