Thursday, December 5, 2019

Land Of The Fee

Welcome to America home of the brave and Land of the fee- Devin Fergus explains how we the people have been slammed by corporate interests- If one is poor then they get penalized- We need x amount of dollars in our account otherwise we pay the piper-
  How you finance an asset can be as important as the asset- St Louis Federal Reserve- It really kicked in to high gear in the late 70's early 80;s- (New World Financial order-) This real world issue also expedited its greedy tentacles when wall street decided to screw over main street- This is also when nobody went to jail for egregious fraud and still continued on with their loyalty to the shareholders business model.
  Profits over people has been going on for a long time now because it doesn't really matter when people get fired because this is usually when the stock rises. Tucker Carlson stated that our Potus is a full blown bs artist that could  have made a fortune selling cars if he didn't make it in real estate.. Speaking of which Car Cash sounds like a decent franchise- The sell is in the buy and even if you suck at selling as long as one buys the car right they will be on the right track

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