Thursday, June 16, 2016


Donald Trump is right political correctness is something that wont get us very far. The only thing I know for certain is that the Extortion 17 family members were humiliated by some kind of Muslim tradition burial and they were cremated without their permission. WTF is that all about? Can somebody please explain this to me how and why this happened? If I lost a son on a mission like that I would be seeing red. Heads would need to roll at every level because that mission doesn't add up. What were they doing in a Chinook? Why were their bodies cremated? This is an outrage because those are the best and brightest warriors in this world. Why did top brass have conflicting stories that didn't match when explaining to the families what happened? Even top brass couldn't keep their story straight. Let me tell you something this would never happen if somebody like Donald Trump was our Commander in Chief I stake my life on it. Burying our guys according to some Muslim tradition our American warriors are you kidding me. I am still trying to figure out when their will be blowback on the Pat Tillman death. Alex Jones specifically stated what happened to him,this should make everybody get sick to thier stomach. Seriously when these less then human creatures have to stoop to that level to perpetuate their phony hoax war heads definitely need to roll for that reason alone. I hate these criminals, I cant wait until their is a major uprising by- We The People- An (Insurrection)      

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