Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Security Sell Outs

It is a very bad situation when our security guards are being paid 10 dollars and hour and they have to pay money out of their own pocket to advance their career. Let me put it this way I have a lot of respect for the security field. The only people that are making any money in this field  are the dhs, fbi and cia guys who are stealing it by their stand down false flags. That is an insult to me because this is supposed to be a pure and noble profession-The pay outs for Sandy Hook where nobody really died was quite pathetic to say the least. We need to raise the hourly wage of all security guards and actually pay for their training. That means paying for their ammo when they go to the range. Armed guards should be making at least 50 dollars and hour and unarmed 30 bare minimum. That moron who said that he wanted to assassinate Trump should be locked up with no bail but something doesn't add up about the story. First of all he looks like an MK Ultra wanna be. He looks totally fake. Supposedly he never went to the range before and then he goes the day before and then shoots rounds down range. How could that really be? Unless he had some instructor help him at the range the story isn't true. Firing a 9 mill without instruction is nearly impossible. It is very hard to learn how to jam mags let alone firing a weapon that takes an all day course bare minimum. I am so glad that Alex Jones was ranting about Oreilly. I made a decision to watch that guy for the first time in many years last night and I fell asleep right away. He hasn't changed still talking about lone wolf jihads just like his sell out Kennedy book where Oswald was a straight shooter. He is so boring, I learned more from Alex Jones in 1 hour then I ever did watching Oreillys bs spin zone

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