Thursday, June 30, 2016

Treason Just out of curiosity how does the number 1 intel guy and the most heroic whistle blower this country has ever seen have only 4,000 views on youtube? Are people that brain dead? A few years back I didn't know anything but I did have intellectual curiosity. I just figured if they killed JFK why wouldn't they do that to his son? I saw some intel online but I still had no idea who Stew Webb was or Tom Flacco for that matter. I just sensed that they knew what they were talking about and I took a risk by writing about it. I felt sick about the whole thing. Infact I felt more then a little sick especially the part where W and Hil witch were spotted on the ground before his plane took off. I am telling you that if this isn't enough for people to start a Revolution then nothing will. People like us aren't into research and going on and on with conspiracy theory bull shit because we already know what the truth is and we don't like pontificating. We want and need people to be executed for high treason pure and simple. When I started writing I wrote about the bailout and how Paulson, Bernanke and Geitner were hero's by bailing out the banks with their coerced 700 billon dollar Tarp plan against the will of We The People as well as many of the head sheds of these wall street firms. Frontline made these people look like real hero's but are they really? It states right here in Stews link that Al Gore was going to shoot down that bank law that Slick willy signed which essentially allowed the brokerage houses to act as casinos that were leveraging 10-1 on derivative money that was all printed out of thin air. I try to be fair and balanced and give people the benefit of the doubt but how can we when it is all in Stews article. The 08 mortgage scam was planned way in advance and Nancy Pelosi was fear mongering telling us that there would be Marshal Law in the streets if we didn't go along with it. How much money did these crime families steal with that mortgage scam bail out? Still to this day nobody has had cuffs put on them which is the only real way to send a message. A few small fry loan originators were locked up by the FBI but isn't that always the case. They stole trillions of dollars didn't they? So the senate seat was taken away from JFK junior because they assassinated him as well as  his wife and his wife's sister just so they could  leave room for you know who. What did she do as Senator? Universal Health care that she even admitted she knew nothing about. She did nothing these people have done absolutely nothing but start illegal wars, steal money rig markets and kill innocent people. Al Gore was our president wasn't he? Shouldn't we have a grand jury investigation for that reason alone?

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