Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why The World Needs Warriors

(the world needs warriors-) may all beings be happy and free may I lead the life of a spiritual warrior- warriors get involved and avenge the lives of the innocent while sages don't-
  Warriors don't think its ok to murder Americans and then send fentanyl over the border- Its ok Mexican drug cartel just savagely assassinate American tourists Mormons and then send drugs through our pipelines which has contributed to the worst drug epidemic in world history.
   Sages don't get involved in worldly affairs many are new age woo woo and are convinced that doing so only ads gasoline to the fire- Infact some of these new age woo woos think its ok to let somebody take them out- What ever will be will be so just say the serenity prayer-
  What we resist persists that is why a sage sits above on his her spiritual hilltop and supposedly doesn't make judgments or assumptions- Warriors like Macarthur smoke their corn cob pipe while the sage smokes the peace pipe-Sages don't get involved in worldly affairs because they think they are above it all- They also feel that the masses aren't that bright while the warrior is on the ground fighting with them.
    Sages feel they are part of the universal oneness of all and their really isn't such a thing as bad or good- Warriors know that their is good and evil and that some people really are straight out thugs- CJ Jung and Fredrick Nietzsche were real life spiritual warriors- Jung wrote about the atrocities of the 2oth century and couldn't believe their could be so much pain suffering world wars etc.. At least he got involved and with that comes assessments and judgments-  Anybody who sits on the sidelines only to observe is not somebody to be trusted- Watch out for the pseudo wanna be sages, many are just Monday morning quarterbacks

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