Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Inherently Wrong

Andrew Weismann is a prosecutorial terrorist- Greg Jarrett- and Christopher Wray according to Joe di Geneva is an empty suit- When one of the best lawyers if not the best in Washington doesn't have respect for the current fbi director this is a sign that something is inherently wrong- If he didn't have solid reasoning behind that statement then he wouldn't have made it
  And former mayor Rudy Giuliani said "you are supposed to verify it jerk" in reference to James Comeys unverified dossier where he even admitted that it wasn't verified- For our former fbi director to actually stand down for a major foreign espionage case is disturbing beyond words- These people need to be discovered much sooner rather then later- Destroying a hard drive, bleach bit acid wash, destruction of evidence ignoring a subpoena, he was supposed to turn the information over to the DOJ and they were supposed to make the call. Instead he arbitrarily made the decision on his own because no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges against the queen of the cartel. Was this really an accurate statement because inquiring people wan to know
  So if the dossier wasn't verified and Comey  admitted that it wasn't verified then how did they get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

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