Thursday, July 25, 2019

Slave To The Matrix

 Did you watch the Mueller show yesterday? He is a disaster, we learned more from watching 
 Tucker Carlson and Hannity then the man who was in charge of the 2 year plus witch hunt. It was not in his purview he didn't recall Fusion GPS the op research firm that laundered the information that created the bought Hillary dirty dossier that was bogus and unverified. A two plus year distraction that had all of their minions making it sound like our Potus was not on the up and up.
  That was really bad, spreading angst and anxiety dragging on this Mueller probe and then we find out that the man in charge or the man behind the curtain seems to not be mentally squared away. He was a war hero and did a lot of good things I suppose but why did they have a man who doesn't know about Fusion GPS as the head shed in charge. What else is going on? Lets see Elon Musk wants us to be a slave to the matrix and work 100 hours a week in order to succeed in life.
   This is a man who smokes weed on line and has a space x program that I have questions about. We don't need men like Mueller or Musk to be effective leaders for the next American evolution. His energy program seems to be ok and so does Telsa but 100 hour (work like hell) weeks is what the 3-d matrix is all about. So who are the real visionaries, the ones that are already leading the second or maybe even the first American evolution? Leaders like Vishen Lakhiani (Mind Valley) and Peter Thiel-  Vishen is already on a much higher level of consciousness and has personally experienced 3-d 100 hour matrix slave weeks and for him it was a recipe for an early death, no guarantee of success and no chance of having a real life. The most successful people are the ones who may work a lot of hours but they aren't slave 3-d grueling hours, it becomes just an extension of who they already are. That means no survival of the fittest stress filled failure. Its more like universal consciousness,  surrender and equilibrium, way above a basic 3-d low level of awareness.
   Peter Thiel a fb board member stated that "Google seemingly treasonous acts" with Dragon Fly and Deep Mind- In alliances with China military and not Americas could this be an accurate statement. What's todays quote of the day- "when you talk you are only repeating what you already know but if you listen you may learn something new"- Nirvana




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