Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Forensics and Ballistics

(ignorance of the law is not a defense to patient brokering-) Dave Aronberg- Some of the clients state that their lawyers gave them bad advice and have pursued the appellate court. Now cases can go to trial although some want to take their case to fla supreme court.
  Who was running the fbi during the SHES school shooting in 2012? It looks as if Mueller was and then Clown Comey took over in 2013. Why do you call Comey a clown? Because he was the fbi director and it looks as if he was as rogue as they come. Wolfgang Halbig is wondering how and why the fbi couldn't get fingerprints from Adam Lanza if he had fingerless gloves- The fbi is supposed to have the best forensic and ballistics tests available.
  He also has 16 basic questions that don't seem to be getting answered in a satisfactory manner- Wolf is also wondering why Dr Fetzer didn't have a lawyer with him to prevent a summary judgment in Wisconsin.
  Speaking about crimes and somebody with a legal mind what is your take on the Chris Cuomo set up? I think the guy who set him up is a punk and he is lucky Cuomo didn't throw him down the stairs- Cuomo wasn't hiding behind a security detail and basically told the punk that he should at least own up to a comment that was definitely meant to be an insult. Being an anchor is not an easy job most people would do a terrible job if they ever tried- He is pretty smart and he did a show where he was interviewing real criminals in prisons. That demonstrates that he is intrigued by the minds of the hard core predators out there just like the BAU- That also shows that he has guts and I am sure that he does the best that he can. I think that any punk who wants to try to set somebody up should lay out the ground rules first- No arrests and no lawsuits because there are too many degenerates that are paid to get a reaction in an attempt to initiate violence, or the very least vitriol.  So the rule should be ok punk I know that you are a weasel and you are getting this entire thing on video but when I throw you down the stairs or physically hurt you in other ways it is up to both of us and that means no arrests or lawsuits- Its not up to the gawkers who watch it on line its up to us only and that should be the ground rule going in. Usually punks who set people up cant fight anyway and  are just getting paid to get a reaction so that shows cowardice right there.

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