Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Angry Orchid

So my choice is to either dance with the devil or ride shotgun with Lucifer those are my options-
  What is the matter with rolling with the soldiers of the apocalypse- Most are high speed demon chasers- I had a dream a few weeks ago- Somebody in the rooms said it was ok to drink a bottle with 7.7% alcohol content and handed out a few of them- A couple of people drank it because they really looked up to and revered this man- I suppose he was like the Jim Jones wanna be. I held on to the bottle and showed it to my sponsor- He didn't think drinking it would be such a swell idea-
   The moral of the story I suppose is that we cant put our faith in a particular individual or even a group for that matter because our light needs to come from within- How much alcohol content does Angry Orchid have- 5.5% so the dream booze was fairly potent- Of course their are always toppers out there who will go on and on about grain alcohol and 4.5 bal's etc-  Do you mean the types that are all problem and no solution- ya something like that
   Angry Orchid gets people pissed off just like the spirits that they are- Ben Rush had a good solution for alcoholism and people with lunacy- "spirituous liquors destroy more lives then the sword- A people corrupted by strong drink can not long be a free people"- Benjamin Rush. Speaking of drink I though our Potus didn't imbibe however  I saw him drink a sip during the toast last week at the state dinner.
  So what is the solution people need to be willing to go all the way kind of like Gunny Highway USMC- Clint Eastwood- my way or the highway- You mean like listen to whatever their sponsor says even if they say its ok to drink- Willing to jump from one twin tower to the next- No only the mighty kong can do that- I heard that their were no planes- of course their were no planes their were helos that killed the mighty kong- It wasn't really the helos that killed him it was beauty that killed the beast

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