Sunday, June 26, 2016

Emperors Kings And Queens

I was watching the Mark Levin show on youtube. He had Peter Schweizer on talking about his book Clinton Cash. Peter stated that when he was on main stream media talking to George Stephanopoulos he was basically told that his book doesn't mean that much because it doesn't prove that a crime was committed. What kind of establishment comment was that? What does that really mean that a crime wasn't committed? He is an investigative journalist not a law enforcement official. Speaking of which last time I checked money laundering with Nigerian crime families is  a crime so where are our law enforcement officials? What do our politicians really do? Get rich by making us poor lying and laughing all the way to the bank. I am indignant because there aren't any jobs out there. They lie about that as well. Unemployment is more like 25-30% not under 10%. What do politicians really do? They start wars by blaming somebody else for what they really initiated and then make believe they really care and then pose as the savior. Ambassador Stevens is dead now and he was asking for increased security. A lot of other great men were killed in Benghazi but what difference does it make? Getting rich by getting our guys killed with stand downs, lies and cowardice. When are all of our politicians going to resign out of principle alone? Now its more Islamic Jihad fearmonging. The only thing I know is that the Clinton crime family is in the same league as the Bush crime family so how is somebody like this even allowed to run for president can somebody please explain this to me?  Alex Jones said that Hilary Clinton has her hooks in Fast and Furious as well. Using benevolent looking charities and using that as cover for personal illicit foreign espionage activity sounds criminal to me so I will ask this again where are the FBI Agents that swore an oath to this country? It is amazing how big we have allowed these politicians heads to get? They act like emperors, kings and queens, completely disregarding the laws us common folk have to live by. I would lose sleep for the rest of my life if I got one of my guys killed, these sociopaths do this routinely and actually get off on it. She is a satanic gun grabbing fraud and witch can anybody else besides me connect some of these dots? She hired mobster pis to threaten and harass her husbands rape victims. As if these women weren't suffering enough she made sure they kept zip locked mouths. Now she makes believe she is a woman's rape advocate and that they deserve to be believed how sick is this? She had this thug pi kill one of these victims cats but this doesn't include all of her Arkansides. How is somebody like this even allowed to run for president can somebody please explain this to me? 

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