Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bad Karma VT Dr Kevin Barett I am not a fan of this article. You usually have a lot of great intel specifically on false flags but I am insulted by this insinuation in reference to Donald Trump. I am still trying to figure out why Fetzer and Stew Webb were blown out of the door at  VT because they both seem like very solid and patriotic warriors? Stew Webb cant wait to get into a legal court of law with intel he has to present to a fair and balanced jury. I cant seem to avoid a sense of a left wing slant in reference to VT but maybe I am imagining things? Not that left or right makes any difference at all at this stage in the game. How can Donald Trump be judged so early on in the game? In other words we cant expect him to deviate too far off the reservation until he gets into office as our Commander in Chief, that will be the game changer. He already insinuated some very positive things and like a commenter down below stated one should watch the Trump Over The Years to learn more about him. He is a Nationalist and I really don't think he is a zio puppet to me that is another insulting and a pejorative headline by another VT writer. The only person that I know for sure 100% that is a real truther is myself that is why I have been cautiously optimistic about all VT articles as of late. I can understand that Mr Trump  may be open for criticism due to his indignation about the Iran deal which was actually good not bad for our National security. That is why one  needs to present this intel to Mr Trump by writing respectful articles to  him not horrible ones insinuating that he is a traitor that should be headed for war crimes because that is an insult to me. Just like our present Commander in Chief who supposedly didn't know anything about 9-11 being an inside job until he started to read Vt articles. The same premise should be presented to Donald Trump because he is very intelligent and is a businessman first and foremost, definitely not a career politician. He cares deeply about our country, so please Kevin Barett please show more respect toward Donald Trump. Actually I believe that Donald Trump is a patriot first and foremost and to me that is a lot more impressive then his superior business acumen. 

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