Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Witch Hunts

There are people right now in prison for life for drug offenses-"tough on crime phony rhetoric that got a lot of people elected but destroyed communities like mine"-Corey Booker to Biden in reference to the 94 crime bill-
  How do zealot based witch hunts work? They work very similar to what transpired with the crime bill- Getting the media and politicians  behind it and then manipulating emotions by creating indignation and a call for action- Before we knew it we had a lot of people from the inner cities put away into the for profit private prisons- Those were nothing more then a con but supposedly the overall violence rate was reduced-
 Prisons and jails in most cases seem to do more harm then good- Also why are they gouging the cost of collect calls while one is incarcerated? Its mind control because the inmates are supposed to be learning an invaluable lesson. Gouging the price of phone calls inside our correctional facilities is just one more example of how people are routinely taken advantage of.
   And what does making somebody a lifelong  felon going to do for their potential career, is that just another example of how one is supposed to learn their lesson?  So that is how a witch hunt works- Make a big deal out of an alleged crime and then get the main stream media to back you. I must admit I bought into it for a little while. Spend millions of dollars and end up with no collusion and just the small fries.
  Before long most people tune out but since the majority don't follow it that closely anyway the overall summation is " great job keep up the good work." Why did they need a special task force for alleged crimes that regular leos should have been investigating? Why did they need a prosecutorial terrorist, if somebody did something illegal that is what our feds and regular leas are supposed to be used for?

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