Sunday, July 31, 2016

Flat Earth Burn Notice Has a 41 minute video about Eric Dubay. This spiritual man basically stated that Dubay is a cia Free Mason Hollywood actor. Cointelpro brought in, born and raised as a product of the Beltway Bandits. He even stated that Dubay denied ever living in DC. I figured Dubay to be cia fairly early on. I saw his You Tube videos on aplanetruth and was quite impressed. I just figured that nobody is that smart. And then came his eccentricities, his anti Semitism, cross dressing, his overall weirdness, that is when  I figured for certain that this guy is getting his strings pulled. I still feel that he has great intel. His videos on You Tube are so well done that he must have a decent backer to continue to finance his radio stints etc. What isn't so great is that this man (he didn't identify himself) stated that Dubay took the books he sent him and that's when he went full force into the Flat Earth movement. That wasn't a very nice thing to do and plus not giving him any credit? The thing is that Dubay is very well spoken so when he gives these interviews he comes across as very credible. He really isn't discrediting the Flat Earth movement, infact he is enhancing it. He is shining a light on it that is quite Illuminating. His recent You Tube videos are getting hundreds of thousands of views. The cia is all about control. They had a guy like Dubay come out to Divide and Conquer because they know that they are untouchable. Free Mason Protected Entities that will never be taken down. If they ever make it appear that they are being taken down it will be something that they controlled the entire time. Double agent crisis actors that appear like victims, these people are all over the place. Just look at 9-11 Truth this so called movement is infiltrated by thousands of people all appearing to be righteously indignant. All cia puppets that were brought in many years ago. So no I don't want to go to war with Dubay because I feel that overall he is not trustworthy. The man in the video stated that Dubay is very shady that is why he always wears his shades, very telling. I don't respect his anti Semitism and respect for Hitler. Who could respect that guy? These Divide and Conquer types are not that difficult to call out. When you have people that are sincere and just as intelligent that have genuine motives these people can spot phonies from miles away. I still respect Dubays intel and will continue to check it out. That faux Jupiter cgi intel is quite impressive. Dubay needs to continue to play ball with the cia otherwise he might end up like Michael Weston (Burned) 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Establishment Cover Up Con Artists  What country do we live in? We live in the most hypocritical draconian establishment ruled land where the laws are enforced by Plutocrats that don't abide by them themselves. How is this basketball coach getting sentenced to 14 years for sexting an underage girl? Are you kidding me sexting an underage girl that's it and he gets sentenced to 14 years? With all of the heinous crimes the establishment has been getting away with ie- Boys town pedophilia, body snatching young victims from Foster care never to be seen again. These children are being coerced against their will to engage in child trafficking and sex trafficking rings. Some of these children are being murdered and their body parts then become  part of lucrative organ selling rings overseas. The cia that nobody talks about in  Mainstream media, so this means that they are culpable since they are covering up for these creatures of Satan. But it is ok to ruin this basketball coach's life for sexting a girl are you kidding me? What does the system have to say for itself? There are a bunch of child rapist predators that are known to have engaged in such sexually depraved activity that I  can barely write about it and this is ignored and enabled by our Mainstream media, district attorneys,  judges,  prosecutors. Basically all Law Enforcement Officials have turned their back on this. Books are written about this and it is discussed in detail in the alternative media but still nothing is done. Instead they decide to send a message and look like hero's by sentencing this guy to 14 years for something that really should have been only a slap on the wrist. Our society is full of mendacious, phony hypocrites that do absolutely nothing except enforce ridiculous laws that we really shouldn't even have in the first place. When are things going to change? When are these despicable Boystown types going to jail that is what I want to know? There are many Jerry Sanduskys still running around out there and they are being enabled by our Mainstream media. If they are not covering this now and since they never have what other conclusion is one to come to? That is correct our Mainstream media is culpable in aiding and abetting in the cover up of these Boystown Franklin Cover Up pedophiles. They still proceed to waste everybody's time by looking like hero's by sentencing a basketball coach to 14 years and essentially ruining his life just because he engaged in sexually explicit text messages etc wtf are you serious? What kind of country do we really live in that is what I want to know? When is our media going to cover Bohemian Grove and the Denver 12? Stew Webb has all the intel on this unfortunately we have a bunch of cover up con artists that are pulling everybody's strings    

Friday, July 29, 2016

Jupiter CGI Spies And Lies Eric Dubay points out that there is no real footage of Jupiter or any other planet for that matter. It is all a cartoon. Didn't these clowns have a cartoon of Pluto on Pluto last year to mock the Pluto truthers? I have reason to believe that actual planets in our so called Milky Way don't really exist

NASA Massive Tax Payer Fraud

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trauma Based Mind Control When are these cia criminals going to go to jail? This article is de classified and it talks about Trauma Based Mind Control, The Monarch Butterfly what they do to innocent children etc.. Vivian Lee had a great quote at the end of her Sandy Hook article "Rove trumps Sherlock Holmes. Solving the crime, and exposing the criminals, does not solve the problem. Barring some mass awakening, since the criminals are the state, they will not be brought to justice "She was referring to Karl Rove the guy who creates reality. The criminals are the state which will become the premise of this blog. The program has a saying "Faith without works is dead" I am revising this to "Truth without works is dead." I cant deal with any more truth because it is all readily available that is why it is time to engage. I was listening to Eric Dubay, I am glad that he is back in action. These criminals have hurt us with their lies. There is a power greater then myself. I choose to call it god not in the religious sense its more like (group of drunks or good orderly direction.) That said these Free Masons have scammed everybody with their Evolution and it all comes down to exposing them with the Flat Earth. Forget about religion lets just look at scripture or what the bible says. It is just the opposite of these Satanist hoaxers. They want us to go down the wrong or dark path. It says it right in this article "In the movie, Grandmother Willow is a mystical 400 year old tree who counsels the motherless Pochahontas to listen to her heart and help her realize all the answers lie within. Grandmother Willow is constantly talking in "double-speak" and using "reversals" (i.e. "Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one"; the esoteric derivative being: the left path [the path that leads to destruction] is the easiest one." The reason that there are so many gatekeepers for flat earth is because their entire operation would be forced to implode if it got out. The problem is that it is out so that's my point its time to round up a bunch of powerhouse attorneys and unleash the mother of all lawsuits. Dubay stated that Nasas budget is 19.3 billion for 2016. For what cgis bull shit and Trauma Based Mind Control? I saw Capt Obvious unleash a drone on a boat completely wiping out that faux Chicago skyline mirage myth. That is real proof plus Dubay has 200 proofs how much more is needed? That is why I was confused why Dubay stated that these Free Masons will be out of a job once it is exposed? That doesn't make sense because it already is exposed thanks to you and many others. Therefore it is time for a Prima Fascia Class Action Lawsuit "We The People vs Free Mason NASA scum" I can hear the Monday morning quarterbacks already, the ones who don't do anything except sit on the sidelines and criticize.  You are crazy that will never happen, you flat earthers are delusional ad infinitum. I am not a flat earther I am an investigative journalist. I don't just want to regurgitate what others came out with I want to be in the fray, on the front lines so to speak. That is why when we get something off the ground initially eventually it will become a movement of unstoppable and momentous force. Good vs Evil. I hate these criminals. Vivian Lee was talking about Sandy Hook and Child Sacrifice. Are you kidding me this kind of thing is going on in my country? If I were President Bohemian Grove would be wiped off the face of the earth. Its Astrology vs Astronomy-  Intelligent Design vs Diabolical Freaks. How hard is it going to be to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that we are looking at nothing but cgi photos with the blue marble and the so called planets? A few forensic experts and certified fraud analysts the list will be infinite. Lets get a bunch of fire breathing demon chasers to put some pressure on these hoaxer Hollywood con artists that are full of nothing but narcissism and subterfuge. Since the criminals are the state who is going to validate the truth of the way our world is really shaped? That is the conundrum right there however when a major Rico Lawsuit starts putting the heat on the man stream news criminal cartel they will have no choice and be forced to cover this There is no so called truth validator therefore the power has to come from "We The People"    

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Iatrogenic Harm We have some conclusive proof that benzos are the devil himself. Iatrogenic- Long Term Adverse Harm or illness caused by medical treatment. Medical treatment meaning psychiatrists that prescribe-  Xanax, Adavan and Klonopin without informed consent of the real dangers. I took a look at the stories of these people in The World Benzo Awareness Day Video. These people were taking their meds "as directed" they didn't mention that they were abusing them like me or taking too many. These people are permanently disabled are you kidding me? Their central nervous system is all messed up and they were taking their meds as directed. What is the medical establishment going to say about this as far as the reason why these people are suffering? They dont care anyway because there is no liability but I am sure that it would be something along the lines of "oh some people have adverse reactions but only a small percentage comparatively speaking" These psychiatrists are the most dangerous drug dealers on the planet next to the cia. I am presuming that these people got their meds through a licensed psychiatrist. Most General Practitioners are not going to prescribe a benzo to a patient long term. I know what benzos did to me. I was coming off them and I felt worse then drunk. I couldn't even walk straight let alone button my shirt. I felt like curling up in a ball and basically dying so I don't really think benzos are that healthy. Now here is conclusive proof that for even people that have taken them as directed have developed permanent disabilities which many appear to be irrevocable. This Fla girl was talking about her indignation that she received better information on the web on how to taper then what she received from her doctor that is making hundreds of dollars per hour. My question is what would these psychiatrists do if they didn't prescribe meds? Nothing because that is their only job, they don't do any real therapy because that is what the therapist does. Why do you think they were created? They all came over from the Nazi regime. They would all be out of a job if they didn't prescribe massive amounts of meds. There are exceptions like Kelly Brogan. She has a lot of courage by telling it the way it is. Psychiatrists don't even want to handle severe BPD cases or even diagnose for that matter. All of the real therapy is conducted by Therapists. People need to go to jail that is the only way things will ever change. This girl in the video was talking about how she developed severe mental issues as a direct result of coming off of benzos. It causes irreparable brain damage and disrupts the central nervous system and people are ok with this? We are going to continue to let our medical establishment get away with this? Look at Yale University Psychiatric Dept and Adam Lanza what more needs to be said? One of the people in the video had partial paralysis from coming off of benzos are you serious? I talked to somebody who was very close to somebody who went "clinically insane" from benzo withdrawal.. So these people end up either in jail or the psychiatric ward just because they were prescribed meds from their doctor. I really don't think that this individual was clinically insane before he started taking benzos. It seriously screws up the muscular skeletal system as well, I can attest to this. There is no question in my mind that their is bad intentions behind the curtain of this drug maker. I cant forget the (Emotional Lability) are you kidding me? This drug makes you an emotional basket case where you over react and shed tears and cry for reasons that would never happen in a stable non drug induced emotional state. So now we have people who are supposed to be getting stable that are going off the chart and over reacting disproportionately. Its like permo PMS and it is for no other reason then they were taking a drug prescribed by their doctor that was supposed to make them more squared away. I have been physically sick and spiritually sick. Take it from me it is much better to get spiritually fit and to avoid Big Pharma like the plague.     

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sober Home Fraud Alot of people are dying from these drugs that are coming in from Afghanistan.The good guys are overwhelmed because handling ods is a grueling process, its a warzone pure and simple. There is also added pressure with a recently created Taskforce to clamp down on insurance fraud in regard to various sober homes. Apparently the laws on the books were a little antiquated so alot of fraud is going on. In the past five years the pressure has been increased, the FBI as well as some state insurance fraud investigators are investigating but as of yet no arrests appear to have been made. My position is that I feel that lab tests are fine as long as owners arent taking advantage intentionally. In other words sending a blood test out has remarkable returns per unit, so good infact that any hedge fund investor would want in now one can see why its a real Gold Rush. Sending tests to the lab is ok by me because it puts parents at ease. Being able to track down alcohol metabolites back to almost 36 hours is quite impressive. Like I stated as long as the owners arent doing this as a pure profit center then I am ok with it. Unfortunately alot of them are, the amount of money being made on lab tests alone is millions of dollars. Many clients are getting tested multiple times over for no other reason then alot of money is being paid out by the insurance companies. There must be a middle ground or an ombudsman to set up a checks and balances system to make sure that these owners are not taking advantage for pure greeds sake. This is gods work, if you arent in it because you want to help people then you shouldn't even be near it. There is no higher calling then to help somebody who is suffering, for that reason alone this industry needs to be cleaned up. These client body snatching brokers on the other hand definitely need to go to jail. They are called body snatchers and this is as diabolical as one can get, If somebody sends their kid down to Palm Beach Fla they want them to have the best chance to succeed. These body snatchers are luring addicts away from one sober home getting them high just so they can get a huge kickback by sending them to another one. If an addict gets kicked out and is on the street a lot of times they get picked up by these body snatchers and then sent to another one allegedly high on drugs. Last time I checked one had to be abstinent to even get into a sober home how are these body snatchers getting away with this? They are probably having them go to detox first. This is not that much different then Human Trafficking. Taking advantage of sick people in a field that is pure and noble where there is no higher calling must be met with severe penalties. Lets get past all of this red tape and put some hard core laws on the books to eliminate this scum. Body snatching addicts and getting them high just to make alot of money are you kidding me? There are alot of drug dealers that hang out around these sober homes and rehabs as well and this needs to stop. This disease is cunning baffling and powerful, we have an illness. call it what ever one wants its truly a handicap. We dont need unscrupulous criminals taking advantage of people that are already suffering deeply

Unprofessional Intelligence Assets What an article by Vivian Lee. Revised and updated, it had so much information in it that it definitely deserves 5 plus stars. I like the old maxim- When You have excluded the impossible whatever remains must be the truth- Sherlock Holmes. The bottom of the article about Karl Rove and how the elites create reality and Trauma based mind control was quite interesting. She reiterated what I stated in a previous blog that these people actually get off on the deception. It is their form of entertainment. Having children that were supposed to be murdered singing at the Super bowl is pretty sick and twisted. Its funny to them but what about when we all get these freaks in front of a Federal Grand Jury? It wont hurt when Trump gets elected. There were so many egregious violations of the rule of law during this Sandy Hook hoax and that is only one shooting. I have analyzed many others, they are all hoax frauds. This Orlando shooting is a false flag joke. There are so many good citizen journalists out there and these people aren't making any money, they all have other jobs. No media outlet is going to  pay these investigative journalists because their work is too good and its too close to the truth. These as holes gave me PTSD on 9-11 when they kept showing the Towers going down and I am upset about this. They did the same thing for Sandy Hook especially when they kept showing pictures of the children. I cant wait until  these scumbags go down, they can run but they cant hide. Anybody that stages either their own death or facilitates in the participation of a  child's death that was staged is a severely disturbed individual. Just think about how deranged it is to stage a death of somebody especially a child for political or monetary gain? I can understand if stars do it because they are tired of living in the spotlight so I give them a pass. I am referring to these Free Mason cia morons who do this on a routine basis all at the expense of the mind controlled sheeple. What about this Richard Gutjahr clown, the Munich hero who just happened to be a hero in France as well. He plays Secret Agent man on his social media and his wife is Israeli intel, isn't that a little obvious? They use Noah Pozners pic for a mass shooting in Pakistan these criminals have no shame. It must be intentionally mocking because these shootings are so unprofessional. I always thought that Mossad had their act together and if they pulled off a crime that there would be no crumbs left behind. It is quite the opposite so these idiots should be ashamed of themselves for their sloppy work. If I was an intelligence asset I would take pride in taking care of business with little or no trail, not these pathetic false flag crisis actors. I am sure that the real deal intel assets from Mossad or IDF look at you clowns in derision, you are making them all look bad. For that reason alone I would hope that they would want to see all of these slime balls get locked away for years. Misprision of felony, that is only one of the charges . I had some girl call me up a few days before the Va shooting last Sept. with the reporters, this one was especially sloppy. The shooters hands were white and he was supposed to be black. This girls voice definitely didn't match her pic, I know this for sure. She said that she had to go up to Va for a few days. That was meant to send me a message. If you are going to send me a message at least have your voice match the pic of your face, these people really are pathetic       

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sandy Hook Hoax Scam

According to Bradford, the investigation was “unparalleled in the one hundred and ten year history of the Connecticut State Police. Tens of thousands of hours were spent by investigators from all over the country tracking down leads, processing evidence, and doing everything within their collective ability to provide answers for the questions that remained in the wake of the terror that morning.” With the issuing of the “final report,” the investigation “has been closed for administrative purposes.” However, this so-called investigation did nothing to reveal the truth of the matter but rather was part of the conspiracy to conceal the reality of the event from the public.ttps:// This paragraph I copied from The Memory Hole Blog- These people are total jokers. The official Sandy Hoax story has more holes in it then the donuts I used to make. How can anybody be part of this investigation with a straight face or sleep at night for that matter? "Unparalleled in the one hundred ten year history of the Ct State Police." Is this the same pd that just had an internal audit that just uncovered some shady operations? The same pd that had two whistle blowing disgruntled officers provide Wolfgang Halbig with smoking gun evidence of false affidavits that were signed by a bunch of neophytes that claimed to squeeze through a hole in the glass that would have been impossible to do in real world? The Dept Of Public Safety is the same operation that had me turn in my glock just because I got caught up on the border with a loaded 9 millimeter. What a pathetic excuse to take away somebody's weapon. Think about it how dumb are these bureaucrats? If somebody has a pistol permit it should be valid in all 50 states just like a drivers license. At the very least their should be jurisdictional licenses. In other words somebody should have a permit that is valid in the contiguous states meaning my Ct permit would be valid in Mass and NY and NJ and vice verse. How is somebody going to get in a firefight if they are transporting said principle from Ct to LaGuardia airport? Do you think their principle wants them to get out of their car on the border and lock up their weapon in the trunk making sure that all mags are away form the locked box as well? WTF that is a perfect set up for the bad guy to capitalize on. It is just really non intelligent to say the least. What good does a Ct permit do if it is only valid in other states that one would never even go to? I forget what states CT's permit corresponds with  but it is something like Juno Alaska wtf. I am telling you that these bureaucrats come up with these rules just to piss people off and then they stage false flag school shootings. I lost out on a lot of job opportunities trying to explain my class e felony. The entire situation gave me ptsd getting arrested and treated like a terrorist. No the real terrorists are these gun snatchers with questionable loyalty to the United States. Then we have clowns like David Wheeler sloppy sniper carrying his weapon around like a rank amateur. I admit my long guns skill weren't any good but I would be able to take the bad guy down no problem with just my hand to hand and glock skills. Its not about that with these criminals. These people were posing as FBI guys like Wheeler but they are really pathetic actors and then we had faux grief with the parents for a non existent school shooting. This is supposed to be legal, what planet do we really live on that is what I want to know?  

Establishment Schadenfreude Types

I was checking out the Young Turks analysis of the confrontation with Alex Jones. I give the Young Turk guy some points for stating that Jones was inappropriate but overall the Young Turk guy loses. Jones can be a little bombastic but at least he is real. Another argument this Young Turk guy had was that Jones didn't have any cred because he was a fringe liar conspiracy theorist that  thinks "everything is a conspiracy" His position is that JFK was a conspiracy but that is about it. Right there substantiates that I don't have any more respect for The Young Turks. Its unfortunate because they had a lot of potential. I never wanted to be a conspiracy theorist but the fact is that I am not, I consider myself to be somewhat of an investigative journalist. What started me writing about my angst toward the Clinton regimes incompetence during the Somalia quagmire in 1993 combined with Ws dropped balls in reference to the Iraq war has led me down a deep and dark path. In other words I started watching Jones and he was telling us about Extortion 17, he had the top CDC whistleblower on William Thompson telling us that vaccines are killing people. This got me more then a little upset so I am going to give Jones a pass for being a little too bombastic at times. This Young Turk guy also stated that  Jones was trying to inflate his ratings by causing a scene because nobody watches his show. Really, I know Donald Trump is listening to him and so are a lot of other Patriots. I don't know how much info The Young Turks put out about Vaccines but that alone should be front page news for every major news outlet. So I am indignant that our establishment news sources cover for these major corporate criminals. Jones told us that he knows people that got really sick from the MMR vaccine as well as the flu shot, infact they almost died. So this Young Turk guy is calling Jones a liar about what that is what I want to know? Jones had his reporters on the ground on 9-11 anniversaries telling us that the 9-11 story just doesn't add up what has anybody else done? He told us about Oklahoma City and he even had names on who was involved. We have a bunch of Schadenfreude plutocrats that pull the strings and I really don't like it. The top 1% go on a feeding frenzy of unbridled greed, they really don't do anything except talk about how rich and smart they are but watch out when somebody else competes with them or challenges their narcissism. That's when the Schadenfreude cat claws come out, that's pretty sick. The working middle class has been completely wiped out by these Illuminati freaks. Minimum wage jobs are even very difficult to find, take it from me because I cant find one and I am humble, I used to cart dead bodies to the morgue to make a few dollars and this is when I was in my late 30s. I loathe arrogant establishment types that call out real men like Alex Jones and try to discredit his real passion and legitimate sources. I don't know about anybody else but I am going to launch lawsuits the size of what used to be the Twin Towers against these Vaccine criminals. They can run but they cant hide forever. Intentionally giving innocent people poison vaccines under the phony guise of trying to help is beyond criminal. Like I stated in my Extortion 17 Treason blog justice will be served one way or another. I believe at this point it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt what their real agenda is. I am not talking about some bs lawsuit that has these giant companies just pay out a little fine either. Does anybody know how little these fines are in aggregate in comparison  to how many lives they have irrevocably ruined combined with how much money they have stolen over the years? Its a pittance, companies like Purdue Pharma, Merck And Pfizer have all dished out paltry fines here and there. Now with these vaccine courts they basically don't have any  liability, they are immune from prosecution. Don't underestimate the will of the people. When we all  come together after waking up from our mind controlled  stupor together we are talking about some heavy blowback. What did Yamamoto say after they bombed Pearl Harbor? "I am afraid that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant". I am talking about going after the cowards behind the curtain just like the Wizard Of Oz    

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Spy Firm Myths I always wanted to be a good guy spy until I learned that most of these spy agencies dont do anything. Check out this Freudian slip in this article-"Lone wolf attacks have a common theme of being carried out by actors"There you have it they are actually admitting that it is all an act because it really is. The Hoax, its all a Truman show mind game. Think about post 9-11 how many spy agencies went into action? They claimed incompetence and dropped balls pre-911 so this gave them a reason to up the ante with more spy firms that dont do a dam thing except spy on innocent people how creepy. What does NATGEOSAT really  do, NASA is all a hoax scam? I dont do that much either but at least I admit it and I am not taking home 250g a year. I live below the poverty line, I take solace in my writings and my K-9. CIA is a total scam. Everybody must check out Top Secret America on Frontline. These spookhoueses are up in the trillions of dollars range..They all say the same thing. We couldn't connect the dots with these Lone Wolf Attacks. Apparently this Matten clown from the Orlando shooting was doing research on Psychiatric meds and one of his associates stated that he may have fell into psychosis. Since all of these False Flag Attacks were planned in advance with the help of our intel agencies then I want to know what real attacks they have prevented? I watch The First 48 and I see these homicide detectives working really hard with what seems like antiquated technology. Why dont our local leos have access to all of this spook material these other agencies dont do anything with? Basically our spy firms are experts in  planning false flag lone gunman attacks and then claiming incompetence and failed dot connections. Our homicide detectives have a much more important job then  any spy in our spook houses.We dont have any real threats, its all manufactured so what do our spy firms really do? If anybody had their act together they would let these spook firms assist local leos for real crimes not bull shit ones.We all know cia operates stateside which they legally shouldn't be but since they are why dont they blow their cover and assist local leos and homicide detectives with cold cases? Otherwise wtf are they really doing? They do business plans and make money on wall street. They are all hooked into making alot of money for themselves meanwhile the local homicide detectives work overtime with antiquated technology with little or no help from these deep and dark spook firms.Our Spy Agencies  dont seem to do anything except plan false flags and talk about how great Nasa is  

Saturday, July 23, 2016

War Mongers And Direct Energy Weapons

I was checking out Jesse Vs show Off  The Grid and he had Dr Judy Wood on. She is a Forensic Engineer, somebody that is an expert in her field. I watched another clip of Abby Martin on his show as well. I am very impressed to say the least. I have heard Abbys  name in the past but I never actually saw her in action until this AM. I have never seen a woman this strong and powerful in media and this includes Mainstream as well. I watched her on Joe Rogan for a short clip talking about how Hillary is a total war criminal and neo con fraud and that she would never vote just because she is a woman. On Jesses show she was expressing outrage of Gitmo and how Obummer does absolutely nothing except kill people with Drones. She not only has high intellect she is very courageous. Getting back to Dr Judy Wood. It looks like she has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the Towers came down by a (Direct Energy Weapon.) I am very impressed that Jesse V had her on his show. Jesse V is the real deal so how come many other people are not giving Dr Judy Wood the time of day? Apparently the Towers weren't Vaporized like Sean Connery because this would need to include high heat. That is why the Towers were turned to dust- Dustification. So I dont believe that the Towers came down because they were hit by two commercial jets. I dont think gasoline would melt those steel girders and then proceed to dustify the towers, so everybody can call me a wack job conspiracy theorist. Dr Judy Wood states that she has hard, conclusive, empirical evidence and that is the major difference between a conspiracy theory. Forensic evidence vs speculation. It was an electro magnetic scenario and Hurricane Erin may have played a hand in it. There were toasted cars, it was very creepy. So what we have is classified technology that is why she didn't get over the top with her NIST Lawsuits. Its very interesting that we now know that this technology exists but only the war mongers have access to it. I wouldn't mind having access to some of that Free energy. That is what Telsa was working on. Imagine a world where we didn't have pugnacious Cabals launching False Flag wars and killing innocent people for blood money, oil and drug profits?     

Friday, July 22, 2016

Non Existent Sandy Hook Grief Mysterious Post Mortem Interview. How could Dawn Hochsprung give an interview right after she went down at the hands of a crazed masked gunman? These people are actually going to speak and use the SHES scam as part of their Democratic agenda for the upcoming election? These shameless hoaxers have far exceeded the audacity limit scale of arrogance and narcissism to the extreme. One would think that since many people know that this False Flag was a total joke of epic proportions that they would be keeping a low profile and hiding under a rock somewhere? It should be quite interesting to witness their acting performance. Some people are pathological, that is how and why they find themselves in crisis acting positions. In other words do these people actually believe in their own lies? Some professionals seem to think so, it all goes back to their upbringing. That may be one of the reasons why polygraphs are inadmissible in the court of law because some of these people would  actually pass them. Wouldn't it be a good situation to get these people in front of a non bias grand jury in Federal Court?. I wonder how  the typical mid country housewife would feel about what these people really did? The masses are mostly still asleep but it would be quite interesting to witness how a juror would feel about using little kids to further their sick and twisted agenda. Actually stealing photos from other parents Flikr accounts trying to pass it off as an actual dead child are you kidding me? Wow these people would go away for a long time in a court of law that wasn't completely infiltrated by Free Mason cia criminals 

Young Turks Vs Alex Jones And Roger Stone

I watched Alex Jones and Roger Stone going up against The Young Turks. I watched that Young Turk Guy in the past and even wrote a blog about it. They seemed to be unbiased with their assessment of the Hillary fraud. I dont know exactly what their agenda is but it seems clear to me that they are partisan, slanted way to the left. It doesn't really matter left or right because its really all about right and wrong. So this Young Turk guy goes off on Roger Stone and says that he is a liar, really? He was basically making the case that Slick Willy wasn't a rapist and that Donald Trump is. I have lost all respect for the Young Turks. From the limited amount of due diligence I have come to the conclusion that the rape allegation against Trump was from a woman that doesn't even exist. So there is a potential fraudulent lawsuit filed against Trump from an Adam Lanza type character charade. The only thing I have to say is that if Roger Stone doesn't have verified sources vetted through and through then why isn't he being sued? Roger Stone stated that Slick Willys victims are willing to speak out on the record in the months to come as well. How is Roger Stone a liar that is what I want to know? If I were Roger Stone I would take that accusation personally. What do these people have to say about Stew Webb that is what I want to know? Stew Webb states that all of his intel is legit and many of the despicable things he talks about Stone has in specific detail in his book Clintons War On Women. I want to learn more about this because this Young Turk guy called out Roger Stone and my gut tells me that he is way off base. I have studied Alex Jones and I believe that he is a true Libertarian and would support a Democrat just as much as a Republican. Our situation goes above and beyond that today. How can this Young Turk guy be on the left in this day and age? Its sheer principle. I believe that anybody that supports the Clinton Regime has serious issues that are above and beyond the scope of being helped.I also feel that any media hoars that are still covering for the Clinton Regimes heinous crimes need to be  exposed for who and what they are. Enablers, Aiding And Abetting the list goes on. Maybe one day we will be able to have a two party system that is not totally corrupt but this is only after Trump gets in to clean house. "Your Fired", he will take charge like the true executive that he is and alot of people will go to jail.

Extortion 17 Treason

Don Brown wrote a book Call Sign Extortion 17. Don has an impressive background as a JAG Officer. The official story just doesn't add up. Charlie Strange is over 100% convinced these cockroaches took that Chinook down. I am talking about cockroaches that were supposed to have sworn an oath to The United States Of America. That is correct DEVGRU went down with collusion from our side. What were they doing in that dilapidated piece of garbage? The Pathfinders couldn't find the Black Box but in every other case they were able to find it? It got washed away in a flash flood are you kidding me? They got hit with an RPG that was above and beyond an RPGs effective Range how could that be possible? Don Brown stated that the Congressional Investigation was a Dog And Pony show, a total fraud and cover up scam. The most elite warriors in the world were not given the green light for pre assault suppressive fire? Billy Vaugn Aarons dad, one of the seals that went down is actively involved in trying to open up a new Congressional investigation, not that Treasonous joke they had a couple of years ago. Why were the Pathfinders allowed to have suppressive fire but Seal team 6 wasn't allowed to do this for a nasty firefight going in the Tangi Valley? WTF kind of ROEs is this? Then General McRaven gets promoted the day of having the parents over to get intel on how and why their sons were murdered? Donald Trump better open up this case. There were so many flagrant violations of standard military protocol people need to go down for this. Who were these unknown Afghans who weren't on the Flight Manifest and nobody knows who they were? This was a total and complete violation of protocol and this wasn't even mentioned in the After Action Colt Report WTF is that all about? Perimeter Defense Does Not Matter When Our Enemies Lie Within Our Gates .McRaven didn't have an answer for Billy Vaugn when he asked him about these unknown Afghanis, he just sat there stone faced silent with his new promotional star. His senior NCO did however. He told Mr Vaugn that it was a big deal that nobody knew who these Afghanis were. What were they doing in a Vietnam era obsolete piece of shit that is used for pick up and transport only? How come nobody is making a big deal about this? Everybody remembers our great leaders sitting in the Situation Room three months earlier when they were taking credit for taking out Bin Laden. Biden and Hillary what heroes. One way or another justice needs to be served because this is a total cover up operation. How could they consider that special investigation legitimate if they weren't even allowed to have real witnesses? I cant wait for the Seals to unleash the dogs of war on the right people someday down the road hopefully sooner rather then later. Warriors never forget so like I already stated justice will be served one way or another.   

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Revolution Of 2016

You say you want a Revolution Don't You Know That You Can Count Me In. 1968- John Lennon was anti establishment look what happened to him. I was born with star spangled eyes. 1968 Year Of The Tet- MLK  and RFK and a lot of angry people. How come only the good guys go down too young? What did we really learn from Tet? Not much because they stayed in and a lot more of our guys got killed. When are our bureaucrats ever going to listen to We The People? Its almost 50 years later and I know that we still have a lot of pissed off people. Our Attorney General is trying to start a race war with Black Lives Matters and she was trying to stir things up at the Republican Convention. Hacked Messages Of BLM reveal this. Our President and Our Attorney General have been planning a Summer Of Chaos And potential Martial Law. Wait a minute aren't these people supposed to work for We The People? Aren't they supposed to be peaceful and not be involved in AGIPROP- Agitation Propaganda? They work for the citizens of this country so why would they be trying to stir shit up? Maybe because they are getting their strings pulled by people like George Soros. So Basically we have the two highest elected officials our country has to offer and they are trying to cause trouble wtf is wrong with this picture? Are we not supposed to be upset about this? When is our Attorney General going to resign from this position or be fired? Donald Trump we need you to restore order out of chaos. These NWO freaks have been trying to snatch our weapons for many years. I read some NWO UN document from the early 1960s which said something about weapon confiscation for a more peaceful world. In this hacked Twitter account it had some illiterate individual talking about how they had all of this support from Ms Lynch etc.. This individual was clearly uneducated and it was blatantly obvious how much racism was involved and how much hatred there was toward us white folks. "Our President has a long history of Disrespecting Traditional American Values. He has waged war against Christianity, he has illegally armed and supported Radical Islam Terrorists, He Has waged a constant battle against the 2nd Amendment.-" July 9" Ok what about all of these False Flags besides Sandy Hook? San Bernardino? The list is infinite so what are we supposed to do give Obummer a pass because he takes orders from the SSG? I don't really think Donald Trump is going to be taking orders from the SSG. Isn't that the point and the reason one is elected to the Oval Office? Not to get pushed around by anybody nor take orders but to really listen to We The People and what we are saying? How much respect can we really have for Obummer, he gets pushed around by the SSG, George Soros and Stew Webb stated that Daddy Bush is his handler. I saw these clowns like Eric Holder come in and stage a school shooting 30 miles from where I used to live and they blamed it on a 90 pound photo shop weakling who doesn't even exist. I think that we have hit rock bottom as a country would anybody else agree with me? This Lanza character was supposed to have wiped out a lot of women and children but the story just doesn't add up. It would be physically impossible for that kid to do what is alleged. So these clowns want a Revolution And  A War then they came to the right place. Our Attorney General is supposed to be honorable, they aren't supposed to stage school shootings and talk about how the American people need to be brainwashed about guns and think about them in a vastly different way would anybody else agree with me? Also for the record this war against so called assault weapons is bogus and fraudulent. NY State was trying to pull that shit with me. An Assault Weapon has three characteristics that a weapon must have. A standard AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle that doesn't even have one of these characteristics so why are these gun snatchers always talking about banning assault weapons when real assault weapons are few and far between? What about the burial ceremony for Extortion 17 three months after they allegedly executed Bin Laden? WTF was that some Islam ceremony for our fallen warriors who went down in extremely suspicious circumstances? They had their Taliban asset take out our guys the very best this country has to offer.These as holes took them out to cover up their Bin Laden Scam and then proceeded to cremate their bodies without their families permission and then to add insult to injury gave them some Islam burial? Am I the only one who is supposed to be full of righteous indignation about this?   

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dancing With The Devil Benzos are the most dangerous drug on the planet. I danced with the devil, I went all the way to and through hell, I saw the Grim Reaper and everything else in between. Opiate withdrawal just put me on the edges of hell but benzos put me all the way there however the combination of the two even synthetic opiates like Tramadol put me into some very ugly places as well. Dr Kelly Brogan states right in this article that benzos actually lead to a four fold increase in depression. I know somebody that suffered a serious spinal injury due to a grand mal seizure due to a benzo withdrawal. I was a drug seeker, nobody told me that narcotic meds would be good for me, infact it was quite the opposite. However it was a defacto scenario, benzos equaled dancing with the devil. They should be illegal except in emergency situations, ie-alcohol detox etc.. After reading this article one learns that Klonopin is not that much safer. Why are benzos the most dangerous drugs on the planet? Because they come in a pill form and  in most cases are legally prescribed. Doctors are obviously not warning patients of what kind of side effects these benzos have otherwise they wouldn't be prescribing them to begin with pure and simple. Just think about what kind of racket this is. The withdrawal period off of benzos goes on for an interminable amount of time. What to do with the patient during the withdrawal period? Switch them to another med or give them a milder benzo like Adavan instead of Xanax, one with a longer half life. They are all pill forms of alcohol that interfere with the brains natural gaba receptors and they are just as if not more addictive then heroin. They are more dangerous then heroin, like alcohol one can die from benzo withdrawal and many have,ie-(brain hemorrhage) I am telling you that  I came out of rehab in 2011 and I had no intention to use drugs. My brain was already screwed up from dosing myself out with Seroquel and Trazadone so this made it easier for me to find  drugs, my brain was already seeking it. It was my fault because I didn't jump into the program right away after rehab but I am telling you benzos are the devil incarnate. The next thing I know I get a DWI and I never had any intention to go back to drugs, I wanted to be clean. Nobody is going to convince me that people that don't have alcoholism or Reward Deficiency Syndrome don't struggle tremendously once they get off benzos either. I had black outs on Xanax and I was in hell so no it really didn't help me very much. When I ended up in jail with a DWI I soon found out that I would be remanded so that wasn't much fun either. So I went from being all the way in hell, coming out of rehab and trying not to be in hell anymore but ending up there anyway just to get locked down in jail and I had no intention to use drugs to begin with. Yes, I can relate to dancing with the devil. So no I am not scared of the Illuminati because I have already been to the ugliest places on earth and I am still standing            

Monday, July 18, 2016

Flat Earth Gatekeepers The Gatekeepers in alternative media are a total joke. I don't know percentages or whos who exactly however it is safe to state that I saw a few interviews with a so called flat earther going up against one of the Gatekeepers cointelpro and it was humorous. For starters it goes back to the Milgram experiment in the early 1960'S. The game plan is if somebody of authority tells you something not only must you obey it has to be true right? It appears to me that some of these alternative media shills have dedicated their career to act as limited hangout controlled opposition and have earned a very loyal almost cult like following. I am going to state straight out that I was addicted to Infowars and VT. I just really enjoyed the intel they both put out on a daily basis. I cant relate to main stream news but when these two outlets started singing tunes that kept me alert and awake, it was music to my ears. I never had one in real world but it was like the cacophony of a firefight. Almost everything I have learned intel wise has come from these two news sources. That said there is a plethora of other radio hosts that I have checked out from time to time and some of these people have debated the flat earth scenario. Its almost like ok I cant think for myself if this radio host says that if I think the earth is flat then I am crazy so it must be so. This means that I don't have the ability to  analyze any intel, data, ossint sources on my own. I need the validation of this polyester suit gatekeeper. I read. great intel from, and Eric Dubay initially until the MK Ultra demons took over his soul and I came to my own conclusion- "The earth is flat," Sorry to hurt these gatekeepers feelings but doesn't t somebody in the so called alternative news media want us to be independent and critical thinkers? It took me about 10 minutes of checking out Dubays youtube videos and I was sold. What I am trying to say is that some of these gatekeepers are frauds because even the most dumbed down individual can come to the conclusion that we aren't really spinning and its all a Free Mason Scam. So how much extra are these Gatekeepers getting paid to discredit the so called "flat earthers"? I also feel that the flat earther term is  pejorative and it is also meant to discredit people that have actually  analyzed the obvious. I don't know about anybody else but I want to see these slimeballs go down eventually. That means a plethora of intelligent strong willed so called flat earthers need to unite and then proceed to initiate a massive class action lawsuit. "We The People"vs Free Mason slimeball cia Nasa and Associates." I just need to dig a little deeper to figure out how many good guy astronauts these Nasa cult freaks have killed over the years. Some of the people that people claim have died didn't really die. It would be a good situation to hook up with some like minded individuals. The other thing that makes absolutely no sense to me is that some of these gatekeepers are coming out with "oh flat earther people are discrediting the 9-11 truth movement". WTF does that have to do with anything? Its two different subjects why would I discredit 9-11 truth just because I figured out the bs globe scam after it was initially pointed out to me? If one really wants to get technical they are both very much related. The Free Mason cia hoax scam artists just continued on with business as usual on 9-11. I have learned that the Jesuits may be the real bad guys. I don't know it makes sense to me. It look like some of these gatekeepers are  blaming everything on Israel. 

Manafactured Terror Business Here We Go I have come to the conclusion that trying to expose bad guys has become an exercise in futility. It is a double negative because not only is there no money to be made most people think that you are crazy. How does one explain to the uninitiated that some bad things allegedly went down but those guys really didn't die? That is why I have decided to move on over to the dark side. Its a great business model with lots of money to be made. For example you plan a mass casualty event blame some bad guys nobody really gets killed and then everybody gets paid. Not only that just think about how much these grieving family members make out. Its a win win for everybody. They get to sue, litigate, get huge pay outs and smile all the way to the bank. The family members make out the best because they control the entire narrative. What ever they say really goes. Anybody that calls them out as a liar, coward, traitor, gun snatcher and thief is just labelled a heartless wack job conspiracy theorist. Eventually the investigator gets threatened, harassed, arrested and even  killed. How much better can this manufactured terror business be? They have main stream media feeling sorry for them making sure to give them their 15 minutes from time to time fake tears and all. So not only does the investigator calling these people out not make any money he gets called a conspiracy nut job how much worse can it get then that? Look what happened to Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. I am going to put a few feelers out and maybe come up with my own Manufactured Terror event business plan to see how much interest I  get from wall street or from potential angel investors. It has to be better then the conspiracy theorist business because that business sucks really bad, it definitely is an exercise in futility. Like I stated in my new crisis actor career in one of my previous blogs- "if you cant beat them then join them" 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Dustification I am going to delve more into what Dr Judy has to say. She doesn't want to be boxed into a corner and coerced into anything by other members of the so called truth movement. She doesn't want to speculate on who the bad guys are because now I can see her point. That could very well be a distraction from so called truthers who know that she may know exactly what she is talking about. This means that I may have to make amends to my petty narcissist black unit sniper know it all. Whether its micro nukes or nano thermite lets face it this is all about divide and conquer. Wolfgang stated this recently. Sandy Hook has allegedly broken up families with their divide and conquer tactics. Let me tell you something they wanted us to know Sandy Hook is a false flag. I opened up a link on Yahoo that had a story that was a video of Adam Lanza at the videogame arcade and it said False Flag 13 in the background. I was like wtf this is Yahoo they are supposed to be dumbed down and controlled by the evildoers right? So when the thermite sniffers are fighting with the micro nuke researchers this may be a red herring and distraction from the Dustification of the towers. DEWS- Direct Energy Weapons- Does everybody remember when Sean Connery got vaporized in The Rock? Well it looks like the same thing happened to the towers. Dr Judy Wood also happens to have made some legal progress in reference to "empirical evidence" not speculation or theory. I don't think I believe in Seymour Hershs Samson Option and all of these nukes planted underneath various cities. Israel is bad news especially the Palestinian Apartheid but I don't think they are as evil as some so called truthers are trying to make us believe. It looks like if the Towers came down by controlled demolition or by nano thermite or micro nukes then the rubble should have been piled up- way up. It just wasn't thus the reason that I feel that Dustification is a plausible explanation. JP Morgan squashed out Telsa in the beginning portion of the 20th century.The elites knew that he was right on the money, he even had patents lined up but what happened to him? He got bulldozed by the Robber Barrons. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Herbalife Cult Herbalife is full of cheeseballs and smarmy individuals. One doesn't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to do a basic analysis on how these people operate to come up with "this is a cult." ABC News did a great  investigative report going undercover and they showed exactly what I am talking about. This woman waiting on line for one of their cheesy infomercial panels and then proceeds to get bullied by the security guard "no talking to the press corporate is on their way down to talk to them" "Ok says the mind control girl I only told them how great Herbalife is." These clowns come across as very similar to Scientology infact eerily similar. You can see how deep their pockets are and you can see how they act during their party seminars, this is absolutely as close to a cult as one can get. OK so the Feds came in and said well we are going to back off the Pyramid scam label and just hit them with a 200 million dollar fine for deceptive practices. One doesn't have to be an astrophysicist to see how much juice and power this company has. That is what you get with an army of $1,000 per hour lawyers. There is light at the end of the tunnel because Bill Ackman feels that with the ongoing investigation he initiated this company is going to eventually implode in a big way thus the reason why he has shorted the stock. Did anybody take a good look at those 1970's vacuum cleaner salesman polyester suit cheeseballs? Especially that rube in the 1980s when they got in trouble the first time. These people are worse then Sham wow and every other late night sales scam we have seen over the years. I have faith in Bill Ackman, that is the benefit of being successful , you can launch your own investigation with almost unlimited funding. If I remember he was up in the $20 million dollar range at this point. I have faith in Ackmans ongoing investigation  because most people are just looking to make a few extra dollars legitimately because lets face it life is hard and the system is completely rigged. To take these peoples money and promise them the moon and the stars is criminal. How do you think it makes them feel? They dish out their hard earned money only to find out that they cant make money unless they get others to buy in and only the top dogs at the top of the Pyramid make money.  Its like the rat in the maze just churning along on the hamster wheel. Its a cult and they have been  taking advantage of innocent people for many years. These Herbalife freaks  should hook up with David Miscaviage to learn more about the latest mind control bully tactics and tricks    

Friday, July 15, 2016

JFK Case Reopened Stew Webb Tip Of The Spear. Just out of curiosity how come this isn't big news? I just so happened to stumble upon it on youtube. This is very pathetic because this article should have went viral multiple times over. Why hasn't any of the major news outlets covered this? Those news cartels should be broken up and sent back to places they should have been a long time ago. How many sell outs have we had over the years over this one issue alone, and it still hasn't ceased? Another lone wolf gunman in Dallas a few weeks ago. I was always wondering how these despicable individuals could actually think it was ok to murder our Commander in Chief. That is seriously above and beyond the pale of arrogance. That is the problem right there these people are so arrogant and above the law their criminal behavior seems to have only escalated over the years. Is Stew Webb the only Patriot we have left out there? Why isn't Stew Webb on Fox News because Oreilly would then have to admit that he wrote a sell out bull shit book? 

Jason Bourne- Matt Damon- Bad News "One Fell Swoop"

I saw an Infowars clip which had an interview with Matt Damon. He wants Australian type gun laws in the USA. He would want the weapons snatched up in "One Fell Swoop" if it were up to him. I have to say if this isn't a perfect example of how phony Hollywood is. Here is a guy that I had a lot of respect for not only for his exceptional acting abilities but also because of his high intellect. He actually had an anti Illuminati speech that I checked out as well. So he has played a serious hard core cia spy kicking ass and taking names going up against diabolical MK Ultra type handlers in his Bourne series over the years but in real life he turns out to be an anti American gun snatcher wtf is the matter with this picture? For that reason alone I am not going to check out his new Bourne movie. Seriously we aren't that dumb, we know that Hollywood knows about how phony these False Flags are specifically Sandy Hook and then we get this from a Hollywood super star? The few good guys that we have left in Hollywood need to come out of the closet and say "Hey Americans keep your weapons this is criminal what is going on ie- staged shootings fear mongering and all of the rest". Phony Hollywood we shouldn't be that surprised. I am telling you I don't think I could do a Space Martian Movie like Damon because it just perpetuates the illusion of NASA's greatness and all of the dark cult propaganda that goes along with it.. I could definitely do a Bourne Movie but I would never proceed to turn around and stab my fellow Americans in the back with a ban all weapons in the USA in "One Fell Swoop" because that is traitor material lets be honest. What does Ben Affleck have to say about this? He is a great actor especially that Iran hostage movie inquiring minds want to know. If we had some good guys in Hollywood they would speak out and donate to Wolfgangs non profit where he is attempting to investigate a ruthless criminal cartel so where is Hollywood? Where is the NRA because they are pretty weird to say the least. I saw that commercial Pierre had on and it was fear mongering and basically inappropriate.So where are the so called good guys because Wolfgang is going up against a ruthless criminal cartel, one comparable to what Jason Bourne fights in phony Hollywood. Wolfgang Halbig is the real deal an American Patriot he could use a lot of support. We are going to remember who did absolutely nothing when our country needed you most and this is what you will be remembered for. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Our Country Is An Absolute Joke This blog makes it somewhat apparent that the Istanbul situation was a false flag with no real carnage. I do happen to believe in the Hillary body count with all of her Arkansides. Stew Webb stated that Larry Nichols was a weasel by taking money from old ladies but I remember that guy talking about how these Arkansides were execution type gangster type hits that were signed off as suicides. In other words brutal murders, mob style gunshot wounds to the head, torn off limbs, bodies burned and then thrown in the dumpster. That doesn't sound like a suicide to me. I would be wary if anybody happens to be close dear friends of the Clintons. Apparently a lot of their closest associates have ended up in places that they weren't planning on being until many more years down the road. Is this somebody we want as our President? Fetzer has the Cathy Obrien story we are talking about some serious sickness and pervasion going on in this political and dysfunctional world called US politics. Anyway I read Kesslers book on the FBI and he made it sound like Jeff Sessions was a loser as an FBI Director that got pushed around by his wife. In other words it depicted Sessions as wimpy and ineffective that did not have the respect from his men out in the field. I must admit after reading that book I had no respect for the guy, it seemed like he was a political animal and basically a joke. Well its interesting how some tales are spun the wrong way for reasons that seem to become all to obvious. The real Jeff Sessions appears to be a real stand up man otherwise Donald Trump would not respect him nor would he ever be a consideration for VP. He was more then likely going after real bad guys like the gangsters that have always worked for the Bush and Clinton Crime family. Let me tell you something I understand the way the mob works they deal a lot of drugs through Mena Arkansas but I don't respect them  because they are gangsters working as Federal Agents. Lets take a look at these Arkansides- FBI Division 5 hit teams-That is pretty disgusting. That's cowardice and I will never respect this scum, if they were just dealing drugs I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. I would still want to take them down because if you are working in a power position representing the USA you should be a role model and stand for something. Instead we have pedophiles, murderers ,child rapists and drug dealers are you serious how did we ever let it get this bad? We must take some accountability because when Donald Trump gets elected there needs to be a lot of fire breathing demon chasers putting this scum in places they should have been a long time ago. What about Hillary laughing about getting this child rapist off something that ruins a little girls life irrevocably? According to Roger Stones book she had pretext gangster pis threaten and harass her husbands rape victims to the point where they would not want to pursue the matter in any legal capacity. She was involved in nefarious deeds during Watergate is this somebody we want as Commander in Chief? I cant even believe that it has gotten this bad. Is this the best we have to offer from a Democratic candidate for President Of The United States? I am going to throw up again because this country is an absolute joke          

Crisis Actor Career I need a job so I am going to apply to the ad that was in the West Palm Beach Craigs List- Its legal anyway so it doesn't make any difference. I would be a good crisis actor, I have enough experience with real drama in my life so this will carry over to my new paid position. I cant wait. If you cant beat them then join them. Maybe after my new paid gig I will then will be able to  afford another k-9 companion. I am applying to all of the other Craig's list ads and not getting any response but this one is my calling, it has my name written all over it so that is why I know that they will call me back- Robbie Parker here we go

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

No More Gold In Them Hills Baron Rothschild stated "The time to buy is when their is blood on the streets"Whether its squashing out a small fry competitor with ruthless anti trust tactics or shorting the market on purpose the elites know when and where to make big money. Could this hold true for the program as well? This was a very interesting article which basically makes the argument that the Double Chloride gold treatment may have been purposely withheld from Bill W. I do believe that his Orthomoleculor Niacin Vitamin B-3 13th step was a great idea. This was repudiated by the group conscience for reasons that dont make any sense to me. Dr Keeley boasted a 95% success rate for alcoholism but was labeled a quack and discredited. After Dr Keeleys death Bill was given the elites poison Belladona treatment in Towns hospital. This is around the same time Dr Keeley died so why didn't they give him the gold treatment? I do believe that the Rockefellers weren't all evil, the fact that they were on the board of AA says alot to me. The program is not meant to be a money maker its meant to save lives and has for countless individuals that were alcoholics of the hopeless variety. I am one, an alcoholic that repudiated the spiritual principles and paid a heavy price. Its all about humility and an acknowledgement in a power greater then oneself as well as a daily desire to get out of self and help others with humility and gratitude. I do believe that the elites know this but if Bill knew about the gold cure this may have saved alot more people. In other words the two fold approach to recovery, the spiritual combined with the bio chemical. Maybe the elites wanted to convey the message that there was no more gold in them hills?. Rockefeller hooked up in 1928 with a huge medical cartel comparable to the big wigs of today (Pfizer and Purdue Pharma.) I did research on Ibogaine and I see no reason for this to be illegal in the US except for the fact that it isnt something that big Pharma can patent and make a killing on. They are sharks swimming in the water smelling blood so anything that may help it really doesn't matter it must be squashed out and discredited just like Dr Keeley. I am eternally grateful for the Rockefellers because AA saved my life and today I have 10 months..I just feel that effective treatments must be brought to the table to increase successful recovery rates for what is a hellacious disease. Bill was into LSD, it makes sense that Ibogaine should be mandatory for all addicts when starting treatment. We need to bring gold back as a treatment as well, if it worked once why wouldn't it work again? I am telling you that these doctors that are giving addicts massive amounts of maintenance drugs like cyboxin and subutex are part of the problem. There is a huge racketeering operation going on because the rates of mental illness and addiction has never been this prevalent. It is manufactured can anybody else see this besides me? Addicts and alcoholics are coming in to treatment and are being labelled bi polar, up to 60? Cor morbid conditions do exist but most of these diagnosis are not legit because its drug induced behavior. How prevalent was manic depression 50 years ago? It wasn't that pervasive at all so how and why are all of these addicts getting diagnosed with cor morbid conditions with big pharma meds the size of Mt Everest?. Let me tell you something there is no way any addict should be taking handfuls of meds even when they are detoxing. For alcoholism yes Valium and Xanax can save ones life during the detox stages to prevent a brain hemmorage but other then that big Pharma is taking advantage of sick people. Its in our nature to self medicate that is why if these doctors are giving us bottles of multiple meds of course we will take them. That is criminal, on the top it is aiding and abetting in a criminal racketeering operation. Not only that somebody cant even be accurately diagnosed until they are abstinent from most of the psychotropics that are giving one the negative symptoms to begin with. Its very shady to say the least so these doctors better start doing whats right for their patient.The secret is out, everybody knows big Pharma is a racket that really doesn't care about the patient. Look at these vaccines that should say it all. One day alot of people are going to go down for this, mark my words. In reference to the Keeley Gold cure I dont know how they were basing their so called cure success rates. There is no cure for alcoholism just a daily reprieve contingent on the basis of ones spiritual condition. Maybe it was great for detox and helped with cravings but if it condoned a so called cure that made people feel they could be normal again and go back to drinking then it definitely wasn't  legit. People can be considered recovered but never cured. I found this out the hard way    

Dallas CSI Investigation Citizen journalists doing their own CSI Investigation- After a plethora of pictures with a professional high resolution camera they couldn't find any bullet holes or anything else that would indicate that multiple killings took place.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

9-11 Fraud- Hollywood Free Mason Hoax Welcome to the cia Free Mason world of subterfuge and deception. Hollywood tricks and sleight of hand. Brian Staveley doesn't have a deep and dark intel background but look what he is bringing to the table. He is basically making the argument that he doesn't think that anybody really died on 9-11. I took a look at that falling man that was way too far away from the towers as well as many of  the vic sims that Simon Shack has exposed ( Inquiring minds should want to know more, These two website are  quite impressive. I wrote a few blogs criticizing Alex Jones in reference to 9-11 truth but as I reflect back I do believe that those blogs were unjust. For starters most people would have never even known anything about 9-11 truth if it wasn't for Alex Jones. Secondly Jones never stated that he knew exactly what transpired in reference to 9-11 he just stated that the official government story wasn't legitimate for obvious reasons. He has always been humble in my opinion therefore Jones deserves support and encouragement. He has stated that the official story wasn't the right one thats it. This means that if anybody has an inquiring mind  they are going to dig on their own and they are going to keep digging until they find something that seems to be the most plausible.That is why I respect Jones, he never came out and said "I am the chosen one and all intel begins and ends with me".I never heard him criticizing others or attacking their work either. That is why people should stop bad mouthing Jones and calling him cointelpro shill etc..He is the one who taught me about Hollywood green screens and media tv fraud with CNN etc.. If it wasn't for Jones  I wouldn't have been able to compare notes. In other words he pointed out CNN was a joke in the First Gulf war with the fake scud studs (really being in Atlanta not the Middle East) as well as Anderson Coopers nose not adding up with green screens during Sandy Hook. That is why it was easier for me to say yes ok Simon Shacks intel makes the most sense because I learned that all from Alex Jones. If it wasnt for people like Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang and their indefatigable Sandy Hook Investigation I never would have thought it possible that these weird Illuminati Free Masons could pull off a false flag and not have anybody that really gets killed. I learned from The Modern Gnostic about Occums Razor which means go with the simplest and most plausible theory first because your gut is more often then not right on the money.It actually makes me feel better because I was quite depressed there for a while. In fact I was never the same after 9-11, this is when I stopped going to meetings completely..My life never got back on track and 12 years after 9-11 I had to come to the realistic conclusion that cia had their hooks deep in 9-11  just like  JFK- I was more then a little upset infact I wanted people to go down hard for this. I lost all faith in humanity to think that these cockroaches actually killed 3000 people so they could initiate  their PNAC world wide hegemonic operation. I wanted them all dead but now that I know that it was more then likely an elaborate hoax I feel better. It doesn't mean that they arent scumbags at the highest level. I feel that all so called truthers need to tone down the cia murdered 3,000 innocent civilians at least until they check out this intel. Also those vic sims make it quite apparent that alot of photo shop and cgi was involved. I also feel that this so called evil empire isn't killing as many people or witnesses as some truthers are trying to make us believe. Until I see verified DNA, dental records and legitimate autopsies,chief medical examiner records(Not Wayne Carvers), death certificates and actual exhumations with blanket warrants and real cadaver dogs I dont believe much at all. We cant forget about substantiated records with real time lines in the social security death index as well. Lets take a look at those Apollo frauds that were all supposed to have been blown up in 1986.They are all still alive with verified facial recognition with little or no change to their real name. Fetzer also taught me that Fraud Vitiates everything    

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Another Lone Wolf Shooter In Dallas

Clinton Foundation Scam I was listening to Stew Webb and Glen Canady. They had Charles Ortel on their Mr Ortel is a graduate of Harvard Business school and seems to be very wise to the ways of the world. He stated that the Hillary Scam foundation is the largest fraud faux charity in the history of man. Before its News had an article with somebody who claims to be an anonymous FBI analyst. I don't know enough about beforeitsnews to say yes this is the real deal however if it is then that article is quite informative as well. Basically this analyst states that this is the biggest potential scandal anybody has seen in a long time maybe ever because it has the potential to bring down the entire house of cards. Charles stated that these people are  robbing from the poor as well so they are the reverse of Robin hoods. What a disgrace they are, if you are going to rob from somebody at least rob from your own kind. At least unleash your criminal wrath on people that wont notice the difference in their lifestyle anyway. When is there going to be real people who step up and demand action? Obviously not our FBI Director because I believe that he is an enabler and a political animal. It appears that  prosecutors from each state can take action and if that is the case then even a presidential pardon wont have any effect. Stew Webb has French Intel connections so he is trying to push that angle in reference to this world wide espionage scandal. Extradition laws etc.. I am tired of 95 year old men sitting on top of their perch pulling strings and creating reality for the rest of us common folk- hoi polloi- I cant even get a job as a garbage hauler while these criminals rape plunder and pillage and then decide to run for President of The United States what is wrong with this picture? When are the True Patriots going to rise up in mass and demand action? Oreilly you always used to have Patriots and Pinheads at the end of your show. Stew Webb is a very solid Patriot and warrior so how come you never mention him or have him on your show? The real story appears to be the Clinton Foundation not the e-mail server. Charles Ortel states that this scam may exceed well over 100 billion dollars.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Rise Of The Privateers This is a great article. The rise of the privateers, the private security and private investigation field should have always played a larger role on the federal level. However it looks like it was squashed out by the FBI which really wasn't even that legal. The Pinkertons had spys on the ground in the Civil War. They really knew what they were doing. Just think about how and why the FBI never really worked for We The People. If what Comey just did in regard to the Hilary Scam isn't enough to convince us lets take a look at JE Hoover. The mob had him in their back pocket. They had all of his gambling and homo dirt on file which is why they rolled right over him. These head sheds of the Bureau have all been career politicians how much more obvious can they make it? Let us also examine what Stew Webb has to say about what he has experienced with the gangsters that were actually working for the FBI.- Ted Gunderson etc. these people were disgusting individuals. With all due respect to the honorable FBI Agents because I am sure that their are many. However considering there is enough intel out there to support that FBI JTTF is basically a racketeering operation that recruits retards to carry out dud terror attacks. This is why the rise of the privateers is the way to go. Sandy Hook is a perfect example. How can We the People conduct an independent investigation? Unfortunately its not easy to do, that is why Wolfgang needs an independent Pi firm to work with him. With all due respect to the many great videos and operations like Independent Media Solidarity just putting You Tube Videos up or strictly being info providers is not enough to investigate something like this. We cant really trust the FBI to investigate something that we know has their hooks in as collaborators to begin with lets be honest? How can they reopen a case that they just helped close, that has been the conundrum of our Feds across the board. Its compartmentalization and its capital cronyism and Federal Agents working for the FBI who have been selling out the integrity of this country for many years. Fidelity Bravery Integrity not so much. They were put in power to actually work for and protect the most powerful crime families this country has ever known. That is why the Privateers must come out of the woodwork just like the Minute Men of the Revolutionary War. We need to be able to restore order out of chaos. The only way investigations can get from point A to B is by doing exactly what Wolfgang is doing. FOIA requests for starters, he is strong and not intimidated to raise hell and to let We the People know about it. He is transparent and that needs to be the new paradigm of investigations. We need to take the word private out of it because that has been the number one problem all along. Investigations need to be open to We the People via the internet as well as by programs like Alex Jones. This is absolutely the only way this Frankenstein's Monster of Federal Stonewall Criminal bureaucracies that call themselves Federal Agents will ever end. The rise of the privateers and we need to be armed to the teeth as well. There is no way that any Fed can have more firepower then us, that is another downfall of unlimited budgets with counterfeit currency. Going up against 1.5 billion rounds of hollow point isn't exactly going up against weakness. In essence  investigations need to be privatized but not private. Transparent to We the People and modeled after the Pinkerton Spy Firm of yesteryear where it was actually ok to make a decent dollar as a Green Badger or civilian.

Main Stream Media Political Sell Outs This isn't good for anybody, how can public records be blocked? That is the reason FOIAs were invented. The public has a right to know what is really going on in their country. This is just a continuation of the same thing, I hope people start waking up in numbers that far exceed expectations. I don't know about anybody else but when I watch the news I expect them to tell the truth and not shed phony tears about an event that they knew was coming. That is terrorism in its finest form,the masses are mostly asleep and I know for certain that little hole in the glass was impossible for leos to pass through at  Sandy Hook. No way those guys made it through that diminutive so called entrance to this so called school shooting. Oreilly is a fraud. Lets compare Oreilly to Alex Jones. Jones is indignant and he speaks the truth. He cant stand Obama because our commander in chief is not trustworthy. Those false flag phony tears were as pathetic as you can get. Oreilly was asked what he though Obummers legacy would be and he basically stated that it wouldn't be horrible and that our president was actually a good role model. Are you kidding me Oreilly Oswald was a lone straight shooter as well. There is still time for Oreilly to redeem himself. The only thing he needs to do is put Wolfgang Halbig on his show and ask him about his FOIA requests to the state of Ct. Alex Jones told us all about black ops cia and every other spook operation that has been infiltrating our country for years. Is that the price one has to pay to be a big money sell out like Oreilly. Everybody knows that Oreilly  knows that Oswald was not a lone shooter he probably wasn't even a shooter at all. It shouldn't be legal to stage a school shooting making it appear that little kids were killed because that's despicable. Fox News knows this so what do they say to each other when they make their phony rounds during their black tie galas? I know what I would be saying. I would be like they cant pay me enough to report this bull shit I am getting out and going out on my own. Sandy Hook should be the line of demarcation in the sand to abandon ship. If you don't do what's right for our country this is what you are going to be remembered for for the rest of your career. I hope the dirty blood money has been worth it. These politicians like Bloomberg and Malloy make me very sick to my stomach

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wall Street Golden Boy Fraud Dr Blum states that the shortage of  the dopamine D2 receptor  is mostly responsible for Reward Deficiency Syndrome and that it is the same for all addictions.Gambling, sex, eating disorders etc.. That is why I am so interested in criminology, I like to learn about the reasons why not just learn about the forensic aspects etc.. I am not stating that this fraud was definitely because he was a gambling addict but it seems very plausible. If true then this type of addiction is treatable, it is the same 12 step program for all addictions even smoking. That doesn't help the victims in this case but if infact he is a gambling addict this kind of mental state is much more treatable then some of the other pathological frauds out there. That would be the psychopathic and sociopaths that are untreatable, that is why they just need to be stopped because they are incapable of empathy. It doesn't matter how many times they go to the doctors office or 12 step program  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bad Karma For FBI

Traitors Of The Highest Order This isn't old news as Roger Stone stated it is not old news if nobody even heard it for the first time. Its all about the money and the power for the Clinton crime family. That is the most dangerous combination of all. People with the power to run roughshod and basically do whatever they want because there never were any consequences and probably never will be. We have enablers that work for this family and they have all the dirt on everybody else that is why they are put in positions inside the Justice Dept. They are compromised individuals, how can they ever expect to uphold the laws that apply to everybody else? What were 2 Newtown police officers doing out of their jurisdiction? They went over to the home of an individual who placed 1 phone call to Monte Frank. I didn't know that placing one phone call warrants sending police officers out of their jurisdiction to this individuals home. Does this even come close to something that would be considered harassment? No the real harassers are the thugs that they hired in Newtown that went along with that pathetic false flag. What a bunch of pathetic law enforcement officers.   

Dark Day Clinton Scam The Hilary scam was rigged from the beginning. Judge Jeanne as well as some other former high profile prosecutors stated that this should have unequivocally been presented to the Grand Jury. How much more obvious can they make it that these people are above the law? I hope Donald Trump will talk about all of the Clinton scandals. Many insiders believe that she had her fingerprints all over Waco where they made these innocent people look like violent militia anarchists. How much longer can we really take this as Americans? Judge Jeanne stated that this is a very dark day. Its been a dark day for me for a long time ever since I realized that our Potus is an imposter, he really isn't an American. I have a lot of respect for Judge Jeanne and some of the other legal analysts Fox news has on their show. My question is when are they going to put the clamps down and interview Wolfgang? Alex Jones did, he just has 16 questions that need to be answered and he is getting jerked around by the state of Ct with legitimate by the book FOIA requests. Lets start this election off with a Revolution- Getting back to the Clinton scam how could the FBI Director state that this would be a waste of tax payers money if it ever went to the next level? In so many words he stated that but what other case can this be compared to? What other case is comparable and even if their wasn't criminal intent which I doubt this is still enough to bring to the next level to at least recommend an indictment? Lets face it everything that woman does their is criminal negligence and intent involved. Is this somebody we want as our Commander in Chief? Negligence but no criminal intent I don't believe it for one second. She has been selling out this country for decades along with her NWO Globalist partners in crime.

Sandy Hook And Orlando Criminals Wolfgang had one of his computer forensic experts confirm that the girl that was supposed to have been murdered in the Sandy Hook fraud where no children really died was the same little girl singing at the Superbowl. This man is a professional analyst with 28  years of experience. These people really are sick and twisted. At this point there is no reason for me to believe that anybody really died in Orlando either. One thing is certain these people are predators that are into plunder and pillage. Our Attorney General doesn't look very honorable, I am usually a pretty good judge. We need a real Attorney General. Does anybody have any idea how much money these frauds are stealing? How much money was raised in Orlando from gullible people that donated millions? On top of that there is federal grant money and all of the money that is used to expedite phony legislation for all of the compromised crisis actors in congress. Plenty of Fema grant money and lets not forget the government contract money passed around for upgrades in safety procedures. For Sandy Hook they created fear grief and panic across this country, even across the world. I hope that there are some awake indignant parents out there who really want to see these frauds get taken down. Think about what an egregious abuse of power this is. The highest elected officials this country has,The Attorney General and our Potus. They are supposed to uphold our ethics and abide by the US constitution.The President is the chief law enforcement officer of the supreme law of the land. What did he do when we needed him most? He staged a false flag 30 miles from where I used to live and he made believe that little children were murdered. Am I the only one that is supposed to be upset about this? Then he had his right hand man Holder dish out millions of dollars to non existent real families as well as to the corrupt law enforcement officers that went along with it. Wolf has 2 ct state troopers that provided him with  smoking gun evidence of the fraud, ie- false affidavits signed by ct state troopers. I was never a saint by any stretch, I even broke  the law at times and haven't always told the truth. However I  would never be in collusion with something this sick and sinister.These people should seriously bury their head in the sand and repent. Instead they are doing just the opposite.They are actually increasing their criminal prevarications in every way one can imagine. This is how cia operates. They try to make you feel guilty for something that they really are a part of. Consciousness of guilt as well but it even goes one step above that as far as their arrogance is concerned.. Its all a mind game, it worked on me for a little while. How much more criminal can you get, trying to make us feel guilty for something that they really are in collusion with. That is the epitome of what is wrong with these NWO freaks, they are not even human, ie- no empathy..  .     

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


An expression or vehement protest, that is the definition of fulmination. I am vehemently protesting the way of the world at the present moment. There are no jobs that I can see. I can check out craigslist again for the latest scam of the day. I am a college grad why cant I even get a job for minimum wage? There should be Union jobs for people but the fat cats downsized and sent all of the jobs off shore. Why cant I apply to a job on the assembly line or a Union based job that pays more then $9 per hour. It is because of all of the criminal special interest groups who don't care about us, they are all slick Willy greasy palm handshakes. There is something seriously wrong with the system. The democratic nominee for president of the USA gets payed giant sums  of money just for phony speeches and we are supposed to be ok with this? I don't even know if The Donald will save us. I was checking out some of his speeches, he wants to build up our Military Industrial Complex? Basically he is stating that we need to be a number 1 superpower again which is great but we don't need to pump more money into the Frankenstein's monster, that has been the problem all along. All of these wars over the years have been asymmetrical guerilla wars, it doesn't matter how much you bomb, the only thing that does  is cause more destruction only to help them later and rebuild? How many bombs did we drop in Vietnam? That was an exercise in futility, we tried to bomb them back to the stone age. I like his idea about wiping out Isis but that would mean getting rid of the Americans who created them to begin with. If  I were president I would completely wipe out Isis in only a few months but they would get completely wiped out. That will never happen because that would mean our Military Industrial Complex wouldn't have any more enemies, (ie- not good for business.) We need jobs that pay a decent wage, ones that aren't slave labor that we can be proud of. Worrying about Iran getting the nuke isn't the problem because that is not a reality. The reality is that we have a lot of pissed off Americans who have been really taken advantage of  and lied to over the years by our so called leaders. These people that call themselves leaders have no shame. I am just waiting for them to rig the markets again so they can start their Marshal Law looting operation. Welcome to the USA home of the unfree and land of the slaves. The harder one works the less they get paid.