Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Seattle Is Dying

In Buddhism there is something called (the middle way-) This means one should not go to either extreme- The fact that leos have no ability to lock up criminals in Seattle is abhorrent- This goes against everything that they stand and signed up for. This is a bad Rand science experiment gone very wrong- How can these politically correct politicians not be voted out of office by we the people? We have to live in the state where this gross negligence is occurring?
   Seattle and other once beautiful cities are now destroyed by a drug epidemic of addiction which has lead to homelessness. The Seattle mayor cant even make an accurate statement. Judge Jeanine nailed it right on the bulls eye- Our politicians cant even call a spade a spade for fear of being labeled insensitive or politically incorrect. The residents of our cities come first, not the inept mayors because they have a legal obligation to protect we the people first and foremost. They are not doing this, they are not doing their job by tying the leos hands and stripping away their ability to do their job which is to arrest criminals who break the law.
  This also means misdemeanors need to be enforced, infractions need to turn into criminal offenses or charge these people criminally right away for publically defecating in the streets. This kind of public health crisis needs to be addressed by serious people with experience, not by inept pc secular progressive politicians who hide in their office and worry about being sensitive and non offensive. Drug addict, alcoholic, career criminal, felon, recidivist, these are the words that need to be used. This entire negative label scenario that Smart recovery pushes can do more harm then good. Call it for what it is because this can and will be the most liberating part of the entire process.
    The good cop from Seattle stated that the city has become a concentration camp with out the wires and that is why he retired because he couldn't take it anymore. Shoplifting and violence, crimes that are committed because people know that they wont go to jail is absolutely the wrong approach. We are not talking about long draconian sentences, just enough to get people into the (AIC) treatment that they need and also so they don't immediately become a recidivist as soon as they are released and go back to the street.
   Think about how our leos are being used, abused and disrespected. There job is dangerous enough and their is a lot involved when making an arrest- To have policy makers who don't have a clue and who never will  making their life miserable by decriminalizing crimes is a crime within itself. We need to get these homeless people off the street, they shouldn't be enabled and they definitely shouldn't be allowed to use drugs in the open air market-
  How much property tax do the citizens pay the politicians so they can live in a city which hasn't been overrun by dilapidated sewage, syringes, feces and homelessness? Do they care how much revenue they are losing to tourism from people that will definitely never go back? Who wants to visit a city that is a sewer and where they don't feel safe? These politicians should be ashamed of themselves and if they are not voted out of office immediately they should be arrested themselves.

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