Monday, December 23, 2019

Witch Hunt

we have some corrupt bureaucrats in our deep state swamp- how many search warrants and subpoenas did the Clinton probe receive- Mueller bogus witch hunt with his best bud Comey had 500 search warrants- 2800 subpoenas, it cost 30 million 19 lawyers and 40 fbi agents-
  Mueller had everybody genuflecting even though most knew that there was never a real crime that was committed- Comey is a liar leaker and a weasel even though he stated that he doesn't do weasel moves- Mueller then makes an unprecedented comment that didn't ad up under the circumstances- Potus Trump was guilty until proven innocent- This is usually how witch hunts work- He wanted the job as deep swamp fbi director but Potus rejected him- He then becomes special counsel leader with his pitbull Andrew Weisman- Licence to Lie and routinely did weasel moves under the color of law-
 Gregg Jarrett explains how the Mueller probe was his magnum opus filled with subterfuge and deception.
 Mueller's statement in conclusion to the witchunt made it appear that Potus was still guilty of something- This inst how the law of the land works- We are innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. The swamp creatures needed an excuse to justify 30 million and waste everybody's time with their real collusion partners the main stream media- Stormys lawyer I remember that man touting how bad our POTUS was and look at what happened to him-  If proven to be true he still deserves the presumption of innocence- The crimes that he is accused of Michael Avanatti sound like real crimes- CNN relished in this man as if he was their new spokesperson-
 Collusion is not a real crime except having to do with anti trust law ie- price fixing

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