Monday, July 18, 2016

Flat Earth Gatekeepers The Gatekeepers in alternative media are a total joke. I don't know percentages or whos who exactly however it is safe to state that I saw a few interviews with a so called flat earther going up against one of the Gatekeepers cointelpro and it was humorous. For starters it goes back to the Milgram experiment in the early 1960'S. The game plan is if somebody of authority tells you something not only must you obey it has to be true right? It appears to me that some of these alternative media shills have dedicated their career to act as limited hangout controlled opposition and have earned a very loyal almost cult like following. I am going to state straight out that I was addicted to Infowars and VT. I just really enjoyed the intel they both put out on a daily basis. I cant relate to main stream news but when these two outlets started singing tunes that kept me alert and awake, it was music to my ears. I never had one in real world but it was like the cacophony of a firefight. Almost everything I have learned intel wise has come from these two news sources. That said there is a plethora of other radio hosts that I have checked out from time to time and some of these people have debated the flat earth scenario. Its almost like ok I cant think for myself if this radio host says that if I think the earth is flat then I am crazy so it must be so. This means that I don't have the ability to  analyze any intel, data, ossint sources on my own. I need the validation of this polyester suit gatekeeper. I read. great intel from, and Eric Dubay initially until the MK Ultra demons took over his soul and I came to my own conclusion- "The earth is flat," Sorry to hurt these gatekeepers feelings but doesn't t somebody in the so called alternative news media want us to be independent and critical thinkers? It took me about 10 minutes of checking out Dubays youtube videos and I was sold. What I am trying to say is that some of these gatekeepers are frauds because even the most dumbed down individual can come to the conclusion that we aren't really spinning and its all a Free Mason Scam. So how much extra are these Gatekeepers getting paid to discredit the so called "flat earthers"? I also feel that the flat earther term is  pejorative and it is also meant to discredit people that have actually  analyzed the obvious. I don't know about anybody else but I want to see these slimeballs go down eventually. That means a plethora of intelligent strong willed so called flat earthers need to unite and then proceed to initiate a massive class action lawsuit. "We The People"vs Free Mason slimeball cia Nasa and Associates." I just need to dig a little deeper to figure out how many good guy astronauts these Nasa cult freaks have killed over the years. Some of the people that people claim have died didn't really die. It would be a good situation to hook up with some like minded individuals. The other thing that makes absolutely no sense to me is that some of these gatekeepers are coming out with "oh flat earther people are discrediting the 9-11 truth movement". WTF does that have to do with anything? Its two different subjects why would I discredit 9-11 truth just because I figured out the bs globe scam after it was initially pointed out to me? If one really wants to get technical they are both very much related. The Free Mason cia hoax scam artists just continued on with business as usual on 9-11. I have learned that the Jesuits may be the real bad guys. I don't know it makes sense to me. It look like some of these gatekeepers are  blaming everything on Israel. 

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