Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Attempted Coup d'etat

(The shocking report from the DOJ IG shows an out of control FBI under Pres Obama and former Director Jim Comey,) Stephanie Grisham. This was an overthrow of  government, this was an attempted overthrow and alot of people were in on it and got  caught red handed- (Potus Trump)
  (WitchHunt) by Gregg Jarrett- Cardinal Comey took it upon himself to be judge jury and executioner- huge ego his job as the FBI  director was to turn over facts to the DOJ  and have them make the decision- "No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case-" This was in reference to Clinton's perfidy and continued violations of the rule of law- Jarrett explains on pg 7-" he designed to anoint himself as the sole authority on whether criminal charges would be brought-" His job was to gather evidence through documents and witnesses-
  What an insult to the real FBI  guys who risk their lives out in the field every day going after real crimes. Sometimes looks can be deceiving but in many cases not. In this particular case these deep state bureaucrats not only look like weasels they are weasels- Rod Rosenstein asked if he was going to get fired after he allegedly cowered behind his desk- Not only that he explained how rigorous the FISA warrant applicant process was and how strict information has to be in order to obtain a warrant-
  It looks like he didn't follow his own advice- Adam Stiff looks like a weasel too I must admit- Shifty eyes that tell all because the eyes are the window of the soul- He made up a boldface egregious lie in order to instigate this impeachment process. In congress they are allowed to lie over and over again its actually legal for some unethical reason

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