Thursday, August 1, 2019


Is it true that Obama doj (Dispose of evidence and refuse to comply with federal law) in regard to Hillary e-mails? Immunity and destruction of evidence, obstruction the list goes on- ACLJ- American Center Law and Justice- was able to obtain evidence that couldn't be obtained by routine chain of command foia requests-
  What would we do without some semblance of law and order in what is left of a corrupt two tier criminal justice system. One that at this point in time is abhorrent and in desperate need of a total reconstruction. People go to jail for inadvertently violating the espionage act but the queen of the cartel gets immunity for her two lawyers. That seems to be a conflict of interest- How can the fbi be allowed to destroy evidence and then have the two lawyers be granted immunity?
   All this in the name of preserving national security I suppose- She illegally sent e-mails through a private server via e-mail and cell phone and then her two lawyers were granted immunity and ordered to destroy the evidence. The queen also ignored a congressional subpoena- acid wash,  bleach bit and proceeded to  use hammers to destroy cell phones.  Comey the clown thinks its amusing to set up a decorated war hero and general and proceed to ruin his life with a zealot based witch hunt. The witch hunt had a prosecutorial terrorist in charge named Andrew Weissman. One can have people plea out to crimes even though they are totally innocent in this two tiered criminal justice system. If one controls the evidence they can control the facts which usually leads to plea deals because most people cant afford to fight an unlawful task force with unlimited resources. The kind that Mueller ran that wasted two plus years and millions of dollars of tax payers money.
  The entire time they had minions in suits all claiming the imminent legal demise of our Potus and many others. That is all they talked about all day and night meanwhile our cities continued to turn into dilapidated sewer pits filled with squalor and syringes- People are dying all over the place and the only thing the news talked about was how our Potus was definitely in collusion with Russia and company. This means that most of our news outlets are as unethical as the rogue zealots that run the doj//fbi at the top. This also means that they were all working together in order to distort the reality of what is real and true. Comey the clown stood down for a major foreign espionage case in a desperate attempt to get the queen of the cartel elected. What better way to do this then to attempt to frame her opponent our legitimate president elect in a illegimate and highly illegal scandal of epic proportions.

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