Monday, August 12, 2019

Bogus 302's

Bogus 302's and fraudulent FISA warrants- New York's finest should be respected especially since the police officers who had water poured on their head didn't retaliate- That demonstrates a high level of restraint and professionalism- Lets face it most peoples reactions would have been much different. Those thugs should have been arrested immediacy ie- (assault on a leo)
  I don't believe the mayor has anybody's best interest at heart- He comes across as an elitist, insolent and supercilious. Not only that apparently he defends the green new deal while driving across town with his security detail many miles away just to go on the treadmill. What kind of carbon footprint is he leaving and how much is his security detail costing we the people? And he was evasive about people having the legal right to carry a firearm-
  Most people have no interest in carrying a weapon or even having one in their home for that matter but we should at least have a mayor to tell us that we  have that right. We the people shouldn't have to jump through hoops and they need to get rid of that state to state and different section of NY carry laws- That is a complete waste of time and makes life very difficult for law abiding citizens- If you have a drivers license that is legal in all 50 states why should it be different for a carry permit?
  Supposedly the crime went down in NYC but I am definitely not a fan of that mayor- We have serious problems in our country that few people have the guts to address- Mark Levin had a man on his show that is working the human trafficking serious crime issue that America has- Their are dilapidated cities strewn with sewage and needles and people od ing but the secular progressives still want open borders-
   That is like a failing business- Lets borrow more money so we can put bad money on top of bad- We should get rid of the democrat politicians because they aren't doing their job- Open borders while our cities are in chaos with a homeless crisis and drug epidemic doesn't seem to add up very well. One has to get their own house in order before we have to worry about more illegal aliens and or why they should not be deported- These leftist manipulators try to tug on our heartstrings using Obama era pics in an attempt to demonize or Potus. Their are people who are successful in business who want to tax the rich but it still doesn't make any sense- Capitalism makes sense when it has good people behind it, trying to tax the 1% at 70% is confiscatory and will not be an effective strategy.
  We had globalists in the past who have rigged the system but that doesn't mean that capitalism wouldn't  work effectively once our economic engine gets tweaked in the right direction. This means that our Potus has always been for the little guy, he hasn't had a chance yet to implement the entire plan. That can happen after 2020 because right now he is still ironing out the kinks of a two tiered system however he is still doing a great job.

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