Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital Forensics

ok backtrack a little bit and tell me what happened? I went to the gym after reading some of the Ben Franklin autobiography and overheard some moron running his mouth- He was talking about how we should have used tactical nukes to wipe out every Muslim country after 9-11- I couldn't help but confront him and asked him if he even believed the official story ie- 9-11 commission etc-
  I don't remember much except getting in a physical brawl with this meathead- The next thing I knew I was locked up with assault charges- The charges seemed quite severe and the bail was set very high- I knew something wasn't right when I was told that I wasn't getting out anytime soon- After writing my statement of events which weren't exactly clear I was interviewed by the shrink- The shrink had an assistant and they were both making pejorative comments about me being some kind of conspiracy theorist-
   So let me get this straight they more or less said- basically you  are stating that everything is an illusion and nothing is real and that you also hear voices- Yes its called cwg as hole I retorted- So you hear jesus is that what you are saying, that god talks to you as well- You are definitely not getting out anytime soon-
  After I bailed out I got in touch with one of my contacts and he had some twilight zone news for me- He told me that his digital forensic expert associate did an analysis and realized that all internet investigative journalists no longer existed- All so called truthers were wiped clean off the web and from his standpoint it looks as if they never even existed- The only thing that was on line was  official accounts of every government sponsored event.
  When I went back to the shrink he asked me if I was a flat earther too- For whatever reason I got locked up again and was told hearing voices, conspiracy nut case you are going to be remanded maybe permanently- I ended up in a work camp ward that reminded me of Putnam County jail- We could walk around, it was kind of like a submarine-
   Time stands still in those kind of places, especially if one has no outside contact or the ability to make even a phone call- I don't know how long it was but seemed like eternity I was told my only way out after a visit by somebody who claimed to be my lawyer was to join the force- What force? Its the next phase he stated  ie- (world wide war mixed in with plenty of eugenics-) He said soon things will never be same- The globalists are going to hit America with an emp and blame it on China or Russia-
    There is no way out of this one so you can either stay in the ward if you want or join the force along with the soldiers of the apocalypse- 

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