Monday, December 16, 2019

Paper Tigers

With Donny Rumsfeld at the helm W was too busy chopping wood to know who the head general in charge of Afghanistan was- Petraeus lied about the surge by saying that it worked- Obummer and his phony tears sent more troops after getting elected on the promise of scaling down- Then when asked  what the overall strategy was he said to wipe out Al-Qaeda The only problem was Al Qaeda was gone long before however  the Taliban was still there-
  Nobody could explain what the definition of winning actually was but now Afghanistan produces most of the worlds opium- Do our leaders tell the truth about anything? If the Russian hoax wasn't bad enough now we have some bogus impeachment scandal, a complete deflection from the Afghan Papers- Our Potus didn't do anything illegal nor unethical, he had a conversion with Americas best interest at heart  and now they are trying to impeach him over this. Sigar fraud and abuse in Afghanistan a war that was supposed to represent the real war on terror- The more America spent the more the civilian warlord shareholders made with no overall strategy- 1 trillion dollars in a bottom of the barrel country- Was that worth any of our warriors lives, our civilian paper tigers never get in any trouble nor get held accountable

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