Wednesday, June 22, 2016

God Help Us This is a great article very thorough and refreshing. It deserves 5 stars along with most of the articles on www.memoryholeblog. My only critique is that many leos are trained in first responder and are fully medic capable. That is why in many places leos are the first ones on the scene with medic bag in hand. That is also why psd details overseas put a high priority on getting a medic for their teams who is also highly capable of taking out the bad guy. They are considered invaluable and can usually find a job over an operator who may not be trained in first responder medic capable. Speaking of jobs it is so great to see Donald Trump unleash truth bombs. God help us if you know who becomes our Commander in Chief. I cant even write the name that is how much it pains me. How is somebody like that even allowed to run for president? Stand Downs in Benghazi, creating chaos and destabilization in Libya, cover and harassment ops for her husband I cant even write anymore because I may get sick. I am an independent so this has nothing to do with being partisan. We need Donald Trump in the White house because he loves our country and is not into back door off line gun and drug running Arkanside operations. He will get rid of the special interest off shore private e-mail server criminal cartel money laundering scams. He will bring great stateside jobs that we can be proud of because right now I am being refused for even busser positions in restaurants. I am not lazy so nobody can use that bs scam against me either. Donald Trump has empathy toward our warriors who have been ruined for life by these cowardly special interest neo cons.When was the last time we had a president who you knew actually cared about the people? This Orlando fiasco is a joke, it was a total false flag stand down that was planned way in advance. OK lets look at it this way- There were warnings about ISIS for a long time now so that means that their should have been at least one armed guard at the club right? Not some insulting 9 dollar an hour job security guard either. I am talking about a highly trained warrior that could have taken that clown out in one shot. That means dhs cia and fbi have to stop stealing money and we need to hire private security operators and pay them $500 a day to protect all of our soft targets. Why didn't they have that because main stream media has ben telling us that the bad guys from ISIS have been planning bad things on our soil for a while now? We need to get rid of all back stabbing mendacious gun grabbing politicians and bureaucrats. This also includes all special interest off shore greed mongers who have proven time and time again that they put their own selfish money grubbing schemes over the needs of we the people of the United States of America. I also want to see real forensic evidence in reference to the Orlando shooting  

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