Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Stew Webb Patriot- Tip Of The Spear

Stew Webb is the real leader of this Revolution. I listened to his intel report on 6-5-16 and he absolutely rocked my world. He kept dropping one truth bomb after another. I actually couldn't keep up that is how powerful it was. Stew Webb is the real deal somebody that I have been seeking since day 1. He is no fan of AJ although I like Jones a lot I cant help it I really do. My feeling is that AJ may have Mossad backing him but they are pro American factions of Israeli intel that is my gut feeling. AJ has put a tremendous amount of intel on the table and for that alone he deserves 5 stars. I heard him on his show speaking against the Jewish mob and all mobs for that matter. He wants us to be independent and free thinkers he never ever stated that he just wants us to drink the AJ cool aide. He is humble in my opinion and has Dr P and Roger Stone on how much better can one get that that? He is 100% behind Donald Trump and all patriots are rallying behind our next commander in chief. AJ doesn't go all out because he cant but he gets our curiosity up enough to do our own due diligence. If he is getting paid by a big money handler then that is fine by me because his intel is awesome. That said I love Stew Webb that man has 9 lives and he is the tip of the spear for US Intel. Stew has so many documents in his possession that he has been trying to get into an honest judges hands it is truly mind blowing. Stew Webb can singlehandedly put these crime families away for the rest of their lives in a system that wasn't completely corrupted. Patriots need to rally behind Stew Webb because his name is going to be remembered for many years to come. He basically stated that there is a very good chance that shit may go sideways in this revolution as far as violence is concerned. Stew Webb needs a bigger platform and he needs to be able to get his message shouted at the rooftops across our earth. He stated that Tim McVeigh is still alive and that 9-11 wasn't taken down by micro nukes but rather by (Death Ray Area 52). Stew Webb has real sources that are legit so please all Patriots we need to find a way to get Stew Webb into main stream media. These cockroaches have tried to kill him so many times. It looks like he may be able to sue with an accident recreation scene that was conducted by a pi. I feel bad for Stew because he is a humble warrior and is all physically banged up by these assassination attempts. He stated that he could have sold out years ago but declined. What can be worse then being married to an Illuminati family with a wife who made Linda Blair look like a saint. Donald Trump please find a way to keep Stew Webb safe because if these cockroaches try to do anything to him that will definitely spark the war, either way his intel will be preserved and they know this. There is no statute of limitations for these kind of crimes. Most people don't have a clue of the kind of criminality Stew Web has been dealing with. It goes way above and beyond the scope of most peoples ability to comprehend. It would be safe to say to the uninitiated they wont have a clue and would have no way to process the kind of information he puts out on a daily basis. That is where cognitive dissonance comes into play. Ignorance is bliss all is well and more then likely they would dismiss his claims as conspiratorial. Welcome to main stream media where all of the phony smiles come into play. We need to spark this revolution by getting Stew Webb some air time someway and somehow I cant wait. 

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