Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sandy Hook Con Jobs

So what did these satanic freaks do in reference to the Sandy Hook scam? Jonathon Reich has a 100k bond right now but he wasn't supposed to be arrested to begin with. That was a false arrest, that is what the Ct. state trooper signed off on ie- "that there was no crime committed thus no further investigation was needed" So why was Jonathon jerked around 10 times going back and fourth to court and why does he have legal fees that exceed well over 50k? Why does he have any legal fees at all, because although he wasn't supposed to be arrested to begin with this was a community court issue where in most cases lawyers are not even needed? Apparently Jonathon was asking questions about a little girls picture that was stolen illegally from a woman's flickr  account. These freaks actually used this woman's daughters pic and tried to pass it off as a little child that was murdered in the SHES school shooting how disgusting is that? Let me tell you something if these freak show cia pedophiles and politicians stole my kids pic from cyber space and used it in a propaganda based fraudulent false flag heads would be rolling to the end of time because this goes way beyond the pale of sinister sickness. I am telling you that there would be convoys rolling down the streets in Newtown and there would be a lot of operators with real weapons drawn on these satanic perverts. The state of CT. took away my glock for bs reasons but I am still bringing one to defend myself. Nothing is more pure then an all out firefight to prove your point because these people are so sick and disturbed that this is probably the only way they would ever get the message. Wolfgang has the governor not telling the truth on video by playing dumb and he is also doing a great job trying to get these bureaucrats to swear under oath. He needs to get them in federal court and there needs to be  major and multiple class action lawsuits filed against these frauds. This is going to be-  We The People who are going to launch the lawsuits because this is major fraud of epic proportions. NDAA act or not there were so many fragrant violations of the rule of law in that SHEs false flag school shooting where no children really died. Wolfgang has 2 ct state troopers who provided him with smoking gun evidence of up to 12 Ct. state troopers that signed false affidavits, that is evidence of a crime thus the reason for the words smoking gun. The Newtown police chief told Wolf that he needs to announce himself next time he passes through Newtown. What kind of bully mobster comment is that? That is the line Josh Brolin used against Russell Crowe in American Gangster. These juiceheads are gangsters with no integrity. We have to take the power away from the criminals and get all of the gun owners in this country and all of the other Patriots far and wide to be involved in all of these lawsuits. It will be like launching a cruise missile with the words painted on it- "Welcome to America you diabolical establishment scumbags" 

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