Monday, August 26, 2019

Free Raven 23

Sometimes the law gets it right but many times they don't- The stand your ground case in Fla got it right- There is a reason why many leos didn't stand behind the (stand your ground law  2005.) Just because the NRA supported it doesn't make this right or effective- There is also a valid reason why some politicians don't want that many weapons on the street- Many people shouldn't be carrying weapons.
   Why should civilians have the legal right  (less stringent guidelines) to use lethal force over sworn leo's? Not only that people should be required by law to take escalation of force courses before they are granted a pistol permit- We don't need a wild west scenario, after reading about how many people are getting shot and killed in Fla they should consider making amendments to the law- Mr McGlockton was taking steps backward after the initial shove demonstrating that he wasn't an imminent or potential lethal threat- This also means that he shouldn't have been shot- bad shoot and the right verdict of manslaughter-
  It looks like the bw contractors were completely victimized by another politically motivated witch hunt by rogue DOJ/FBI- Nick Slaten was just sentenced to life in prison after a third trial- He rejected a plea deal because there isn't credible evidence- No physical or forensic evidence- Not only that he was convicted under the premise that he fired the first shot into the KIA- They have a sworn statement by his teammate that refutes this- Its look like all four of the bw contractors became victims of a two tier politically motivated rogue criminal justice system- Everything from a change of venue to the Washington swamp and  much more.
  How and why did Nick Slaten get convicted if the entire case was inconsistent. The only thing that wasn't inconsistent was his statement and testimony that he stood by and never wavered from day 1- The bullet didn't match his weapon, the one that was embedded in the steering wheel of the KIA. This creates reasonable doubt right off the bat. The crime scene was contaminated and cleansed- no credible eyewitness testimony, witnesses had coaching- Their were insurgents more then likely that were dressed as Iraqi police. Bad information came from Iraqi investigators- Could it be that these four contractors were political pawns used and abused by an Anti American rogue doj/fbi at the highest levels. Possibly caving into political pressure in an effort to make an example of these hero's. Scapegoats, I have no faith or trust in these people (the same people who convicted Gen Flynn even though the fbi stated that he didn't lie, they are totally out of control-
  Slatten told the judge that it was an "unjust prosecution"
 His father stated that the government was more interested in getting a conviction then uncovering the truth. (

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