Friday, July 12, 2019

1984- A Brave New World

What kind of world would you rather live in 1984 or A Brave New World? I would much rather live in Huxley's world because it is geared more toward the 5-d as opposed to 3-d- In Orwell's world we are in a constant state of perpetual war and surveillance- conflict tension and overall unhappiness-
  The brave new world is where we go along to get along and we don't have to worry about fighting any bad guys or girls because it just doesn't matter, we cant do anything about it anyway- The only thing we have to do is comply with the program and take our Soma- I would much rather be around people that never argued or caused conflict so Huxley's way is the way for me- Not only that he has a propensity toward psychedelics and this has already been proven to get us closer to our highest self-  If Soma creates bliss what more can we really ask for-
  That is what the UN was striving for in the early 60;s a more peaceful gun less world- Huxley's world is much healthier because Orwell's panapticon creates paranoia and lack of trust with big brother and law enforcement- As long as we do what we are told we don't have to worry about being spied on because its all for the greater good.
  People have a tendency to lose their mind in Orwell's world kind of the way Meg Gibson did in Conspiracy Theory- The only thing we have to worry about with Huxley is turning into a Timothy Leary disciple- Then again people have had many bad trips so that is something to be wary of as well- 
   Actually one cant ingest any illicit or illegal drugs in the Huxley world and this included cigarettes- ie- no tobacco. That is a step in the right direction, we can get into bread and circus shows on Soma instead and we don't have to worry about dying of lung cancer-  

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