Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Stew Web and Tom Heneghan make a great team, Glen Cannady is involved with the truth warriors as well. Stew stated that the 2000 election was completely stolen by W and associates. Al Gore was supposed to be our president, it turns out that Al Gore isn't such a bad guy after all. I know that this is old news for most people but shouldn't we still be upset about this? Think about it we cant even have an honest election for our Commander in Chief. How are they coming up with these state by state polls that is what I want to know. Nobody asked me whos side I was on so how are they getting this info- electronic voting? The establishments cons, tricks, deceptions and treachery must come to an end once and for all. What happens if Hilary gets indicted by the FBI she will just get a pardon from Obummer? These people are so blatant with their disregard for our constitution. I saw Al Gore sit down with that space guy Neil Disgrace and they talked about the Cosmos and all that. When are these people going to come out of the closet and say sorry but we are all scams and the earth is not an oblate spheroid after all and we never went to the moon? It really got bad when they founded Nasa. These Free Masons went crazy with their spins, deceit, black magic, Walt Disney and pedophilia. Stew Webb basically stated that it is basically over for the establishment. In other words if they try to rig another election that will not work. Let us be grateful for the many unsung hero's that are working behind the scenes and have been for quite some time. Stew talked about how his Oklahoma city story about McVeigh really being alive hitting the newsstands the day before 9-11.They then proceeded to do a  rear end bump on his car to shake him up. I am not going to state who they killed over the story but it was the long time girlfriend of a well known newscaster. He also mentioned that he was 1 of  13 out of 28 whistleblowers that survived an Anthrax attack in the 90s. I do believe that Stew Webb is the man that Americans need to rally around because with the kind of intel he has in his possession this can open up billions of dollars worth of class action federal lawsuits, even trillions yes that is trillions of dollars worth of lawsuits filed by "We The people"- The other thing that was mentioned is how low class and despicable these people are. They are rich beyond the ability for most people to comprehend however they are really weasels and lowlifes. Money cant and will never buy class. Think about it, anybody who murders somebody do they have any class? I am not talking about warriors and soldiers that went overseas that is a completely different scenario then silencing whistle blowers, ie- basic mobster tactics. That is why I will never have respect for the mob because unless you are in a self defense scenario or in theaters of operation just doing your job how can you justify murder? There is no statute of limitation for murder. That clown Larry Nichols sounds like a real weasel. Apparently he was conning little old ladies out of money when he already admitted to Stews doctor that he never had surgery. A lot of these so called whistle blowers are really cia that are still working for these heinous low life crime families. They are ugly on the inside and out. You can see what kind of negative karma they project. It is written all over their face. The eyes are the window of the soul.

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