Sunday, July 3, 2016

Greasy Politicians Another Clinton dropped ball. He didn't intervene because there was no financial gain involved. The US has never had our best interests at heart. Anytime they intervened it was planned way in advance and there was a lot of looting in the war plan. Skull And Bone Pirate type operations where the motive is pure greed regardless of how many of our soldiers lost their life. This world police cover is the biggest scam since Prescott Bush was in bed with the Nazi regime. If my son were sent into Somalia in 93 I would be pressing war crime charges against the Clinton regime. Col McKnight specifically stated what he needed and he was totally blown off and jerked around. The brass didn't want to ruffle any feathers and of course they didn't care if everybody's cover got blown with reporters. Our politicians are pathetic individuals, the only thing they are concerned with are photo ops and slick Willy greasy palm handshakes. That Orlando shooting looks like another false flag. Wolfgang is checking into it. That Navy Yard shooting, what a joke. The DHS photo op clown was right there in front of the CVS for a photo op. Apparently the police were on the way to the hospital with a gunshot victim but decided to drop the victim off in front of the CVS instead. Not rushing to the hospital  and dropping a gunshot victim off to lay him on the ground for a photo shot I am not making this up. When Are We The People going to have a Mass uprising to get rid of this criminal scum that makes believe they have our best interest at heart?

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