Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wage War On Big Pharma

https://www.yahoo.com/news/neil-degrasse-tyson-kicks-hornets-174351928.html We have a bad situation going on in this country as well as many others. It appears that Big Pharma is a criminal cartel. It looks like vaccines are intentionally causing Autism. In other words a premeditated mass scale operation. If this turns out to be true then many people need to go to jail. However what does one do when these cartels are immune from prosecution due to the Vaccine court? William Thompson already came out as a whistleblower and Dr. Andrew Wakefield was on Alex Jones telling it the way it is. Prof Doom essentially breaks it down by stating that the Nagalese protein is being intentionally injected during the vaccination process this apparently is what is causing Autism. This is what is blocking the bodies natural production of GCMAF- therefore preventing the immune system from doing its job. Doctors are apparently dead now because they were treating thier patients by obtaining GCMAF illegally overseas treating cancer and in many cases reversing Autism. A lot of holistic doctors are no longer around, this in itself should be quite disturbing for most normal people. If this doesn't get you upset then I don't want you on my team. Now the Free Mason WHO wants to wage war in 33 countries with their vaccine agenda. 33 is the Occult number the same way the UN flat earth map is divided into 33 sections. Thomas Friedman wrote the World is Flat, it is a great book, now I know what he means. I just thought he was talking about globalization and competition with China and India. He is a smart guy I also read From Beirut to Jerusalem. I am convinced that even Manic Depression/Bipolar is manufactured or at the very least highly exacerbated. If anybody has an ill big pharma has a pill or vaccine for it. I don't think Neil Degrasse Tyson is a fan of man with his space war and vaccine promo 

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