Saturday, June 25, 2016

Overdose Crisis All of the illegal dope that is being shipped in from Afghanistan by cia. I don't think that is where the fentanyl is coming from however. Its more like dealers stateside that are trying to cut corners by buying pharmaceutical grade fentanyl and then cutting it up and then passing it off as heroin. Either way it is killing a lot of people and these families have to wait 4 to 6 months for toxicology tests wtf is that all about? What more can one expect by the most corrupt state in the union. Gov Malloy best buds w/ Obummer and Holder do you think they really care? How much extra are they getting paid by making sure that this dope gets in safely from the ports? Where are the real Patriots in our country that can actually do something about this? Maybe start a war and destroy all of the dope coming in illegally from Afghanistan for starters?.Sicario great movie Hollywood got it right for a change. They showed how the world really works with their cia chaos and destabilization operation in Mexico. I don't see anything really changing because 3/4 of the politicians would be arrested if they really cracked down with a real civil shadow drug war. In other words if you want to take down the RKM drug cartel taking out the drug supply lines would send a message but it really wouldn't do anything. That is because the only real way to take down a major drug cartel is by seizing the pernicious usury and obliterating all of their money laundering channels. Dr Preston James stated that most of the wall street banks would crumble in a matter of days if we brought in the heavy hitters to go after these people. That is why DEA  focusses on all of the stash spots where they keep the money not confiscating the dope because that is really an exercise in futility. I know that there is a lot of fire breathing demon chasers out there that would love to get involved in this fight. Michael Levine has been talking about this for years. Let us follow the advise of the very few real leaders we have left out there. We have to completely decriminalize the drug trade with the users who are getting charged with major felonies just to feed their habit. That is only making them feel worse about themselves and increasing the recidivism rate. Big pharma has to get involved to some extent by making it legal to be a drug addict. Only temporally however because the patients need to get off all of the methadone and suboxone. This is a racketeering operation in itself can anybody else connect all of these dots? Dr Blum stated that they cant be on these opiate maintenance tapers. That is only a dopamine antagonist and a lot of the addicts are still getting really high this way. They need a dopamine agonist that means holistic amino acid therapy for their Reward Deficiency Syndrome. This is only after they trip on Ibogaine to rewire their brain chemistry. They shouldn't be on these opiate taper maintenance programs for very long if at all. Post acute withdrawl is very severe that is why Ibogaine should be administered right away. This program will see such a decrease of habitual rehab offenders because its mostly brain chemistry and emotional triggers that send people back to self medicating. Imagine a heroin addict going to treatment only once and actually getting sober? That is what everybody's goal should be, speaking from personal experience this disease is hellacious and takes no prisoners. 

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