Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unfreedom Of The Press

There is nothing so fretting and vexatious nothing so justly terrible to tyrants, and their tools and abettors, as a free press- David Copeland p-47
  Mark Levin explains how the New York Times covered up the atrocities of WW2- They covered up the Holocaust as well as Stalin's collectivization in 1933 where he starved millions of Ukrainians'- Why would they do that? Maybe because they were irresponsible and should be held culpable in aiding and abetting in heinous war crimes- According to a journalist the Ukrainians were hungry but not starving- If that was the case then why were millions of people starving to death. If people in the press told the truth then that would mean that they would have a moral obligation to do something about it, that is why many haven't.
  Its much easier to go along to get along-

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