Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sober Home Fraud

http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/crime-law/delray-police-two-fatals-among-13-heroin-overdoses/nr5RZ/ Alot of people are dying from these drugs that are coming in from Afghanistan.The good guys are overwhelmed because handling ods is a grueling process, its a warzone pure and simple. There is also added pressure with a recently created Taskforce to clamp down on insurance fraud in regard to various sober homes. Apparently the laws on the books were a little antiquated so alot of fraud is going on. In the past five years the pressure has been increased, the FBI as well as some state insurance fraud investigators are investigating but as of yet no arrests appear to have been made. My position is that I feel that lab tests are fine as long as owners arent taking advantage intentionally. In other words sending a blood test out has remarkable returns per unit, so good infact that any hedge fund investor would want in now one can see why its a real Gold Rush. Sending tests to the lab is ok by me because it puts parents at ease. Being able to track down alcohol metabolites back to almost 36 hours is quite impressive. Like I stated as long as the owners arent doing this as a pure profit center then I am ok with it. Unfortunately alot of them are, the amount of money being made on lab tests alone is millions of dollars. Many clients are getting tested multiple times over for no other reason then alot of money is being paid out by the insurance companies. There must be a middle ground or an ombudsman to set up a checks and balances system to make sure that these owners are not taking advantage for pure greeds sake. This is gods work, if you arent in it because you want to help people then you shouldn't even be near it. There is no higher calling then to help somebody who is suffering, for that reason alone this industry needs to be cleaned up. These client body snatching brokers on the other hand definitely need to go to jail. They are called body snatchers and this is as diabolical as one can get, If somebody sends their kid down to Palm Beach Fla they want them to have the best chance to succeed. These body snatchers are luring addicts away from one sober home getting them high just so they can get a huge kickback by sending them to another one. If an addict gets kicked out and is on the street a lot of times they get picked up by these body snatchers and then sent to another one allegedly high on drugs. Last time I checked one had to be abstinent to even get into a sober home how are these body snatchers getting away with this? They are probably having them go to detox first. This is not that much different then Human Trafficking. Taking advantage of sick people in a field that is pure and noble where there is no higher calling must be met with severe penalties. Lets get past all of this red tape and put some hard core laws on the books to eliminate this scum. Body snatching addicts and getting them high just to make alot of money are you kidding me? There are alot of drug dealers that hang out around these sober homes and rehabs as well and this needs to stop. This disease is cunning baffling and powerful, we have an illness. call it what ever one wants its truly a handicap. We dont need unscrupulous criminals taking advantage of people that are already suffering deeply

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