Thursday, June 23, 2016

33 Sandy Hook Questions 33 Unanswered questions about the SHES shooting. I do believe that it was Kelly from Oklohoma that questioned the biohazard scene not Sofia Smallstorm but I could be mistaken. There are a lot of courageous investigative journalists out there that deserve a lot of respect. These 33 questions are one of the best that I have ever seen. How can these people actually pull of a hoax like this? Unfortunately it may be legal according to some propaganda state run Orwellian NDAA act? Whatever it takes for the masses to get behind a movement, in this particular case the gun grabbing scam. Hitler had Goebells for his propaganda machine so this shouldn't be too much of a surprise. It doesn't really matter because not only are these people untouchable they also believe they are doing the right thing for our country. Have they know shame for manipulating our emotions and causing international grief? Most people still feel sorry for these criminals how pathetic is that?

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