Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wag The Dog

After the Orlando shooting it took me a few days to think- Wag The Dog- I was indignant because Donald Trump was supposed to have taken the gloves off on Mon the day after the alleged mass shooting. He was all ready to speak the truth so this was perfect timing for the establishment. Wag The Dog wasn't that when slick Willy lobbed a few ineffective cruise duds at his cia asset Tim Osman to divert attention away from his shenanigans? It didn't take me long to realize that something wasn't right about 9-11. I remember Peter Jennings telling us how Islamic Jihad really hate the west and despise America and want to kill us all. He also stated that these Muslims were dirt poor angry and jealous. He had a map and was giving us a history lesson. A few years later I learned that these alleged hijackers were from middle to upper class backgrounds and they liked to do blow and hit strip clubs. So I was thinking who are these vicious enemies of America because I always study the enemy and I love to learn. I am telling you the amount of lies that were shoved down our throat for these wars are off the chain. WMDS the whole 9 yards. Think about it why were we sending our guys house to house in Iraq? Why were they driving around in unarmored Humvees that is what I want to know? Were we avenging these so called enemies of the US the ones who hit our towers? If Al Qaeda was the bad guys why were we going to Iraq where Al-Qaida didn't even exist? A few sof warriors went to Afghanistan but that was the Taliban not Al Qaeda. Supposedly the Taliban created a safe haven for Tim Osman and they really hated the west. Really we were arming them to fight against Russia in a proxy war Charlie's Wilsons War so were they really our enemy? I went on Frontline a little less then a year after Sandy Hook to learn and try to get inside the head of this Adam Lanza clown. It just didn't seem right however I respect Frontline that is where I received a lot of great intel. A few months later I listened to Dr P on Alex Jones to really learn about Adam Lanza. Recently I saw that Frontline was pushing stories about Isis. Basically the premise was how the FBI and CIA dropped the ball spotting the warning signs preventing the rise of Isis. So we have 17 highly classified intel agencies and everybody dropped the ball on Isis doesn't this sound familiar? I am still trying to figure out what they all do since they are all so shadowy and clandestine and many are tied to Nasa? The crisis actors they hire suck really bad I will tell you that straight out. just think what it would be like if we got rid of most of these spook houses and sent most of the workers to do pro Americana activities. Maybe revamp the justice department and get rid of all the stonewallers. The Libyan fiasco was another disaster. Have our leaders ever did anything right and why would our Secretary of State be involved with taking over countries? We came saw and he died right- wow what a great leader Hilary is

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