Monday, December 30, 2019

War Is Big Business

A wise man once said when ever somebody is pushing for a conflict you know that they are caught in the tyranny of thier own ego- This same wise individual stated that war is big business. Whether caught up in the throws of our own ego or a slave to king tyrant alcohol the end result is the same doom and gloom-
  I dont believe America has been that great and I dont believe that Eddie Gallagher is a great fighter- Potus Trump thought Wendys and McDonalds is great American food and he also apparently thinks Eddie gallager is good guy- I feel that POTUS should stay out of ucmj decisions especially when this seal appears to be off the rails- Always listen to ones fellow operators within the unit- I believe potus Trump has been doing things that are above his pay grade- First of all this seal appears to be an evil psychopath- You don't shoot women and children- sometimes you have to shoot women and children especially if they ae trying to kill you - however roes must be adhered to especially in a hostile war zone-
  This man has affected unit cohesion and severely rendered his teammates less effective due to his reckless actions- When the seals went out into the field they had to worry about this man killing innocent civilians wtf is that- That is what has earned our ugly American reputation- One of these seals is a member of devgrru I believe these men are reliable sources- The other thing is just because somebody may not remember every single exact detail doesn't make them an unreliable witness-
    You get the pulse of an individual by asking the teammates what more does one need to know- So I ask POTUS Trump what about Eddie Gallager makes him a great fighter- Unfortunately I believe our POTUS is jingoistic and shoots from the hip w/ out doing proper due diligence- He also mocked a disabled reporter and never made amends for this- I can see why the dems want to get rid of him- The other thing is why is he meddling in military affairs as a civilian- Apparently Bernie Kerik and company was influential in clearing Gallager in the past but why-
  And then threats- Gallager allegedly has dirt on some of the seals- I don't trust that man and I also don't think I can trust our Potus- His judgement  appears to be sorely lacking

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Health Care Fraud

  • Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or ordered by physicians;
  • The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
  • The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
  • Columbia billed the government for home health-care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.
As part of the settlement, Columbia/HCA agreed to plead guilty to 14 corporate felonies — charges that involve financial penalties, but no jail time. (Corporations are people, but they cannot be sent to prison.) Over two settlement rounds, Columbia/HCA wound up paying the government $1.7 billion in criminal fines, civil damages, and penalties, in what the Justice Department called “the largest health-care fraud case in U.S. history.” This is Potus choice Rick Scott  new health care man- a fraudster wtf is that all about

Monday, December 23, 2019

Witch Hunt

we have some corrupt bureaucrats in our deep state swamp- how many search warrants and subpoenas did the Clinton probe receive- Mueller bogus witch hunt with his best bud Comey had 500 search warrants- 2800 subpoenas, it cost 30 million 19 lawyers and 40 fbi agents-
  Mueller had everybody genuflecting even though most knew that there was never a real crime that was committed- Comey is a liar leaker and a weasel even though he stated that he doesn't do weasel moves- Mueller then makes an unprecedented comment that didn't ad up under the circumstances- Potus Trump was guilty until proven innocent- This is usually how witch hunts work- He wanted the job as deep swamp fbi director but Potus rejected him- He then becomes special counsel leader with his pitbull Andrew Weisman- Licence to Lie and routinely did weasel moves under the color of law-
 Gregg Jarrett explains how the Mueller probe was his magnum opus filled with subterfuge and deception.
 Mueller's statement in conclusion to the witchunt made it appear that Potus was still guilty of something- This inst how the law of the land works- We are innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. The swamp creatures needed an excuse to justify 30 million and waste everybody's time with their real collusion partners the main stream media- Stormys lawyer I remember that man touting how bad our POTUS was and look at what happened to him-  If proven to be true he still deserves the presumption of innocence- The crimes that he is accused of Michael Avanatti sound like real crimes- CNN relished in this man as if he was their new spokesperson-
 Collusion is not a real crime except having to do with anti trust law ie- price fixing

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Attempted Coup d'etat

(The shocking report from the DOJ IG shows an out of control FBI under Pres Obama and former Director Jim Comey,) Stephanie Grisham. This was an overthrow of  government, this was an attempted overthrow and alot of people were in on it and got  caught red handed- (Potus Trump)
  (WitchHunt) by Gregg Jarrett- Cardinal Comey took it upon himself to be judge jury and executioner- huge ego his job as the FBI  director was to turn over facts to the DOJ  and have them make the decision- "No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case-" This was in reference to Clinton's perfidy and continued violations of the rule of law- Jarrett explains on pg 7-" he designed to anoint himself as the sole authority on whether criminal charges would be brought-" His job was to gather evidence through documents and witnesses-
  What an insult to the real FBI  guys who risk their lives out in the field every day going after real crimes. Sometimes looks can be deceiving but in many cases not. In this particular case these deep state bureaucrats not only look like weasels they are weasels- Rod Rosenstein asked if he was going to get fired after he allegedly cowered behind his desk- Not only that he explained how rigorous the FISA warrant applicant process was and how strict information has to be in order to obtain a warrant-
  It looks like he didn't follow his own advice- Adam Stiff looks like a weasel too I must admit- Shifty eyes that tell all because the eyes are the window of the soul- He made up a boldface egregious lie in order to instigate this impeachment process. In congress they are allowed to lie over and over again its actually legal for some unethical reason

Monday, December 16, 2019

Paper Tigers

With Donny Rumsfeld at the helm W was too busy chopping wood to know who the head general in charge of Afghanistan was- Petraeus lied about the surge by saying that it worked- Obummer and his phony tears sent more troops after getting elected on the promise of scaling down- Then when asked  what the overall strategy was he said to wipe out Al-Qaeda The only problem was Al Qaeda was gone long before however  the Taliban was still there-
  Nobody could explain what the definition of winning actually was but now Afghanistan produces most of the worlds opium- Do our leaders tell the truth about anything? If the Russian hoax wasn't bad enough now we have some bogus impeachment scandal, a complete deflection from the Afghan Papers- Our Potus didn't do anything illegal nor unethical, he had a conversion with Americas best interest at heart  and now they are trying to impeach him over this. Sigar fraud and abuse in Afghanistan a war that was supposed to represent the real war on terror- The more America spent the more the civilian warlord shareholders made with no overall strategy- 1 trillion dollars in a bottom of the barrel country- Was that worth any of our warriors lives, our civilian paper tigers never get in any trouble nor get held accountable

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Afghan Papers

egos galore and Donny Rumsfeld at the helm- The big Q for quagmire- Never trust a civilian warlord because he is mostly in it for his own self interests- The Afghan papers- how come I always get in trouble when I fabricate evidence or I know that I would if I ever tried. So how come its fair to have these civilian warlords lie over and over again and nobody ever gets in trouble-
  An unwinnable war and they knew it just like Lyndon Baines that Texas drunkard- The American way isnt lying cheating and stealing especially in war when lives are on the line. How come it always has been? Rosy pronouncements even when they knew such statements were false and hid unmistakable evidence- Metrics were always manipulated and data points altered- sf teams hated training the Afghan police because they were the bottom of the barrel in a country that was already bottom of the barrel-
  So how come we put our warriors in harms way in bottom of the barrel countries in a war that they knew was unwinnable- Our wars were unwinnable because they were predicated by fear and greed and not by love and faith- This only means that we need to stop fighting wars because in America we are lovers and not really fighters- We are fierce warriors but were always sent over with one arm tied behind our back- There was no way we could have ever accomplished anything that way
  These civilian warlords can never make up for what they did to our fierce warriors, lets just say starting in Vietnam- One of these days not to distant in the future there is going to be recompense and serious reparations for irrevocable harm done to our fierce warriors, many Vietnam Vets and many more American heroes who have already past away

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Science Of Humility

(Conscious Life on earth evolves in a cyclic spiral of ever accelerating velocity, and we have now reached the point where consciousness is evolving as much in a single year as it once did in a million) Daniel; Reid. Why the world needs Supergirl- she is courageous smart great looking and more powerful then a locomotive- Our creative intelligence is more female then male in many regards- Source has characteristics of both sexes- It hasn't been fair to have always refered to drunks or god as he but that was in the olden days- Supergirl can take down bad guys/gals just as well as the best of them.

Land Of The Fee

Welcome to America home of the brave and Land of the fee- Devin Fergus explains how we the people have been slammed by corporate interests- If one is poor then they get penalized- We need x amount of dollars in our account otherwise we pay the piper-
  How you finance an asset can be as important as the asset- St Louis Federal Reserve- It really kicked in to high gear in the late 70's early 80;s- (New World Financial order-) This real world issue also expedited its greedy tentacles when wall street decided to screw over main street- This is also when nobody went to jail for egregious fraud and still continued on with their loyalty to the shareholders business model.
  Profits over people has been going on for a long time now because it doesn't really matter when people get fired because this is usually when the stock rises. Tucker Carlson stated that our Potus is a full blown bs artist that could  have made a fortune selling cars if he didn't make it in real estate.. Speaking of which Car Cash sounds like a decent franchise- The sell is in the buy and even if you suck at selling as long as one buys the car right they will be on the right track

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why The World Needs Warriors

(the world needs warriors-) may all beings be happy and free may I lead the life of a spiritual warrior- warriors get involved and avenge the lives of the innocent while sages don't-
  Warriors don't think its ok to murder Americans and then send fentanyl over the border- Its ok Mexican drug cartel just savagely assassinate American tourists Mormons and then send drugs through our pipelines which has contributed to the worst drug epidemic in world history.
   Sages don't get involved in worldly affairs many are new age woo woo and are convinced that doing so only ads gasoline to the fire- Infact some of these new age woo woos think its ok to let somebody take them out- What ever will be will be so just say the serenity prayer-
  What we resist persists that is why a sage sits above on his her spiritual hilltop and supposedly doesn't make judgments or assumptions- Warriors like Macarthur smoke their corn cob pipe while the sage smokes the peace pipe-Sages don't get involved in worldly affairs because they think they are above it all- They also feel that the masses aren't that bright while the warrior is on the ground fighting with them.
    Sages feel they are part of the universal oneness of all and their really isn't such a thing as bad or good- Warriors know that their is good and evil and that some people really are straight out thugs- CJ Jung and Fredrick Nietzsche were real life spiritual warriors- Jung wrote about the atrocities of the 2oth century and couldn't believe their could be so much pain suffering world wars etc.. At least he got involved and with that comes assessments and judgments-  Anybody who sits on the sidelines only to observe is not somebody to be trusted- Watch out for the pseudo wanna be sages, many are just Monday morning quarterbacks

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unfreedom Of The Press

There is nothing so fretting and vexatious nothing so justly terrible to tyrants, and their tools and abettors, as a free press- David Copeland p-47
  Mark Levin explains how the New York Times covered up the atrocities of WW2- They covered up the Holocaust as well as Stalin's collectivization in 1933 where he starved millions of Ukrainians'- Why would they do that? Maybe because they were irresponsible and should be held culpable in aiding and abetting in heinous war crimes- According to a journalist the Ukrainians were hungry but not starving- If that was the case then why were millions of people starving to death. If people in the press told the truth then that would mean that they would have a moral obligation to do something about it, that is why many haven't.
  Its much easier to go along to get along-

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Last Judgement

Just because a man may be blind doesn't mean he can not see- The last judgment is for saints and definitely not for sinners- Welcome to the establishment a world where the house always wins because they make money the old fashioned way they steal it-
  The mobsters from Chicago have a deal with the democrats- If you are right off the boat then you can get the vote- The only problem is they don't give a dam about making the immigrants lives better because they would rather exploit them at every turn- Rahm Emanuel who according to the times- relished in the medallion crisis- He and his financial pals would never let a good crisis go to waste.
  I am still trying to figure out how charging a taxi driver 400k just to drive isn't a crime- Instead of shaking down the local owner of the Ponzaroni franchise the Chicago mob better known as the outfit took advantage of innocent immigrants, the very ones these clowns purport to want to help. Stand downs at the border just to centralize their power and create a Marxist type atmosphere-
  Its  bad enough these politicians haven't done a thing to address the violence in Chicago or do anything to help the shantytowns that are now tent cities with feces and drugs everywhere- So how is a man supposed to pay back a $1,700 a month loan just to drive a cab,  that is just about as much as one makes. I have a hard time believing that these financial extortionists didn't see Uber coming as well-
    Inflating medallion prices by artificial means, high interest predator loans- who says the market isn't rigged for the top 1%

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Swamp Creatures

Sleepy Creep should hang up his spikes along with many of his swamp creature pals- He seems to be extremely corrupt, he is definitely a political animal that would say or do anything to achieve the objective- Like making a statement about the 5 bw warriors and politicizing these hero's misfortune for his own selfish politicized agenda-
  The 5 bw guys who were accused of murder had their case  dismissed initially because their was no real case- Their were 8 witnesses besides the accused who stated that the KIA was definitely a threat- In Iraq people blow up their cars and kill people- Sleepy Creep was throwing these warriors under the bus, the very men that are sworn to protect him and many of these other political hacks who don't do a dam thing except gun snatch and benefit financially due to their political position. Just like Sleepy Creeps son doing business with the oligarchs, these people make my stomach turn.
  So if their was no real case and it was thrown out and the accused were vindicated in 2009 why was it opened up again? Maybe because these swamp creature criminals like Hillary and Biden decided to make a statement on national television. Why was Paul Manafort sitting in solitary? For his own safety doesn't add up because if that was really a concern he would be in protective custody and not solitary. Shady Mueller was the US attorney during the Whitey Bulger case and he kept four innocent men in prison and the fbi knew that they were innocent but still concealed this info from state and local law enforcement.
   Andrew Weismann and Mueller, two peas in a pod who ruthlessly hurt innocent people with their zealot based witch hunts and didn't divulge exculpatory evidence.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Angry Orchid

So my choice is to either dance with the devil or ride shotgun with Lucifer those are my options-
  What is the matter with rolling with the soldiers of the apocalypse- Most are high speed demon chasers- I had a dream a few weeks ago- Somebody in the rooms said it was ok to drink a bottle with 7.7% alcohol content and handed out a few of them- A couple of people drank it because they really looked up to and revered this man- I suppose he was like the Jim Jones wanna be. I held on to the bottle and showed it to my sponsor- He didn't think drinking it would be such a swell idea-
   The moral of the story I suppose is that we cant put our faith in a particular individual or even a group for that matter because our light needs to come from within- How much alcohol content does Angry Orchid have- 5.5% so the dream booze was fairly potent- Of course their are always toppers out there who will go on and on about grain alcohol and 4.5 bal's etc-  Do you mean the types that are all problem and no solution- ya something like that
   Angry Orchid gets people pissed off just like the spirits that they are- Ben Rush had a good solution for alcoholism and people with lunacy- "spirituous liquors destroy more lives then the sword- A people corrupted by strong drink can not long be a free people"- Benjamin Rush. Speaking of drink I though our Potus didn't imbibe however  I saw him drink a sip during the toast last week at the state dinner.
  So what is the solution people need to be willing to go all the way kind of like Gunny Highway USMC- Clint Eastwood- my way or the highway- You mean like listen to whatever their sponsor says even if they say its ok to drink- Willing to jump from one twin tower to the next- No only the mighty kong can do that- I heard that their were no planes- of course their were no planes their were helos that killed the mighty kong- It wasn't really the helos that killed him it was beauty that killed the beast

Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital Forensics

ok backtrack a little bit and tell me what happened? I went to the gym after reading some of the Ben Franklin autobiography and overheard some moron running his mouth- He was talking about how we should have used tactical nukes to wipe out every Muslim country after 9-11- I couldn't help but confront him and asked him if he even believed the official story ie- 9-11 commission etc-
  I don't remember much except getting in a physical brawl with this meathead- The next thing I knew I was locked up with assault charges- The charges seemed quite severe and the bail was set very high- I knew something wasn't right when I was told that I wasn't getting out anytime soon- After writing my statement of events which weren't exactly clear I was interviewed by the shrink- The shrink had an assistant and they were both making pejorative comments about me being some kind of conspiracy theorist-
   So let me get this straight they more or less said- basically you  are stating that everything is an illusion and nothing is real and that you also hear voices- Yes its called cwg as hole I retorted- So you hear jesus is that what you are saying, that god talks to you as well- You are definitely not getting out anytime soon-
  After I bailed out I got in touch with one of my contacts and he had some twilight zone news for me- He told me that his digital forensic expert associate did an analysis and realized that all internet investigative journalists no longer existed- All so called truthers were wiped clean off the web and from his standpoint it looks as if they never even existed- The only thing that was on line was  official accounts of every government sponsored event.
  When I went back to the shrink he asked me if I was a flat earther too- For whatever reason I got locked up again and was told hearing voices, conspiracy nut case you are going to be remanded maybe permanently- I ended up in a work camp ward that reminded me of Putnam County jail- We could walk around, it was kind of like a submarine-
   Time stands still in those kind of places, especially if one has no outside contact or the ability to make even a phone call- I don't know how long it was but seemed like eternity I was told my only way out after a visit by somebody who claimed to be my lawyer was to join the force- What force? Its the next phase he stated  ie- (world wide war mixed in with plenty of eugenics-) He said soon things will never be same- The globalists are going to hit America with an emp and blame it on China or Russia-
    There is no way out of this one so you can either stay in the ward if you want or join the force along with the soldiers of the apocalypse- 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Seattle Is Dying

In Buddhism there is something called (the middle way-) This means one should not go to either extreme- The fact that leos have no ability to lock up criminals in Seattle is abhorrent- This goes against everything that they stand and signed up for. This is a bad Rand science experiment gone very wrong- How can these politically correct politicians not be voted out of office by we the people? We have to live in the state where this gross negligence is occurring?
   Seattle and other once beautiful cities are now destroyed by a drug epidemic of addiction which has lead to homelessness. The Seattle mayor cant even make an accurate statement. Judge Jeanine nailed it right on the bulls eye- Our politicians cant even call a spade a spade for fear of being labeled insensitive or politically incorrect. The residents of our cities come first, not the inept mayors because they have a legal obligation to protect we the people first and foremost. They are not doing this, they are not doing their job by tying the leos hands and stripping away their ability to do their job which is to arrest criminals who break the law.
  This also means misdemeanors need to be enforced, infractions need to turn into criminal offenses or charge these people criminally right away for publically defecating in the streets. This kind of public health crisis needs to be addressed by serious people with experience, not by inept pc secular progressive politicians who hide in their office and worry about being sensitive and non offensive. Drug addict, alcoholic, career criminal, felon, recidivist, these are the words that need to be used. This entire negative label scenario that Smart recovery pushes can do more harm then good. Call it for what it is because this can and will be the most liberating part of the entire process.
    The good cop from Seattle stated that the city has become a concentration camp with out the wires and that is why he retired because he couldn't take it anymore. Shoplifting and violence, crimes that are committed because people know that they wont go to jail is absolutely the wrong approach. We are not talking about long draconian sentences, just enough to get people into the (AIC) treatment that they need and also so they don't immediately become a recidivist as soon as they are released and go back to the street.
   Think about how our leos are being used, abused and disrespected. There job is dangerous enough and their is a lot involved when making an arrest- To have policy makers who don't have a clue and who never will  making their life miserable by decriminalizing crimes is a crime within itself. We need to get these homeless people off the street, they shouldn't be enabled and they definitely shouldn't be allowed to use drugs in the open air market-
  How much property tax do the citizens pay the politicians so they can live in a city which hasn't been overrun by dilapidated sewage, syringes, feces and homelessness? Do they care how much revenue they are losing to tourism from people that will definitely never go back? Who wants to visit a city that is a sewer and where they don't feel safe? These politicians should be ashamed of themselves and if they are not voted out of office immediately they should be arrested themselves.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Free Raven 23

Sometimes the law gets it right but many times they don't- The stand your ground case in Fla got it right- There is a reason why many leos didn't stand behind the (stand your ground law  2005.) Just because the NRA supported it doesn't make this right or effective- There is also a valid reason why some politicians don't want that many weapons on the street- Many people shouldn't be carrying weapons.
   Why should civilians have the legal right  (less stringent guidelines) to use lethal force over sworn leo's? Not only that people should be required by law to take escalation of force courses before they are granted a pistol permit- We don't need a wild west scenario, after reading about how many people are getting shot and killed in Fla they should consider making amendments to the law- Mr McGlockton was taking steps backward after the initial shove demonstrating that he wasn't an imminent or potential lethal threat- This also means that he shouldn't have been shot- bad shoot and the right verdict of manslaughter-
  It looks like the bw contractors were completely victimized by another politically motivated witch hunt by rogue DOJ/FBI- Nick Slaten was just sentenced to life in prison after a third trial- He rejected a plea deal because there isn't credible evidence- No physical or forensic evidence- Not only that he was convicted under the premise that he fired the first shot into the KIA- They have a sworn statement by his teammate that refutes this- Its look like all four of the bw contractors became victims of a two tier politically motivated rogue criminal justice system- Everything from a change of venue to the Washington swamp and  much more.
  How and why did Nick Slaten get convicted if the entire case was inconsistent. The only thing that wasn't inconsistent was his statement and testimony that he stood by and never wavered from day 1- The bullet didn't match his weapon, the one that was embedded in the steering wheel of the KIA. This creates reasonable doubt right off the bat. The crime scene was contaminated and cleansed- no credible eyewitness testimony, witnesses had coaching- Their were insurgents more then likely that were dressed as Iraqi police. Bad information came from Iraqi investigators- Could it be that these four contractors were political pawns used and abused by an Anti American rogue doj/fbi at the highest levels. Possibly caving into political pressure in an effort to make an example of these hero's. Scapegoats, I have no faith or trust in these people (the same people who convicted Gen Flynn even though the fbi stated that he didn't lie, they are totally out of control-
  Slatten told the judge that it was an "unjust prosecution"
 His father stated that the government was more interested in getting a conviction then uncovering the truth. (

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blue Lives Matter

What is going on? I am sad two very fine people have been laid to rest and I just found out about it- My other friend is in hospice and a man was struck by lighting last week and it killed his dog. It is a somewhat  overused expression but some people were the real deal- That would be Dr K (doc) and Anthony Christiana- Blue Lives matter and great mentors in the executive protection field-
  I was thinking about real cops and great investigators and Mr. Christiana came to mind- I was making my way back from the west coast and made it to a NLA convention in Las Vegas- I loved learning about the military, ep and law enforcement- Anthony couldn't make it to the conference because he was investigating another homicide- Respect is what I remember most about my feelings toward this man- He was a great instructor with a commanding presence, somebody where it would be very difficult not to take seriously-
  There was nobody better then Dr K he will never be replaced as the founding father of the executive protection field as we know it today- Both men were extremely knowledgeable but very humble- Proud pioneers in a world that seems to get more uncertain every day- Cats have 9 lives, so both men are in the next phase wherever that may be- One of my proudest moments was becoming a member of the NLA black cat family. I knew that I had to put out in order to earn the respect of both of these men- In order to become the best one has to train and learn from the best, Dr. K and Mr. Christiana were the best that ever will be

Monday, August 19, 2019

Live Free Or Die

(fear imprisons but faith liberates) A wise man once said- quitting while you are ahead is not the same as quitting- Its time for sleepy creep to hang up his spikes- If you don't know when mlk and rfk were assassinated and think it was the late 70's its time to cash it in- If you judge you will never understand if you understand you will never judge-
  So does this mean we cant have opinions on anything because I don't think that is very realistic- Why is sleepy creep even trying to be president he didn't have what it took as the vp- he was talking about fireside chats being on tv when they were on the radio and he seemed to be just another democratic gun snatcher- No boundaries and a reputation for being a perv- These politicians have such giant egos they don't know when to quit.
  So when can we the people vote these public officials out of office like the DA in San Francisco that doesn't enforce the rule of law. These people sit idly by while people commit crimes and the only thing they seem to talk about is gun regulation. I have a soft spot in my heart for the homeless but that doesn't mean its ok to break the law and create flagrant violations. Speaking of pervs what do you think about that weirdo Epstein that supposedly committed suicide-
  (Rush To judgment) Judge Jeanine broke it all down- The fix was in the US attorney and chief federal prosecutor agreed to a non prosecution agreement w/ Epstein the perv- Alex Acosta didn't do a dam thing when he was supposed to and was intimidated by the dream team of defense attorneys-  That pervert pedophile was supposed to be doing life, sex trafficking of underage girls-  Cowards- disrespecting the law of the land and letting high profile pedophile freaks off the hook- 53 page indictment was prepared but never filed, money laundering these people are pathetic- Acosta met the dream team in a  hotel (not standard protocol)and was making up some bs excuse about the victims anonymity not being protected- Violated the crimes victims rights act- co-conspirators were all protected in perpetuity- these people should all go to jail.
  Then this perv pedophile was found dead in his cell after being taken off suicide watch- The only problem is the cause of death was not consistent with a suicide, its more consistent to a homicide- Mark Furman towed the party line, when are these people all going to get exposed-
  Clinton crime family and list of Arkansides- The list is too long to write about- Why was there such a (rush to judgment )

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Forensics and Ballistics

(ignorance of the law is not a defense to patient brokering-) Dave Aronberg- Some of the clients state that their lawyers gave them bad advice and have pursued the appellate court. Now cases can go to trial although some want to take their case to fla supreme court.
  Who was running the fbi during the SHES school shooting in 2012? It looks as if Mueller was and then Clown Comey took over in 2013. Why do you call Comey a clown? Because he was the fbi director and it looks as if he was as rogue as they come. Wolfgang Halbig is wondering how and why the fbi couldn't get fingerprints from Adam Lanza if he had fingerless gloves- The fbi is supposed to have the best forensic and ballistics tests available.
  He also has 16 basic questions that don't seem to be getting answered in a satisfactory manner- Wolf is also wondering why Dr Fetzer didn't have a lawyer with him to prevent a summary judgment in Wisconsin.
  Speaking about crimes and somebody with a legal mind what is your take on the Chris Cuomo set up? I think the guy who set him up is a punk and he is lucky Cuomo didn't throw him down the stairs- Cuomo wasn't hiding behind a security detail and basically told the punk that he should at least own up to a comment that was definitely meant to be an insult. Being an anchor is not an easy job most people would do a terrible job if they ever tried- He is pretty smart and he did a show where he was interviewing real criminals in prisons. That demonstrates that he is intrigued by the minds of the hard core predators out there just like the BAU- That also shows that he has guts and I am sure that he does the best that he can. I think that any punk who wants to try to set somebody up should lay out the ground rules first- No arrests and no lawsuits because there are too many degenerates that are paid to get a reaction in an attempt to initiate violence, or the very least vitriol.  So the rule should be ok punk I know that you are a weasel and you are getting this entire thing on video but when I throw you down the stairs or physically hurt you in other ways it is up to both of us and that means no arrests or lawsuits- Its not up to the gawkers who watch it on line its up to us only and that should be the ground rule going in. Usually punks who set people up cant fight anyway and  are just getting paid to get a reaction so that shows cowardice right there.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Bogus 302's

Bogus 302's and fraudulent FISA warrants- New York's finest should be respected especially since the police officers who had water poured on their head didn't retaliate- That demonstrates a high level of restraint and professionalism- Lets face it most peoples reactions would have been much different. Those thugs should have been arrested immediacy ie- (assault on a leo)
  I don't believe the mayor has anybody's best interest at heart- He comes across as an elitist, insolent and supercilious. Not only that apparently he defends the green new deal while driving across town with his security detail many miles away just to go on the treadmill. What kind of carbon footprint is he leaving and how much is his security detail costing we the people? And he was evasive about people having the legal right to carry a firearm-
  Most people have no interest in carrying a weapon or even having one in their home for that matter but we should at least have a mayor to tell us that we  have that right. We the people shouldn't have to jump through hoops and they need to get rid of that state to state and different section of NY carry laws- That is a complete waste of time and makes life very difficult for law abiding citizens- If you have a drivers license that is legal in all 50 states why should it be different for a carry permit?
  Supposedly the crime went down in NYC but I am definitely not a fan of that mayor- We have serious problems in our country that few people have the guts to address- Mark Levin had a man on his show that is working the human trafficking serious crime issue that America has- Their are dilapidated cities strewn with sewage and needles and people od ing but the secular progressives still want open borders-
   That is like a failing business- Lets borrow more money so we can put bad money on top of bad- We should get rid of the democrat politicians because they aren't doing their job- Open borders while our cities are in chaos with a homeless crisis and drug epidemic doesn't seem to add up very well. One has to get their own house in order before we have to worry about more illegal aliens and or why they should not be deported- These leftist manipulators try to tug on our heartstrings using Obama era pics in an attempt to demonize or Potus. Their are people who are successful in business who want to tax the rich but it still doesn't make any sense- Capitalism makes sense when it has good people behind it, trying to tax the 1% at 70% is confiscatory and will not be an effective strategy.
  We had globalists in the past who have rigged the system but that doesn't mean that capitalism wouldn't  work effectively once our economic engine gets tweaked in the right direction. This means that our Potus has always been for the little guy, he hasn't had a chance yet to implement the entire plan. That can happen after 2020 because right now he is still ironing out the kinks of a two tiered system however he is still doing a great job.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

War and Peace

Do you think war is going to be abolished in its entirety some day? I don't think so, some people seem to be born to fight wars- It should be but I don't think it will- Warriors that are in the war zone get very upset when they aren't actually fighting- Echo in Ramadi made this abundantly clear-
   The next few years will see a rise in unconventional warfare just like in unconventional medicine. Holistic measures the ( causation) of our ailments instead of just treating the symptoms- Scott Huesing realized that when he was in Iraq their was no metric for success and he has contempt for commanders that try to lead from the rear- In the rear with the gear- "As if sharing in the dangers of war was somehow beneath them" His quote-(" I  have unequivocal distaste toward any commander who wouldn't lead his Marines from the front-"273) Some  never left the (fob forward operating base) or got out from behind their computers- I wasn't surprised by his courage but I just assumed that the only officers  getting shot at outside of the wire in a platoon were the second lieutenants.
  Since their didn't seem to be any clear objectives from the suits in the pentagon Al Anbar Provence was taken over by ISIS in May 2015. I believe that too many warriors sacrificed far too much for America to abolish war in its entirety- The next rounds of battle will be where there will be no politicians getting in the way and we will also see the rise of the unconventional warrior-
  So what is your solution to the violence in the inner cities as well as for the mass shooting epidemic- That is a complex question as far as the mass shootings are concerned but for starters you cant punish the legal weapon owners- Most of the violence is created by illegal weapons that were bought illegally- To state one must get rid of the democrats and replace them with republicans is not the right answer either. These cities are mostly run by democrats so that much must be acknowledged- The real answer lies in taking what was good from the past and making sure not to repeat the bad- In other words we need unconventional leos to work within the inner cities- This means better intel sharing and making sure that the right people get locked up- Not innocuous drug users but rather the hard core violent individuals-
  The so called bad guys cant be afraid to tell the cops who the real bad guys are. With a friendlier approach to these violent cities that will be a step in the right direction. They need to go after eliminating the illegal weapons that are used for these violent crimes as well.

Witch Hunts

There are people right now in prison for life for drug offenses-"tough on crime phony rhetoric that got a lot of people elected but destroyed communities like mine"-Corey Booker to Biden in reference to the 94 crime bill-
  How do zealot based witch hunts work? They work very similar to what transpired with the crime bill- Getting the media and politicians  behind it and then manipulating emotions by creating indignation and a call for action- Before we knew it we had a lot of people from the inner cities put away into the for profit private prisons- Those were nothing more then a con but supposedly the overall violence rate was reduced-
 Prisons and jails in most cases seem to do more harm then good- Also why are they gouging the cost of collect calls while one is incarcerated? Its mind control because the inmates are supposed to be learning an invaluable lesson. Gouging the price of phone calls inside our correctional facilities is just one more example of how people are routinely taken advantage of.
   And what does making somebody a lifelong  felon going to do for their potential career, is that just another example of how one is supposed to learn their lesson?  So that is how a witch hunt works- Make a big deal out of an alleged crime and then get the main stream media to back you. I must admit I bought into it for a little while. Spend millions of dollars and end up with no collusion and just the small fries.
  Before long most people tune out but since the majority don't follow it that closely anyway the overall summation is " great job keep up the good work." Why did they need a special task force for alleged crimes that regular leos should have been investigating? Why did they need a prosecutorial terrorist, if somebody did something illegal that is what our feds and regular leas are supposed to be used for?

Spiritual Problem great article and video by some very inspirational brothers from Canada who put together a treasure trove of information that explains the philosophies of the greatest thinkers of our previous era ( in order to model and subsequently remake society based on scientific and rational principles, the uniqueness of the individual must be negated in favor of statistical averages, and the redesign of society enacted by a group of elites, or Technocrats, who view humans as nothing but abstractions, homogenous social units to be managed and manipulated-" Jung)To me the crux of the spiritual problem today is to be found in the fascination which the psyche holds for modern man….if we are optimistically inclined, we shall see in it the promise of a far-reaching spiritual change in the Western world. At all events, it is a significant phenomenon…important because it touches those irrational and—as history shows —incalculable psychic forces which transform the life of peoples and civilizations in ways that are unforeseen and unforeseeable. These are the forces, still invisible to many persons today, which are at the bottom of the present “psychological” interest.” (Carl Jung, The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man)

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


(Today I stand at the podium, I raise my baton, and I conduct my own orchestra. I am organized and disciplined, and I am creative, flexible and free flowing. I know the score. I am the singer and the song- Rokelle Lerner-) Forget about being an actor and all the world is a stage it is much better to be the director and the producer

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Is it true that Obama doj (Dispose of evidence and refuse to comply with federal law) in regard to Hillary e-mails? Immunity and destruction of evidence, obstruction the list goes on- ACLJ- American Center Law and Justice- was able to obtain evidence that couldn't be obtained by routine chain of command foia requests-
  What would we do without some semblance of law and order in what is left of a corrupt two tier criminal justice system. One that at this point in time is abhorrent and in desperate need of a total reconstruction. People go to jail for inadvertently violating the espionage act but the queen of the cartel gets immunity for her two lawyers. That seems to be a conflict of interest- How can the fbi be allowed to destroy evidence and then have the two lawyers be granted immunity?
   All this in the name of preserving national security I suppose- She illegally sent e-mails through a private server via e-mail and cell phone and then her two lawyers were granted immunity and ordered to destroy the evidence. The queen also ignored a congressional subpoena- acid wash,  bleach bit and proceeded to  use hammers to destroy cell phones.  Comey the clown thinks its amusing to set up a decorated war hero and general and proceed to ruin his life with a zealot based witch hunt. The witch hunt had a prosecutorial terrorist in charge named Andrew Weissman. One can have people plea out to crimes even though they are totally innocent in this two tiered criminal justice system. If one controls the evidence they can control the facts which usually leads to plea deals because most people cant afford to fight an unlawful task force with unlimited resources. The kind that Mueller ran that wasted two plus years and millions of dollars of tax payers money.
  The entire time they had minions in suits all claiming the imminent legal demise of our Potus and many others. That is all they talked about all day and night meanwhile our cities continued to turn into dilapidated sewer pits filled with squalor and syringes- People are dying all over the place and the only thing the news talked about was how our Potus was definitely in collusion with Russia and company. This means that most of our news outlets are as unethical as the rogue zealots that run the doj//fbi at the top. This also means that they were all working together in order to distort the reality of what is real and true. Comey the clown stood down for a major foreign espionage case in a desperate attempt to get the queen of the cartel elected. What better way to do this then to attempt to frame her opponent our legitimate president elect in a illegimate and highly illegal scandal of epic proportions.

Keep America Beautiful

"A pair of reading glasses and a good book should go along with a dollar and a dream" wsj- worlds most littered item- cigarette filters made of plastic can get into our waterways and become toxic to fish.- cellulose acetate- 65% of cigarettes are littered- why do people flick their buts because inquiring psychologists are trying to figure it out- habits are hard to break- 7,000 chemicals in cigarettes- buts were made of plastic because it was supposed to be healthier-
 After they found out it was bad for you- filters are the biggest source of litter worldwide-  Supposedly 14% of smokers don't consider buts as litter- If it is not litter then what is it? I am just curious to know if big tobacco didn't know that cigarette smoking was linked to lung cancer before 1950- Why did it take so long to place warning labels on the cartons? Bernays had a glamorous marketing campaign and Bette Davis eyes created more smokers I suppose.
  It appears that both big tobacco and opiate distributors had a very similar marketing strategy. If chronic pain patients need their meds it seems plausible that Purdue Pharma still misrepresented the potential addictive nature of this drug.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Abnormal Society

Marx declared that religion was the opium of the people- In Our Brave New World opiates and soma are the peoples religion- Life in large cities was not supposed to be conducive to mental health- While living in an abnormal society it looks as if we have adapting strategies-
  When in doubt always look toward the animals because they will tell us all. Instead of addressing issues of concern it is up to us to adapt and improvise- How dogs overcome noise fears- by Michael Becker- The moral of the story should be that we shouldn't have gun shots in residential neighborhoods and an incessant amount of fireworks- If our animals don't like it and become increasingly neurotic then why do and should we? That is why sound frequencies can help, that is a vibrio acoustic mat.
  Maybe the animals are trying to tell us something- The piano man likes to buzz in with the helos in L I sound and his neighbors don't like this very much- We should become more mindful about loud and obtrusive noises. Weed whackers and leaf blowers, anxiety levels increase and so do the soma prescriptions. High Def tv at inordinately high decibel levels,  bread and circus shows, all of this can play a toll on our mental state. The problem is that people want us to adapt to an abnormal society instead of the other way around. Next time our animals try to tell us something maybe we should listen.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Highlander

Their can be only one Highlander to take out Highlands forum- Our Potus

Monday, July 29, 2019


Nietzsche stated that suffering is good and that the truth doesn't exist- "One should give up searching for the truth since their is no truth" "'The virtuous are driven by a will to power while the truly powerful cross the Rubicon-" Virtue once did have a place in politics, and some people do have tyrannical souls- Mr Boyle- Cato the Younger- Fred K Drogula

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Echo In Ramadi

I don't want to boast Echo company was the most bad ass company of Marines ever to walk  a battlefield, or that we endured the most pain. Many other units were plenty tough and endured an equal level of pain and loss, if not more then we did- Scott A. Huesing-  is a humble warrior.
 Unacceptable opsec disaster from fox news- Nov 06 media is never supposed to tip the bad guys off- They did that in Somalia 93-  the press should be on a need to know basis because lets face it what can we do about it at home so why do we need to know every single op that Americas fighting warriors are up to- we need transparency for rogue cia but never tell the world where are troops are about to move forward in any specific geographic location.
  Another quote-" Its not easy to kill another human being- not for anyone-no matter how its portrayed in fiction, on television or in the movies- their is nothing romantic or cavalier about it- its horrific- killing is an unnatural act"-21
   Scott is a very good writer- "what makes us good, what makes us great, is the brotherhood- Marines are not just warriors, their artisans, musicians, poets comedians, and yes sometimes writers-" 101

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Slave To The Matrix

 Did you watch the Mueller show yesterday? He is a disaster, we learned more from watching 
 Tucker Carlson and Hannity then the man who was in charge of the 2 year plus witch hunt. It was not in his purview he didn't recall Fusion GPS the op research firm that laundered the information that created the bought Hillary dirty dossier that was bogus and unverified. A two plus year distraction that had all of their minions making it sound like our Potus was not on the up and up.
  That was really bad, spreading angst and anxiety dragging on this Mueller probe and then we find out that the man in charge or the man behind the curtain seems to not be mentally squared away. He was a war hero and did a lot of good things I suppose but why did they have a man who doesn't know about Fusion GPS as the head shed in charge. What else is going on? Lets see Elon Musk wants us to be a slave to the matrix and work 100 hours a week in order to succeed in life.
   This is a man who smokes weed on line and has a space x program that I have questions about. We don't need men like Mueller or Musk to be effective leaders for the next American evolution. His energy program seems to be ok and so does Telsa but 100 hour (work like hell) weeks is what the 3-d matrix is all about. So who are the real visionaries, the ones that are already leading the second or maybe even the first American evolution? Leaders like Vishen Lakhiani (Mind Valley) and Peter Thiel-  Vishen is already on a much higher level of consciousness and has personally experienced 3-d 100 hour matrix slave weeks and for him it was a recipe for an early death, no guarantee of success and no chance of having a real life. The most successful people are the ones who may work a lot of hours but they aren't slave 3-d grueling hours, it becomes just an extension of who they already are. That means no survival of the fittest stress filled failure. Its more like universal consciousness,  surrender and equilibrium, way above a basic 3-d low level of awareness.
   Peter Thiel a fb board member stated that "Google seemingly treasonous acts" with Dragon Fly and Deep Mind- In alliances with China military and not Americas could this be an accurate statement. What's todays quote of the day- "when you talk you are only repeating what you already know but if you listen you may learn something new"- Nirvana




Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Just Say No

     So they had a program just say no even though they were bringing in all of the blow? I don't know  if  people would believe that. What about opiates how did that work?  Going back to the blow these are the most scientific technocrats that came over or were already here. To make cocaine something they knew long ago how addictive it was into a condensed crystalized form to make it more potent they had it all figured out. Long draconian sentences bringing the fear of the penal system into the equation goes back to old school religion. In other words maybe you will learn your lesson because if you are an addict then you are dirty and must pay the price- A system based on fear rather then love, that is always a recipe for failure. It wasn't tough love either, it was cashing in on the privatized prison industrial complex. It was business plain and simple.
    As far as opiates are concerned do you think they didn't have an agenda to shut down the pill mills in 2011? This is what started the heroin surge, what choice did many people have? Just say no right. And then to combine the dope with synthetic deadly elephant tranquilizers how much worse can you get then that. They had a gangster rap investment program in the early 90's that encouraged criminality and many of the music executives were some of the same people that were invested in the prison industrial complex. 

Caste System

What is going on- Are you going to check out the new Jim Crow mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness? I want to but have already learned a decent amount- 13- Is it racism what is it really? Its not racism perse it is just an economic opportunity disguised under the phony guise of law and order- These people don't discriminate because they are trying to destroy  humanity as a whole-
  Lets take a look at that fake liberal William Clinton- You mean to tell me that it was fair to sentence people of color to draconian sentences ie-crack and then let the white people in the suburbs get little or nothing for cocaine which is essentially the same drug.
  They had an agenda set up that goes way back- the hoax war on drugs which led to mass incarceration of blacks and essentially ruined any chance of them  having a normal life. Who brought in the drugs because inquiring people want to know. Privatizing the prison systems and using the media to propagandize. So what is the solution today with all of the deadly dope? Its more serious today because some dealers are killing people so they need to be stopped- Since  the goal is to have everybody die or get ruined for life (eugenics) then they are doing a good job so far-
  Can people wrap their head around their agenda most people wouldn't be able to- Targeting specific segments of the population; the ones most vulnerable they did this in the 80's by dirtying up the inner cities and mass incarceration. They also did this with the dope/ opiates starting in the  late 90's in Appalachia and other places. That is why it is not a racist program as much as an opportunist economic agenda-
    What about the caste system that Michelle Alexander talks about? I don't know I didn't read the book but it sounds legitimate-  Either way they had a program just say no while bringing in all of the coke- A drug so highly addictive, opiates are very similar these people are evil incarnate- So what about that most people don't become addicts especially intractable pain patients-
   A lot of them don't and need their dugs but their are alternative holistic measures that could be implemented- Like weed cdc oil? Weed is not going to be the savior that some people are  making it out to be- Anybody who has a track record of being a real drug addict should  avoid weed like the plague.
   Let me ask you do you think these eugenic doctors and psychiatrists that came to the United States from Nazi Germany after WW 2 knew about the side effects of psychotropics? Do you mean like how people can go clinically insane coming off of xanax, sleep walk and not remember, become homicidal and suicidal just to mention a few?- Does two plus two equal 5? ('Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few-) Winston Churchill

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stream Of Conciousness

("Maryanne Williamson just defined the gold standard for politics, a politics that places people first and is rooted in love not fear-" RDS) One of the deepest drives of human nature is the desire to be appreciated- William James-

Monday, July 22, 2019

Low Hanging Fruit

(the unhealed healer wants gratitude from his brothers but is not grateful cim)  What's the story?
  We have big problems in the opiate world- It looks like the DOJ/DEA  is going after the low hanging fruit and not the real perps of this opiate crisis- As a result of this many intractable pain patients are suffering immeasurably- The major distributors targeted specific areas throughout our country because they knew where they could capitalize. This was rural Appalachia (one example) economically deprived or working in the coal mines chronic pain victims who were much more susceptible to becoming addicts-
  They inundated our country-  One company-( Mallinckrodt)76 billion oxycontin and vicodins between 06-12-  one rep quote-"keep em coming just like Doritos keep eating well make more-its like people are addicted or something oh wait people are-"66% of fla pill mill drugs came from this one comp- other companies-Cardinal health McKesson Walgreens CVS Wal-Mart Purdue Pharma- alleged to be involved in a (civil racketeering enterprise- Rico) that had a pernicious effect on communities-
   AG Sessions June 2018- 601 indictments- largest federal action Medicare Medicaid fraud in medical history- Massive DOJ attack on medicine, many patients that have legitimate chronic intractable pain. Could this be another witch hunt by the dept. of justice that is harming many innocent doctors and their patients while ignoring the real perps that have lawsuits against them in Cleveland? Not everybody becomes an addict and most intractable pain patients don't want to be on meds and aren't using to self medicate get high or to cope- Many addicts have issues in their background childhood trauma etc- (
  A company like Mallinckrodt described as the kingpin in the drug cartel appear to be  a much higher level of fruit in this drug epidemic. Attacking independent pharmacies for doctors that keep meticulous records for their patients doesn't sound like a fair fight. dea apparently has extra judicial tools in regards to their prosecution-
  If Arthur Anderson can go out of business for being under criminal indictment only to get vindicated shortly thereafter what could really be happening to many doctors that seem to be victims of an over zealous doj with alliances to various special interest groups- The kind that control the media and tell everybody how evil many doctors are and how many people are oding- Its an unfortunate situation all the way around but when chronic pain patients cant get their meds legally this is not morally just. 

Friday, July 19, 2019

Prosecutorial Misconduct

(License To Lie by Sidney Powell-") narcissistic and terrifying tacticians were ascending to great power on a foundation and legacy of lies-" corruption and injustice that would take years to uncover-prosecutors are almost never punished regardless of how egregious their conduct is-
 they are immune from lawsuits because they work on behalf of the sovereign is that really fair?
  Sidney Powell is going to change the legal world as we once knew it sometime in the near future by making sure that prosecutors are held culpable for their continual power games. This means they (wont be immune from lawsuits)  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Crony Capitalism

What do you think about AOC's contention that the world is going to come to an end within 12 years?
  She already admitted that she wasn't an expert on geo-politics specifically the complex Israeli/Palestine issue, she is reckless and irresponsible to make these assertions. Who is she talking to anyway people that wouldn't do any due diligence on their own- That entire Squad is a direct threat to our republic as we once knew it.
  How is it that women with no so called real world experience are now trying to implement policy- I am talking about zero background ie- freshman congresswomen, is this supposed to be a joke? Yes kind of like Sleepy Creeps son who was involved in all the good deals with the oligarchs-  I saw a picture of Sleepy Creepy's son, he looked smug and arrogant like he knew that he didn't have the real goods but was still cashing in anyway. Like the Cheshire cat that knew he was getting away with it.
   Was that like our former Potus who told Vladimir that he would have more flexibility after the election. What's the real story on Climate Change that used to be global warming? You picked the wrong time to address this issue considering a massive heat wave has been upon  us and will soon stay for a little while- Al Gore is a fraud and so was his carbon tax heist.  Holman Jenkins had an intelligent article in the wsj. He wrote that "fraudulence is the norm" and how the media was "shamani zing." Using century long worst case projections to mislead the public. The media bungled the US National climate assessment by using highly abstract computer models. It might be eleven degrees warmer by 2090, that is a far cry from humanity's imminent demise and the world ending in 12 years-
   If the progressive socialists and their media corrupters had any integrity they would change the entire green new deal scam into something more realistic- Instead of gloom and doom projections where right away they lose all credibility they should reword it-  We need to become environmentally mindful which means try to use less of a carbon footprint and stop littering all over the place. Enforce litter fines, go electric and stop annoying motorized leaf blowers and weed whackers which continually exceed osha standard decibel level healthy range and then we might see a change in peoples extremely selfish behavior patterns. Stop with the pie in the sky unrealistic climate change proposals and try to make a positive impact for something much more tangible-
  Stop polluting, clean up the oceans, protect the forests and plant more trees, go electric wherever possible, ride sharing, use more public transit and try to figure out what this geo-engineering is all about. Having a proposal which recommends that we stop flying in jets and we must do away with fossil fuels is kind of like a cartoon in its stupidity.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Inherently Wrong

Andrew Weismann is a prosecutorial terrorist- Greg Jarrett- and Christopher Wray according to Joe di Geneva is an empty suit- When one of the best lawyers if not the best in Washington doesn't have respect for the current fbi director this is a sign that something is inherently wrong- If he didn't have solid reasoning behind that statement then he wouldn't have made it
  And former mayor Rudy Giuliani said "you are supposed to verify it jerk" in reference to James Comeys unverified dossier where he even admitted that it wasn't verified- For our former fbi director to actually stand down for a major foreign espionage case is disturbing beyond words- These people need to be discovered much sooner rather then later- Destroying a hard drive, bleach bit acid wash, destruction of evidence ignoring a subpoena, he was supposed to turn the information over to the DOJ and they were supposed to make the call. Instead he arbitrarily made the decision on his own because no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges against the queen of the cartel. Was this really an accurate statement because inquiring people wan to know
  So if the dossier wasn't verified and Comey  admitted that it wasn't verified then how did they get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tech Giants

"Whoever wishes to win over the masses must know the key that will open the door to their hearts"p272- Huxley talks about herd poisoning and how a man in a crowd swallows an intoxicant-
  An orator can appeal to the hidden forces which motivate his actions much more effectively then a writer- Huxley has some profound quotes-" the kingdom of heaven is within the mind of a person, not within the collective mindlessness of a crowd-"p275- He also knew that opiates ruined our health going back to Neolithic times-
   Freud's nephew Bernays used psychiatric manipulation strategies that were implemented by the corporate titans in the 20th century. This increased the profits within Madison Ave. and beyond-( ''A dictatorship maintains itself by censoring or distorting the facts- p-277)
  How does this relate to our modern era- Censoring Alex Jones our modern day John Adams is a great example- Main stream pundits continue to paint him as a fringe far right wing conspiracy theorist and even had a well known psychologist label him as a paranoid. He is a good man that is responsible for putting fourth a great deal of solid information and has now been censored by the tech giants-
   The progressives of today are not really liberals but rather quite possibly oligarchical collectivists- This means that their ultimate goal is to centralize their own power and turn America into a third rate superpower with the hidden agenda of only attaining more power for themselves. What happened to real liberals, they don't seem to be around anymore- Conservatism in many cases is what it means to be a libertarian, that means our favorite web stars shouldn't be censored- A real liberal is a libertarian not a socialist progressive. The label of AJ being a fringe far right conspiracy theorist is not an accurate depiction- He hates the globalists, this is his first amendment right, he shouldn't be censored for this. This move by the tech giants is the first step toward a dictatorship-

Red Road Wisdom

(We forget so we consider ourselves superior. But we are, after all, a mere part of the creation and we must consider to understand where we are and we stand somewhere between the mountain and the Ant. Somewhere and only there is a part and parcel of the creation.” 
–Chief Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA

Every human being gathers information from the center of a circle. If we are not careful, we soon think we are the center of all things. Therefore,... it is easy to become self centered. Once we become self centered we start to think we are above all things and therefore superior. But we are really only one part of a great whole. The universe is all connected. Each part is here to do something special and according to its design. We are here to honor and respect the job of each part. We are neither above nor below anything. We need not be ruler over anything, we need only to live in honor and harmony with the system.
My Creator, help me to view and conduct myself in a manner of respect, dignity and honor to all creation. Let me see You in all things.)
   This is why we need to get out of our own head- Nietzsche has some words of wisdom- (I felt best when I could be undisturbed by myself-)

Corporate Interests

Johnson and Johnson blamed everyone, everyone except themselves for causing this crisis- Oklahoma AG Mike Hunter in reference to our opiate epidemic

Monday, July 15, 2019

Abnormal Society

"(We are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society-( p253 ) what does this mean?
     Huxley had it right because this explains what all of our ills are- In other words their was never a problem with us perse there was always a problem with the so called hidden forces within our society. All of our problems and the labels that go along with it are a direct result of attempting to adapt to a world that we really cant relate to. In other words we are told we are almost there, its just around the corner, what you are seeking is way above your head anyway so you might as well quit trying.
  Original sin, guilt shame, this is a major issue, we used coping strategies such as drugs and alcohol to cope because there is a problem with society not with us. If 60,000 people a year are (oding(death) and veterans are committing suicide at a record pace, the problem is the hidden forces within our society, not within the individual. How else can one explain what has been transpiring as of late?
   That is why we cant relate to so called earth people, that is what members of our abnormal society are called. So what it comes down to is that we are born perfect and as a result of trying to conform to the abnormal that is how we got all screwed up. This is because everybody was always telling us that we had problems-  So when we get into the rooms our first thought is right and our natural inclination isn't maladaptive, its actually the other way around. We just need to see the light and realize that we aren't dysfunctional just normal people trying to adapt to a highly abnormal society-
    Lets take a look at the extreme self centered myth- We are told we are maladaptive and extremely self absorbed so we must get out of ourselves and become productive. The real issue is that we aren't self centered and getting out of ourselves was the problem all along because that is what we were doing to cope- We used drugs, booze, sex, food, tobacco anything and everything to get out of ourselves, that was our problem the entire time-
   We need to go within and tap into our inner light and that is when the decision is made. We don't need to be told what to do because we already know, our true and authentic self will guide us. So our first thought and instinct is right not vice verse- Its original sin, religion and the churches that created many of our problems. The inclination to fit in and conform into a highly dysfunctional society is not an easy thing to do. Anorexia, body dysmorphia, alcoholism, substance use disorder, bulimia, bpd, anxiety, bi-polar these are all symptoms of hsp (highly sensitive people) trying to relate to a world that is not really relatable- HSP's that were born perfect that is the essence of it all, not the original sin garbage.
 We are told we have chemical imbalances and that we need (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to get our neurotransmitters up to speed what a con game that is. What could be worse then telling us that we aren't normal and that we need more drugs to go along with the drugs we were just on in order to get better. That is why mental illness is a charade, we have symptoms based on a highly abnormal society and that is why we used drugs and booze to cope. The last thing we would ever need is more drugs because our brain needs to get back to the original state of homeostasis. The soul that we were all born with, because the problem has been with our abnormal society the entire time.  

Friday, July 12, 2019

1984- A Brave New World

What kind of world would you rather live in 1984 or A Brave New World? I would much rather live in Huxley's world because it is geared more toward the 5-d as opposed to 3-d- In Orwell's world we are in a constant state of perpetual war and surveillance- conflict tension and overall unhappiness-
  The brave new world is where we go along to get along and we don't have to worry about fighting any bad guys or girls because it just doesn't matter, we cant do anything about it anyway- The only thing we have to do is comply with the program and take our Soma- I would much rather be around people that never argued or caused conflict so Huxley's way is the way for me- Not only that he has a propensity toward psychedelics and this has already been proven to get us closer to our highest self-  If Soma creates bliss what more can we really ask for-
  That is what the UN was striving for in the early 60;s a more peaceful gun less world- Huxley's world is much healthier because Orwell's panapticon creates paranoia and lack of trust with big brother and law enforcement- As long as we do what we are told we don't have to worry about being spied on because its all for the greater good.
  People have a tendency to lose their mind in Orwell's world kind of the way Meg Gibson did in Conspiracy Theory- The only thing we have to worry about with Huxley is turning into a Timothy Leary disciple- Then again people have had many bad trips so that is something to be wary of as well- 
   Actually one cant ingest any illicit or illegal drugs in the Huxley world and this included cigarettes- ie- no tobacco. That is a step in the right direction, we can get into bread and circus shows on Soma instead and we don't have to worry about dying of lung cancer-  

Thursday, July 11, 2019

World Population Day

The Ultimate Revolution-(There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961)
   What is the number third highest cause of death behind heart attacks and cancer at the current moment? Mass drugs (psychotropic) that are given to people by our medical enslavement community- So we are supposed to be mindful about world overpopulation on this day. Gates Foundation, empowerment fund and the overpopulation project- This means that one of the ways we can contribute is to not have children but if we do then we can adopt-
  That is a great idea I will let these technocrats do my thinking for me and the world will be a much better place- How would adopting  a child help with the worlds overpopulation project? These people are not that sharp and their is nothing special about them- Most of their advanced technologies was stolen from Michael Mckibbon of Leader Technologies- Maybe we should ask him how he feels about the eugenics program that is now in full force-

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Brave New World

    Welcome to a Brave New World where we tend to get distracted by the meaningless and mundane.
      A nation of passive onlookers who would rather record on their smartphones then courageously intervene. Our Brave New World is not so brave after all,  long lines for auto refills while Zucktown and others want us to lionize in their genius- Continual dopamine surges and pleasure seeking thrills I am just as guilty as the rest of them- Passive resistance combined with apathy and despondence, its time to go see the medicine man to get a fix of our Soma

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Acadamy Of Ideas

   Aren't you a little too old to get recruited into the fbi? What do you have that other seasoned vets don't have especially the ones that have been doing it for their entire careers?  You are right I may not have much to offer- I will say that the goal is to be interconnected to all life beings at a metaphysical superconsious level so that is my edge. In reality most beings are interconnected but the ones who aren't stick out so this helps when it comes to chasing the bad guys and girls for that matter-
   So you are kind of like Santa Claus you can sense who has been bad and who has been good ie- criminal psychological profiling- What it comes down to is their is a separation between  good and evil acts so to speak, this misrepresentation by some of the new agers is misleading. I believe that we have a eugenics program that is working in full force by some of the technocratic elites- Their is a reason for the rule of law and this means that nobody is exempt.
   It seems to be what Huxley was talking about in Brave New World- He was intrigued by eugenics and differed a bit from Orwell- He more or less predicted that societies masses would be dopamine seekers that become too distracted to act anything but apathetic toward something like the mass carnage due to our modern day opiate epidemic- We can see it all around us everywhere but whenever we go online we see AOC and a bunch of progressive zealots, yellow journalism, outright lies by many that just cause mass distraction exactly what Huxley was referring to.  Keep us fighting against each other while the elites go ahead and steal all of the loot-
   Huxley didn't think the masses would be reading too many books let alone his- Considering he followed the adage "every position may be held to be equally right as well as equally wrong" 

Monday, July 8, 2019

Task Force 129

What is going on- lets see I had a dream that I was getting vetted by the fbi- My higher up the one that was interviewing me was none other then Kyle Chandler- He played a detective in Bloodline that wanted to share intel with the feds and vice verse- That is a good strategy- all leos should share intel w/ local state and federal leas without egos getting involved-
  In Maryland local cops were able to jump over the county lines for an investigation- Carfentynal dealer who allegedly had four fatal ods that he was responsible for- Tell me more about the dream- So Chandler who played an fbi guy in Wolf of Wall Street and cia in Zero Dark Thirty was feeling pretty good about my prospects- I was straight up about my rap sheet- You don't think they already knew about it? Yes but at least I didn't have( a lack of candor-) So after the interview the Chandler character went dark but then I found out that he had an issue with the bottle and got into a little bit of trouble himself- I never found out about what happened to him, I just know that I wasn't picked up and I then fell into the civilian abyss-
  What do you think your chances were anyway considering your rap sheet- dwi, weapons conviction and a history of drug addiction- Let me put it this way we have some rogue zealots within the fbi and they can use somebody like me because some of the dirty ones aren't just the 1% that Hannity wants us to believe- They have been covering up crimes after being involved in creating them in some capacity for many years now and they need to be outed- Chances are pretty high that fbi covered up JFK and the bogus Warren commission-
  I am talking about more then likely being involved in false flags and false flag shootings in some capacity- Recruiting mentally retarded individuals  and then getting them to act as patsies in order to keep the terror machine going at full force- And we are still trying to figure out how and why John O'Neill died on 9-11- How and why did he go to the world trade center as director of security a few days before the attacks wtf was that all about- He was the top cop within the bureau, the only one along with Ali Soufan doing aggressive counter terrorism work and he was aggressively tracking Al- Quada with limited resources at his disposal. He ended up resigning right after the brief case incident that appears that he was set up for.
   He died on 9-11 so what was that really about because inquiring people want to know- So basically we would need an (OPR- IA) division above the fbi or work directly with the white hats within the bureau in order to take down these rogue zealots- What job were you interviewing for with the Chandler character? I was just going to be a field agent but that would be better then nothing I suppose- If they told me that I would have to recruit a mentally retarded individual to be used  as a patsy I would refuse and then request a transfer. Another alphabet agency more then likely into (Task Force 129)

Dilapadated Wastelands

"when it comes to dish out punishment John Barleycorn has no equal" welcome to 2019 when JB has met a formidable foe and more then likely has been surpassed by opiates- we have never seen anything like this, our country has ben ravaged by this drug-
  As far as punishment and pain the first responders and our law enforcement have been on the front lines of a serious war- The modern day shamans in the media should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of coverage on anything except made up delusions of collusion and Trump derangement syndrome- They are derelict of real journalism as people are dying at a rapid fire pace- I have contempt for their actions- they have done nothing except blow smoke everywhere as they continued to try to make us believe that our Potus was dirty- They are getting paid very good money to essentially string us along with yellow journalism and operation mockingbird tactics-  It is too late for many people because they have already been brainwashed-
    We need a police state not Israeli trained but rather Americana trained with red white and blue Tasers and bullets- My view has changed considerably after witnessing the carnage first hand on Dope- Many politicians are on the hook for being dirty because right after they shut down the pill mills in 2011 the heroin epidemic started to rear its ugly head- Big pharma mis represented the addictive nature of this drug and they are responsible for addicting  a generation, 80% that started off with legitimate prescriptions-
  Considering they had legitimate chronic pain to begin with the withdrawal symptoms are another pure hell all within itself- We have a country filled up with people that need their fix not to get high but rather just to feel normal and not get sick- It can all end much sooner rather then later if we had more leos and even more room for jails- These dealers are ruthless- Here is a quote from one of them in Baltimore- "the more fiends the dope kills  the more the fiends want  the dope" It is true the dealers don't know how much fentanyl it takes to kill anybody it is hit or miss they are just meeting the supply with the demand-
   We have cities in this country that are dilapidated wastelands- No police presence like Flint Michigan where the bad guys outnumber the good- So even though the suits at the pentagon can screw up our wars they at least had a lot of money for contracts to fuel into it and keep it going- Considering their was no spending cap overseas even though the tactics were all screwed up the more money they spent the more money they made-
  Considering that is the case you mean to tell me they cant put money into our cities to clean them up- Camden NJ they revamped the leos and had a much better strategy and now its working- In Atlanta you have a bounty hunter going in to take down a bad guy with very little back up- That is stressful and unnecessary, our leas need to be overhauled with the latest and greatest and we need more of them-

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Modern Day Shamans

It wasn't too long ago that honest shamans were eliminated- This led to only the corrupt ones that got ahead to continue on with their hocus pocus trickery and deception- Today we have a lot of modern day shamans pulling the strings- A recent op-ed in the wsj wanted to know where are the modern day John Adams's- The problem is that most politicians mostly all of the ones at the top are modern day shamans instead,  pulling strings and getting kickbacks from big pharma.. Their has been so much corruption that has transpired its tough to wrap ones head around it-
  Lets take a look at the dope dealers who don't care when people die because its just a business you know what I am saying you feel me- The addicts who don't die sometimes make it to rehab- what's been happening in the treatment center world as of late- Its a business so peoples piss generates a lot of cash just like the drug dealers make- Insurance company kickbacks when young people are dropping like flies it is quite pathetic to say the least- I am not talking small time fraud- Billing thousands of  dollars for one test it is  greed gone wild-
   Their is a breath of fresh air and his name is Dave Aronberg- His task force has taken some bad guys down- he is morally outraged so this should be the beginning of the end  for many of these fraudsters who are making a bundle off of other peoples pain and suffering- You can send a test to the lab as long as  their is a legitimate reason for it and  as  long as you aren't  billing for thousands  of dollars over the normal rate-
   The other thing that I have changed my view on- Obamas affordable Care  act is what created a great deal of corruption- If somebody's insurance company is going to cover multiple trips to rehab with no cap their is no incentive for the client to ever get better- That affordable care act is what created much of the patient brokering shady deals and many of the ods- So basically this means that the more times people go to rehab the sicker everybody gets- The owners are making a lot of money and losing any emotional connection to their clients- I suppose they look at it like a surgeon does- sometimes people will die and sometimes they wont, you cant become attached to the outcome-


 "its a business you don't worry about people dying"  Thug from Detroit who sells MDMA-Molly etc.. Here is my problem with Dope- How can Netflix film these thugs without it being aiding and abetting and without them being a co-conspirator- You mean to tell me that they are going to have these dealers some of the bigger ones around get filmed and local leos working with the feds cant track them down? They are letting it happen, this drug epidemic is a deep state op meant to destroy our cities and counties, get  people hooked and kill a lot of people-
  It makes sense that Obama is hooked into Netflix-he is as deep state as they come- He comes across so golly gee innocent just like Slick Willy used to be- Just like destroying ISIS this deep state drug epidemic that is plaguing our generation could be wiped out in weeks and months not years if the enablers got out of the way- That means that all of the dealers like the ones in Dope would be locked up,  their  supply cut off and no more fentanyl would be slipping through the cracks-
   Lets look at their track  record- who was responsible for bringing in the cocaine in the 80-s- it wasn't just Pablo Escobar but he was a good cover story-

Friday, July 5, 2019

Miscarriage Of Justice

Is it true that Hillary Clinton received a subpoena from congress in reference to her 33.000 e-mails and ignored it and then her lawyer received immunity from the DOJ after destroying all of the evidence? What did she do bleach bit acid wash the hard rive to  delete the e-mails?
  Could this latest information from Judicial Watch be accurate? Her lawyer gets immunity after she blatantly disregarded a subpoena from congress  that we the little people would definitely have to answer for. This entire scenario seems to be a grave miscarriage of justice. Thomas Paine stated that Bill Clinton had his partner in crime James Chandler steal the source code from Leader Technologies as well. Chandler was  the man who supposedly had the inside connections. The source code for social media and this is what was eventually used to weaponize the internet with  the card board cut out warlords of Silicon Valley