Friday, June 24, 2016

Deception And Cover Maybe the author of this article should do a little due diligence on some of these conspiracy theories that Alex Jones has on his show. The New York Times is a dying newspaper and that came directly from Donald Trump. I want a president who will share intel with us because lets face it National security has been nothing but a cover for major abuse and criminality. Our interests as American citizens have been coming in last place as it does in  most totalitarian regimes. I don't like that, infact that gets me more then a little upset. So when is print media going to start showing a little more respect for so called conspiracy theories on the Alex Jones show?Even better maybe show some intellectual curiosity and start researching for yourself that way you can try and discover cointelpro limited hangout news sources  and everything else one is supposed to know about as an investigative journalist. Right now the only thing we have are deception and cover operations coming from print media. This means the author of this New Yorker magazine article is complicit in many things that may not have the best interest of  we the people. That is another reason we need Donald Trump in the White House. I don't like it when subversive politicians farm out all of the good stateside jobs and run stand downs at the border. I don't respect phony tears coming from our commander in chief and I will never fully trust somebody whos real name is not his Potus name. I heard that he may even be a Saudi plant either way I never would want to hang out with him. That goes for most phony false flag politicians. I didn't really like it to say the least when I discovered that people like Alex Jones were right on the money. Now that I know for certain it is my responsibility as a solid citizen to do something about it because I don't want a future like this for we the people of future generations   

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