Saturday, June 18, 2016

Double Agent Pharma Troll What an article, actually this was more like a dissertation on the big Pharma Racketeering operation. There are two major loopholes. The first is overturning the Jacobson vs Mass. ruling, then its getting rid of the vaccine courts. There was a Pakistani Vaccination massacre in 2012. It appears that the Taliban took their anger out on the UN criminals. The Taliban believe in a spiritual source of existence above and beyond the greed mongers on Wall street who are making billions protecting this racket. It appears that the Taliban almost had the heroin wiped out before we came in to expand the operation post 9-11. Since then a lot of money has been made in the drug trade and a lot of people have lost their life. The New York Times is supposed to look out for We the People. They are liberals and are expected to have journalistic integrity. This is what they have to say about people who are indignant toward these criminals- "Antivaccinationists are a familiar species of crank who's arguments are absurdly fallacious." I don't know about anybody else but if my kid was ruined for life by some vaccine heads would need to roll. If they keep pushing their arrogant genocide agenda we may see something along the lines of mass protests because it no longer is a secret. The evidence is on the table, Dr Horrowitz and Andrew Wakefield have a lot of courage. We have a major Racketeering operation going on at every level. The media and wall street are covering for this vaccination agenda, they are pushing this at levels that are only increasing substantially. People are going to remember the writers who continue to cover for these people and this is what they are going to be remembered for for their rest of their career. Donald Trump stated that the New York Times is a dying newspaper. Maybe the writers should start getting on the right side of humanity because as of now they are pseudo intellectuals and are as phony as a 4 dollar bill. They are as sneaky and fraudulent as the counterfeit currency our money is printed with. What can be worse- A fake and greedy predator who makes believe that they are so much smarter then everybody else and that they really care and are out for the greater good? These Pharma trolls are pathetic as well. Apparently they did a horrible job of trying to infiltrate the doctors and their supporters. Extortion, threats, slander, libel it is all too familiar with these cowards. One day their house of cards built off of pernicious usury and counterfeit currency will come crumbling down. In the interim the state better run for the hills with their demented vaccination promotion    

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